Mr. Speaker, as the Member knows, the Highway No. 7 is at the point of its life where it needs to be totally reconstructed. That is going to cost roughly $250 million or close to that amount. Mr. Speaker, we have identified several areas that we’re going to be working on and focusing on this year. There is some work that’s going to be done at kilometre 76 to develop a quarry, we’re going to be doing some work from kilometres 20 to 37, and doing some embankment investigation and some construction at kilometre 170. Those are the areas that we have targeted for this year. I think, Mr. Speaker, there are some areas that will be carried over from last year that we have to also accommodate in this year’s construction season. Thank you.
Michael McLeod on Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
In the Legislative Assembly on March 1st, 2011. See this statement in context.
Question 551-16(5): Condition Of Highway No. 7
Oral Questions
February 28th, 2011
Deh Cho
See context to find out what was said next.