Thanks again, colleagues.
• ENR and Lands have promised assessments for the developments that we have within the territory to chart the unknowns. Make sure that they’re done.
• ENR and Lands have promised securities for those developments and liabilities to make sure that those happen and that we get the money that is deserved in order to clean up.
• Climate Change Plan. The development of a Climate Change Plan is necessary.
• Health and Social Services has promised us a Pharmaceutical Strategy.
• The Human Rights Commission has done a wonderful review of the Human Rights Act. We need to make sure that amendments are followed through on.
• Justice needs to bring forward legislation for an ombudsman, please.
• Health and Social Services is promising Medical Travel Policy and Program changes. Follow up on those.
• Education infrastructure and schools is lacking and the need to find some solutions to the court case, which has been ongoing forever.
• The Mineral Development Strategy and the Economic Opportunities Strategies. Those are both well developed, but we need to monitor the actions that are going on in them.
Some of these are well developed; some of them just need monitoring; some are in development and need watching to make sure they happen. Some of them need to be developed. It’s a long list and it only covers my personal recollections of what needs to be done.
To the 18th Assembly I say, it’s a lot of work to do it right, but please roll up your sleeves and get ‘er done.
Finally, I’d like to say some thank yous that I didn’t include yesterday at my peril. Thank you very much to the staff of the Assembly. Mr. Bromley said it extremely well. All of the staff here are excellent and they have made our job, my job, our job much easier. To you, Mr. Speaker, thank you for your support. To my CAs, I’ve had three in the course of my eight years here and all three of them have been excellent support and excellent help for the work that I do.
Lastly, although not least, to my family and my friends who have provided support. I don’t have much family here, but I certainly have friends here and some of them are in the gallery and they have been extremely supportive and have made my job a lot easier. So, thank you all.