Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Hawkins.
Debates of Oct. 8th, 2015
This is page numbers 6827 – 6882 of the Hansard for the 17th Assembly, 5th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was work.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

Robert Hawkins Yellowknife Centre
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don’t think I have any constituents left in the gallery. They came and then they went, as previously mentioned by colleagues. But I do want to take a second to mention and certainly pass on my kindest regards to Melody McLeod. She’s the Premier’s wife. Every time I see her I’m reminded of an anecdote that Ms. Barbara Bush once said when they asked her what’s it like being her, and she said, “Well, I’ve been married to the President of the United States and my son’s the President of the United States and another son is the Governor of Florida,” and she goes, “I’m the most powerful person in the world.” Every man knows there’s some truth to that story, if your wife knows that. But I first met Melody back in 1987 when I was stolen from the clutches of the warm embrace of Fort Simpson to go to Akaitcho Hall, and I’ll say I’m a better man for it, knowing her there. She had been there for me many times, and I hope sometimes in the future too. Even though I pick on her husband from time to time as the McLeod government, hopefully she’ll still have a warm spot for me in her heart. Thank you very much.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

David Ramsay Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to recognize all of the visitors that we have in the gallery this afternoon. Especially I wanted to recognize Chief Edward Sangris with the Yellowknives Dene.
I also wanted to recognize, I know she’s been recognized before, my constituency assistant, Ms. Wendy Morgan. Thanks again, Wendy, for all of your hard work and your commitment to my office and helping me do my duties as MLA.
I also wanted to recognize Mr. Kevin O’Reilly, a former colleague of mine at City Hall.
I’ve also got in the gallery today a friend of mine, a consultant, David Wasylciw. Welcome to the House, David.
Also, I wanted to recognize Paula Walsh. I know the Premier did earlier, but I met Paula in Quebec earlier this year, and it’s great to see you here in the Northwest Territories. Enjoy your visit. Thank you.
Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson
Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Welcome to everybody here in the public gallery. Thank you for taking an interest in our proceedings.
Item 6, acknowledgements. Mr. Moses.
Acknowledgement 27-17(5): Jim Sawkins – NWT Fire Service Merit Award Recipient
October 8th, 2015

Alfred Moses Inuvik Boot Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This week is Fire Prevention Week. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize this year’s NWT Fire Service Merit Award recipient, Inuvik’s fire chief, Jim Sawkins. Chief Sawkins has been a firefighter for the past 35 years, with the past 15 as fire chief. He has been a fire chief for the Town of Inuvik for the past four years and, through his experience, has provided the volunteer fire department with a great training ground and sense of professionalism.
Chief Sawkins is actively involved with various territorial committees. He’s the president of the NWT Fire Chiefs’ Association, regional representative for the Beaufort-Delta region and sits as a member of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs’ National Advisory Council. He also just recently received the chief fire officer designation.
Fire Chief Jim Sawkins would like to highlight the fact that any achievements were only possible through the acceptance, hard work and dedication of the Inuvik volunteer firefighters and through the assistance of the NWT Fire Chiefs’ Association executive. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Acknowledgement 27-17(5): Jim Sawkins – NWT Fire Service Merit Award Recipient
Acknowledgement 28-17(5): Sarah Erasmus – Sait Polytechnic Outstanding Young Alumni

Bob Bromley Weledeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today I rise in the House to acknowledge my constituent Sarah Erasmus, a Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, or SAIT, Polytechnic Outstanding Alumni for 2015.
Through launching her own clothing company, Erasmus Apparel, she’s woven herself into the very fabric of Yellowknife and transformed an idea into a thriving business.
With eight employees, unique northern designs and a growing reputation, she’s sold more than 60,000 items through a storefront and online operations and proved that homegrown, sustainable businesses can thrive here.
I invite my colleagues to join me in congratulating Sarah Erasmus for a job well done.
Acknowledgement 28-17(5): Sarah Erasmus – Sait Polytechnic Outstanding Young Alumni
Acknowledgement 29-17(5): Peter Kay Sr. – 100th Birthday Congratulations

