Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I think the fact is, as a government, we've heard the concerns about funding to NGOs. The study that was done was initiated through Yellowknife Health and Social Services with the organization partly to look at how they could seek funding from other sources and, as well, for Yellowknife Health and Social Services to address how it would put forward its submission to the department on forced growth. The government, overall, has heard this concern through our business planning process and we've looked at it and looked at the categories of NGOs and how they work with us in delivering programs on our behalf and we've established a number of categories. In fact, category A groups now qualify for forced growth submissions through the business planning process. So we have taken some initial steps in this area. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Floyd Roland on Question 147-15(6): Funding For Non-government Organizations
In the Legislative Assembly on August 17th, 2007. See this statement in context.
Return To Question 147-15(6): Funding For Non-government Organizations
Question 147-15(6): Funding For Non-government Organizations
Item 7: Oral Questions
August 16th, 2007
Page 392
See context to find out what was said next.