In the Legislative Assembly on October 23rd, 2014. See this topic in context.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Jackson Lafferty

Jackson Lafferty Monfwi

Mahsi Mr. Speaker. I’d like to welcome to our gallery, through you, Mr. Speaker, Meagan Wowk, ECE early childhood and kindergarten coordinator who is here with us today. Also, Dr. Magdalena Janus is also here with us.

She is the co-creator of the EDI program from the Offord Centre for Child Studies and is training the junior kindergarten teachers on how to use the Early Development Instrument.

There are also teachers that are here with us from each of the communities offering Junior Kindergarten, except from the South Slave DEC where all their JK teachers are already trained to use the EDI. The teachers who are here with us are as follows: first is Silene Hebert, Nancy Noseworthy, Wanda Quigg, Genive – aka “Genny” – Di Bernardo, Robin Hatfield, Matthew Baetz, Christal Doherty, Elise Decarie-Jean, Angela Young, Theresa Hartley, Jennifer Thompson, Georgina Emaghok, Julie Donahue, Jennifer Russell, Nora Sargent, Alanna Duffy, Sandra Ipana, Lafi Schuck, Teresite Rodnunsky, Clara Redvers, Alicia Camille, Arlene Cliff-Philips, Melanie Switzer, Christianne Bezanson, Emme Landry, Victoria Budgell and Crystal Cockney. Thank you for being here with us. Mahsi.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

October 22nd, 2014

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Mr. McLeod.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Robert C. McLeod

Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to use this opportunity to recognize a couple of hardworking Pages from Inuvik Twin Lakes. I’ve got Ms. Tyra Cockney-Goose, who’s sitting over there by the deputy Sergeant-at-Arms, and I’ve got Julienne Chipesia. She’s just on the other side of the glass there. I’d like to thank them and all the other Pages for all the work they do throughout our time in session.

I’d also like to recognize two residents of Inuvik. They are constituents of Boot Lake, but I got up first, so I get to recognize them. We have Ms. Angela Young and Sandra Ipana. Thank you very much. Welcome to the Assembly.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Mr. Ramsay.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

David Ramsay

David Ramsay Kam Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize today the chief coroner of the Northwest Territories, Ms. Cathy Menard. Also with Ms. Menard we have other coroners from Yellowknife, Garth Eggenberger, Wendy Eggenberger, Nicole Latour, Ruth McLean and Adelle Guigon. I’d like to say thank you very much for the hard work that you do in performing your duties as coroners here in the Northwest Territories.

I also want to recognize all the educators we have with us today in the gallery. Finally, Mr. Speaker, I want to recognize Mr. Kevin Wallington for all the hard work he put in on developing the egg market here in the Northwest Territories. Thank you.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Colleagues, before we go on today, I’d also like to recognize Ms. Nicole Latour, who is nominated to fill the office of the Chief Electoral Officer effective

November 1st . Welcome to the House, Ms. Latour.

Ms. Bisaro.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Wendy Bisaro

Wendy Bisaro Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d also like to recognize the educators up behind me and the group of coroners who are here and welcome them to the House. I’d like to specifically mention Mr. Garth Eggenberger, a resident of Frame Lake, and if I’ve missed any other residents of Frame Lake, my apologies, and welcome.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Ms. Bisaro. Mr. Bouchard.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Robert Bouchard

Robert Bouchard Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize a constituent, Mr. Kevin Wallington. As I spoke of small businesses, he is a small business operator, Polar Eggs. I’d also like to acknowledge a couple of other people in the gallery, Mr. Garth Eggenberger, a good friend, also a business owner; and former Hay River resident Nicole Latour. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Bouchard. Mr. Moses.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Alfred Moses

Alfred Moses Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d just like to recognize and welcome Ms. Angela Young and Sandra Ipana as well as all the other educators joining us today. Thank you for all the hard work in the communities. I’d also like to recognize Cathy Menard. I’ve had a lot of really good conversations with her since being in the job. As well, I’d like to recognize all the other coroners joining her here today. I’d just like to thank them for their dedication and their devotion to residents of the Northwest Territories. I’d also like to thank and recognize the Pages for all their hard work that they did for us Members this week. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

Thank you, Mr. Moses. Mr. Menicoche.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

Kevin A. Menicoche

Kevin A. Menicoche Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I was pleased to hear Ms. Nancy Noseworthy’s name mentioned. She’s a resident of Fort Simpson. Welcome to the gallery. I hope you’re enjoying yourself here this week. Mahsi cho. Great to see you.

Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson

I’d like to welcome my constituents George Amok and I’m bad with names for the other two people who came from Tuk. I’m sorry, but welcome to the House. Angela, it’s always good to see you here. Ms. Sandra Ipana too. When I was going to Grollier Hall in Inuvik, her and her husband, Roy, took really good care of us. I’ll always remember that. Thank you so much for being here today. Educators, thank you for doing what you’re doing for the youth of our territory. Thank you.

Item 7, acknowledgements. Item 8, oral questions. Mr. Blake.