Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it is an honour today, on behalf of the government and people of the Northwest Territories, to congratulate the RCMP on their actions to fight drug trafficking in our communities.
Since April 2004, "G" division's federal drug enforcement section has been investigating high level drug supply and distribution in the Northwest Territories. This project, code named "Gunship," culminated in a series of arrests late last week. These arrests mark the end of the covert phase of the project, but are not the end of the investigation, which is ongoing. This is a major step forward for the RCMP in reducing the main supply lines that bring drugs and their destructive effects into our communities.
I'm pleased to join with the RCMP in announcing a one-year pilot project to reallocate existing resources to form a street level drug enforcement team.
This four-member team will target street level distributors, couriers and dealers in all communities across the NWT. This project, developed in cooperation with the Department of Justice, is a direct response to public concerns regarding the drug trade.
However, Mr. Speaker, while we applaud the work of the RCMP, we must remember that the drug problem is not simply a policing issue. Mr. Speaker, the police play a role in reducing the supply of drugs, but communities can help reduce the demand for them. Each of us must contribute to the fight against drugs. This means reporting illegal activity you become aware of, and being prepared to testify in court if necessary. It may also mean supporting friends or family members in their efforts to get off drugs. Most importantly, we must ensure our children know the dangers of drugs and help them find safe, healthy activities that reduce their exposure to drugs and alcohol.
As with any social issue, the fight against drugs requires us to work together and, Mr. Speaker, this government is taking a lead role. A number of departments, including Health and Social Services; Education, Culture and Employment; Justice; the Workers' Compensation Board; the RCMP, and industry will hold a strategic planning workshop in November to develop a comprehensive and coordinated drug awareness campaign for the NWT.
Mr. Speaker, in closing, I congratulate the RCMP on the success of a long and demanding operation, and thank them for their commitment to making our communities safer for all of us. Our government will continue to support and work closely with the RCMP to make sure those who would supply illegal drugs to our communities are not welcome in the NWT, and their activities are not tolerated. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.