Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today being Valentine's Day, I thought it would be a good day to talk about diamonds. They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend. However, I would like to say that the diamond mining companies that produce them in the Northwest Territories are quickly becoming the Northwest Territories' best friend.
My committee recently had an opportunity to sit down with the diamond mines to talk about the provisions of their socio-economic agreements. Mr. Speaker, these agreements are required of the mine by the GNWT. They stipulate conditions such as targets for training, employment and business opportunities.
The diamond mines have come up under a lot of scrutiny in this House for various reasons in the past, Mr. Speaker, but I have to tell you I was very impressed with how much the mines are doing to attract people to the North, have them open businesses, buy homes and raise their families. This is over and above the corporate contributions that they make to the communities.
Mr. Speaker, the diamond mines are offering various significant incentives to southern employees if they will live in the North. Northern resident employees are also offered enhancements and incentives, which recognize their residency in the North. Some of the mining companies have helped start businesses and joint venture with northern companies, plus, Mr. Speaker, they actively encourage their southern suppliers to move north.
Mr. Speaker, the mines are meeting the terms of the socio-economic agreements and adding millions of dollars to our northern economy while they do that. Mr. Speaker, who is ultimately responsible for recruiting and retaining professionals in our communities? Where is the campaign? Where is the information about that effort? Who is going out and saying have you ever thought about living in the Northwest Territories and here are some of the advantages and some of the pluses. I don't know if we are actually fulfilling that role in an organized way and we do need to do that. We need an organized, overarching effort between industry, communities and the GNWT. Everyone has their role to play in this.
Mr. Speaker, the mines are doing their part for the economy of the Northwest Territories, but they do face challenges in terms of meeting their socio-economic agreement because of the nationwide labour shortages. I would encourage this government to work closely with all industry to attract a qualified labour force to the Territories and to keep working on and supporting the initiative in support of our northern workforce.
Mr. Speaker, I will just close by saying that I think that these diamond mining companies, BHP Billiton, Diavik and De Beers Canada, are very good corporate citizens and I look forward to working with them more closely in the future. I very much look forward to our meeting with De Beers in Hay River to acquaint them with our community in the next few weeks. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.