Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Supplementary to the same Minister. During the May 13 public hearings which the Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions held on W.C.B., the representative from the Federation of Labour, Mr. Jim Evoy, made the following comments, "please look to British Columbia to the Penalty Assessment Program they have there. That just takes an enforcement arm of the inspectorate and puts it with the W.C.B." "It simply works like that. The penalty assessment officer or safety officer sees an infraction and he immediately writes it up and writes up a penalty assessment.
Instead of a fine in court, it is an additional assessment against the employer, all the names of the employers are published, they do have the right to appeal, it works and it is quick." Can the Minister indicate to the House whether the extra dollars and additional PYs that the Workers' Compensation Board is trying to build into its budget, are actually going to be used to experiment with Mr. Evoy's pet project?