Mr. Speaker, yes, I have already talked to the officials in the Housing Corporation about doing this to come up with a plan that is reasonable, that enables people to keep up with the current amount and pay something on the arrears, as small as it might be, but to work out and hopefully those people with arrears will cooperate with us and continue to make regular payments. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Debates of Feb. 14th, 2007
This is page numbers 861 - 906 of the Hansard for the 15th Assembly, 5th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was health.
Return To Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Supplementary To Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
Page 871
Jackson Lafferty North Slave
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there certainly is a need to have a clear communication dialogue, whether it be the North Slave District, the Behchoko Housing Authority, and also the headquarters. It is important for Members to clearly understand the process and services that are available to them. I'd like to ask the Minister, is he willing to develop plain language summaries of programs, rules and responsibilities and have them translated into Tlicho version? Mahsi.
Supplementary To Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Joe Handley Weledeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I listened with interest to the Member's statement this morning, and the suggestion to put it in the Tlicho language is a good one. I'll talk to our people about whether or not, how long it will take to do that. But we will endeavour to do that. Plain language version, I've asked them to also have the documents that we have written in as plain English as possible. No bureaucratese, or
whatever it's called. So we will do that as well. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Supplementary To Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
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Jackson Lafferty North Slave
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I guess the next question will be, when can we see this happening? Can we see this happen by this summer? Mahsi.
Supplementary To Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Joe Handley Weledeh
Mr. Speaker, certainly by this summer and our people from headquarters as well as from the North Slave region and ECE are meeting with the LHO, with the administration, with the clients, at a meeting on the 22nd of February. We won't have it then, but hopefully I think there are going to be translators there, and as quickly as we can we will get on the translation in plain Tlicho language. Thank you.
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Question 313-15(5): Repayment Plan For Tenants With Rental Arrears
Item 6: Oral Questions
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The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Handley. Oral questions. The honourable Member for Range Lake, Ms. Lee.
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
February 13th, 2007
Page 872
Sandy Lee Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'm going to, I think, switch gears and ask questions to the Minister of Health and Social Services in follow-up to the questions asked by my colleague from Kam Lake. It's in regards to the dementia centre. Mr. Speaker, the YACCS in Yellowknife have been working on this project for at least 20 years and this project has received good support from this House. It has mentioned, the support of it has been included in the Standing Committee on Social Programs' reports for every report within this Assembly, but obviously the progress has not been that quick and the project got some planning money. The thing is, the cost of the project has been going up for various reasons and I'm glad that the Minister has taken a look at this. I know that in principle he supports the idea of doing that, it's just a matter of scoping out the work of the project and the amount. So I'd like to know from the Minister if he could give us sort of a time frame on what the YACCS has to do to be able to bring this forward as a completed project. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Ms. Lee. The honourable Minister responsible for Health and Social Services, Mr. Roland.
Return To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
Page 872
Floyd Roland Inuvik Boot Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I guess for those listening, when we refer to YACCS it's the Yellowknife Association for Concerned Citizens for Seniors, and the Member is right. The issue has been brought up for some time. As a department we have dealt with the issue of, as I stated earlier, around existing facilities we had and services and trying to work in a program area. Ultimately, as the RFP has gone out here in January, the RFP closes on the 19th of this month and at that point we will review the information or, as the RFP closes, the information will be awarded and the work will begin on looking at the review of existing information and seeing where we can come in line with some of the costing issues as the Member raised. Thank you.
Return To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Supplementary To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Sandy Lee Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I understand the last number that was floating around was that the cost would be somewhere around $20 million, but the Minister has given leadership to the project to suggest something a lot less or something more manageable. The department officials and YACCS are working toward that. But the thing is this YACCS board and the staff are very small. They are volunteer-based, and the executive director of the association has his full-time job. The Minister has mentioned giving additional resources where necessary so that they can get the work finished in order that the project could be, at least the documentation could be forwarded to the Minister in time for the upcoming business plan session. So I'd like to know if the Minister could commit to providing those resources where necessary. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Supplementary To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Floyd Roland Inuvik Boot Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yes, the department has looked at the organization and realizes it's a small organization and we have committed to, as this review process is, do it internally. There's a committee that was formed in December and Public Works, the department itself, and YACCS representative are part of that. We will continue to work around the issue of costing and be looking at that without impacting the YACCS organization itself. Thank you.
Further Return To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Supplementary To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Sandy Lee Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Given the need to find some other partners to fund this project, in order to pay for the project, and also given the fact that this has been in discussion for so long and I know that the Minister is committed to seeing this possibly by the BP plan this time, could I ask the Minister whether that is still his plan, that he would like to work toward having something come before him in time for this upcoming business plan session? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Supplementary To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
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Further Return To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
Page 872
Floyd Roland Inuvik Boot Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it is my intention, once we have a more solid idea of the numbers, the type of facility, would be to carry it forward as part of the Department of Health and Social Services' business planning process. Ultimately that would
have to meet with all other departments in the sense of our limited capital dollars and that's why, in fact, we've gone back to the process of this RFP is to try to come in line with where the costing issues are and see where we can bring this project into our plan. But it will ultimately have to compete with the capital dollars from other departments. Thank you.
Further Return To Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Question 314-15(5): Construction Of Dementia Facility In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions
Page 873
The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Roland. Oral questions. The honourable Member for Sahtu, Mr. Yakeleya.
Question 315-15(5): On-the-land Rehabilitation
Item 6: Oral Questions
Page 873
Norman Yakeleya Sahtu
Mr. Speaker, my question today is for the Minister of Justice, the Honourable Brendan Bell. It has to do with the wilderness camp pilot project in our region, Sahtu region. I've asked the Minister if he would consider from his department developing an after-care program for those inmates that are in these wilderness camp programs, that they have solid support once they are released back into the communities or back to institutions once they finish their time on the land? Thank you.
Question 315-15(5): On-the-land Rehabilitation
Item 6: Oral Questions
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The Speaker Paul Delorey
Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. The honourable Minister responsible for Justice, Mr. Bell.
Return To Question 315-15(5): On-the-land Rehabilitation
Question 315-15(5): On-the-land Rehabilitation
Item 6: Oral Questions
Page 873
Brendan Bell Yellowknife South
Mr. Speaker, yes, we would and I don't want to get into the debate that we'll have around the budget, but Members do know that there are additional funds for community justice committees. This is the kind of program that would be envisioned. Thank you.