Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know that the training programs that have been offered by Arctic College for Renewable Resources officers have been very successful and many of the northern residents and aboriginal residents have been trained, so I will instruct the Minister Responsible for Renewable Resources work with the Hamlet of Gjoa Haven to see if a person can be identified to take the necessary training. Thank you.
Nellie Cournoyea on Question 102-12(3): Renewable Resources Officer Position In Gjoa Haven
In the Legislative Assembly on November 26th, 1992. See this statement in context.
Return To Question 102-12(3): Renewable Resources Officer Position In Gjoa Haven
Question 102-12(3): Renewable Resources Officer Position In Gjoa Haven
Item 5: Oral Questions
November 25th, 1992
Page 144
Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput
See context to find out what was said next.