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It gives me great pleasure today to wish one of the most respected elders in the Mackenzie Delta a very happy 100th birthday on October 18th. Gwich’in elder Peter Kay Sr. from Fort McPherson is to be commended on healthy living and for taking care of his family and also living the Gwich’in cultural lifestyle for a whole century.
Mr. Kay’s livelihood, active living and positive outlook on life and family have given him the opportunity to spend precious time with his family at 100 years young.
I might add that Peter has passed down precious traditional knowledge to his sons and daughters as well as grandchildren whom he helped raise. His knowledge and storytelling will continue to be shared with his huge family as he blows out his 100 candles.
Mr. Peter Kay and his wife, Mary, who is 96 years old, are the oldest living couple in the Mackenzie Delta. They celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary in 2014. I would like my colleagues to help me extend warm wishes to this happy couple.
Mr. Speaker, Members of the Legislative Assembly, please join me in congratulating Peter Kay on his 100th birthday. They are also still living at home, too, Mr. Speaker.
Acknowledgement 29-17(5): Peter Kay Sr. – 100th Birthday Congratulations

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson
Thank you, Mr. Blake. Before I call a 15-minute break, I’d like to wish Mr. Kevin Menicoche, for yesterday, a happy birthday.
And for today, Mr. Jackson Lafferty turns 50.
Happy birthday. I will call a 15-minute recess.
Acknowledgement 29-17(5): Peter Kay Sr. – 100th Birthday Congratulations
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I just have a few questions for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. The feasibility study of universal affordable daycare in the Northwest Territories was tabled in this House on June 4, 2015, and recommended consolidating early childhood education and daycare grants, including small community initiatives grants.
What actions is the Department of Education, Culture and Employment taking to make daycare more accessible and more affordable in our small communities? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson
Thank you, Mr. Blake. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Lafferty.
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Monfwi
Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. We’ve initiated the feasibility study that’s been undertaken by my department through a consultant. There’s been a lot of engagement with the general public and stakeholders across the Northwest Territories. Obviously, one of the key points that they’ve highlighted is for us to work very closely with the communities, all nine remote communities and the most isolated communities in the Northwest Territories. Some community members and also organizations feel left out of the core programs that are being delivered at the regional basis.
That is some of the emphasis that’s been highlighted as part of the recommendations which will be brought forward to the 18th Assembly to decide if they want to move forward on that. Mahsi.
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta
The Department of Education, Culture and Employment offers funding to licenced daycare centres and day homes. There are different rates for different regions and communities.
What options are available for communities in the Mackenzie Delta? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Monfwi
Mr. Speaker, we are currently subsidizing the daycare establishments and early childhood centres across the Northwest Territories. We have provided funding for programming, the mortgage. There are various subsidies that we provide to these establishments. One of the highlights, obviously, part of this feasibility study is to capture what is being provided currently and how can we improve in those areas. Again, capturing those small communities has been highlighted by the stakeholders, and some of the recommendations, obviously, will capture that. It is an integrated approach, working with various organizations, so that will be put forward to the 18th Assembly.
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta
What will the Minister be recommending to the 18th Legislative Assembly to improve support and funding daycare centres and family day homes, especially in our small communities?
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Monfwi
The feasibility study, the outcome of the report and then the recommendations that came out of that will be brought forward to the 18th Assembly government. It does cover a spectrum of how we can improve our current programming that we have. As I stated before in this House, there’s always room for improvement in the programming, in departmental division areas. We look forward to those types of discussions as we move forward.
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Frederick Blake Jr. Mackenzie Delta
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to ask the Minister, I know we are closing the 17th Legislative Assembly here, but is the department open to pilot projects?
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions

Jackson Lafferty Monfwi
Those are discussions that need to happen within the next government. We’re at the end of our session here and we only have a couple weeks as Regular Members now, so our term will be up as Ministers, Cabinet and Executive. This, what the Member is alluding to, obviously, will be brought forward within the next government to decide if they want to proceed with that other project.
Question 952-17(5): Accessible And Affordable Daycare
Oral Questions
Question 953-17(5): NWT Tourism Marketing
Oral Questions

Daryl Dolynny Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to give Mr. Miltenberger a break here today. I’d like to talk about tourism for my last set of questions. NWT Tourism likes to market the NWT as a premier world-wide tourist destination. However, hampered with a limited budget and a complex five regional marketing plan, it does beg to ask how we’re able to compete on the national and world stage when it comes to tourism. The traveller is more sophisticated than ever and is looking for that wow factor. My question has always been are we able to deliver at that level. With that in mind, my questions will be for the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment.
A successful tourism economy depends on a skilled workforce and a world-class hospitality program.
Can the Minister inform the House how his department supports the development of human resources that will ensure that the visitors to the NWT will have this experience that exceeds this wow factor?
Question 953-17(5): NWT Tourism Marketing
Oral Questions

The Speaker Jackie Jacobson
Thank you, Mr. Dolynny. The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Mr. Ramsay.