Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I believe that every citizen of Canada, including Northerners, has at least two fundamental rights, that being the right to access quality education and the right to quality health care. By way of this Member's statement, Mr. Speaker, I would like to help rattle the federal government's chain once more on behalf of all Northerners. Mr. Speaker, I fully support the northern Premiers' stand against the federal government. It is high time we tell Ottawa that we won't be their puppet on a string anymore. The critical state of our northern health care system demands that we do nothing less. Mr. Speaker, the recent decision by the federal government defining health care funding on a per capita basis has effectively taken away our right to quality health care based on the proposed amount of funding that we are to receive.
Mr. Speaker, I don't have to remind everyone that of the proposed $12 billion offered to the provinces and territories over the next five years, the NWT's share would amount to $15.6 million. Mr. Speaker, this paltry sum offered by the federal government is absurd and a slap in the face to all Northerners.
Mr. Speaker, we need to keep the pressure on Ottawa to adequately fund us to reflect the reality of providing services in the North. Residents of the Northwest Territories have the worst health care statistics in the country. In addition, we have the highest health care costs in the country. Yet, we are slated to receive the smallest share of the pie. That really goes to show where the federal government's priorities are.
Mr. Speaker, I am somewhat encouraged by recent developments that have come to light since the three northern Premiers took their stand. I am honored that the Premiers have a meeting scheduled this coming Thursday with the Prime Minister. I truly hope that the Prime Minister will do the right thing to ensure that Northerners have access to the same quality of health care as other Canadians. I find it extremely sad, Mr. Speaker, when I hear Canadian taxpayers saying that the only time the federal government makes any attempt to listen to them is at election time. It appears this is sad, but true. Mr. Speaker, as I deliver my Member's statement in this House, Finance Minister Handley is getting ready to deliver the federal budget in the House of Commons.