Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I have a return to a question asked by Mr. Pudlat on November 20, 1992. Mr. Speaker, it concerns the search and rescue boat that Mr. Pudlat was requesting for Sanikiluaq. Mr. Speaker, search and rescue funding is provided under the new initiatives program administered by the National Search and Rescue Secretariat in Ottawa. Funding is provided to federal departments having a direct or indirect search and rescue mandate to develop search and rescue response capability throughout the country. Federal departments having a search and rescue mandate include the R.C.M.P., the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Coast Guard, Atmospheric and Environment Services and the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.
Any vessel purchased under this program would be owned by the sponsoring federal agency and could not be turned over for other community uses. Therefore, Sanikiluaq's request could not be accommodated by this program. Emergency Preparedness Canada administers the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program commonly called J.E.P.P. J.E.P.P. is a cost sharing program between the federal government, the provinces and the territories to enhance the emergency response capability in every region in Canada.
Municipalities, provincial and territorial government departments may access funding. Although funding is available to acquire equipment, facilities, training, planning and education, it is not available to purchase search and rescue boats. The Department of Economic Development and Tourism, Mr. Speaker, has funding programs which provide for the creation or expansion of businesses through the acquisition of new equipment and infrastructure. A private commercial venture could put together a business proposal to purchase a boat for commercial fishing, tourism, or freighting and could come to the department for assistance. If the business plan shows there is a market for the boat's services, that a profit can be made, and if the applicant has sufficient equity, the proposal will be considered for assistance.
In summary, a boat to be used for commercial purposes as well as search and rescue may qualify for departmental assistance, assistance from E.D.A. or, perhaps, from the Canadian Aboriginal Economic Development Program. Interested Sanikiluaq residents should contact the local economic development officer. The Sanikiluaq economic development office has indicated that the community would like assistance in getting a marine surveyor to assess the condition of an older boat which is in the community at the present time. The surveyor would recommend what repairs have to be undertaken. In this instance, Mr. Speaker, the department can assist. We look forward to their proposal. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.