Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, for many years babies were born only in Inuvik and Yellowknife. After over 10 years of lobbying and pushing and encouraging of government by many of the women in Fort Smith, and support by the department, and support across the North for this service outside of Yellowknife, in 2005, midwifery legislation was passed and was made an insured service. We've had the benefit of two very skilled, dedicated and committed midwifes: Ms. Leslie Paulette and Ms. Gisela Becker, who were part of the initiative over the years to get this service provided outside of Yellowknife and Inuvik.
This is a very good news story, Mr. Speaker. In 2005, when the service first started, five births took place in the community. In 2006, that number was 14. As of today, the midwifery program provides care for the majority of childbearing families in the community, and the number of community births continues to rise. In 2006, 41 babies were born to Fort Smith families and the projections are that this number could increase to as much as 48 babies in 2007.
Currently, 32, or 70 percent, of the 41 babies born, and their mothers, are followed by the midwives. Prenatal visits average 16 visits per client, or 512 visits per year. Postpartum visits average 13 visits per client, or 416 visits per year. Newborn visits average 11 per client, or 352 visits per year. This averages out to 40 scheduled visits per baby and mother per year, or a total of 1,280 visits. Mr. Speaker, these are quality time visits and average about 45 minutes per visit; a type of care that mothers are very appreciative of, and doesn't happen through the normal course of events where no midwives are involved.
Mr. Speaker, three-quarters of the world use midwife services. We know that there is an obstetrics crisis in the country where there are not enough doctors around. The Northwest Territories had the foresight to pass this legislation. Fort Smith played the key role in pushing this because of the women and the midwives in the community. However, Mr. Speaker, I would submit that this is a service that every community and every region in the territory would benefit from. I would like to thank the department and the government for their support. This is a case of money well spent. Thank you.