This is page numbers 6353 - 6412 of the Hansard for the 18th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was assembly.


Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6362

Cory Vanthuyne

Cory Vanthuyne Yellowknife North

Thank you to the Minister for her response. I appreciate that the Minister is feeling more positive about this and that we are beginning soon. I appreciate that. In news reports about the government's post-secondary strategic framework, the Minister referred to the idea of having a bricks-and-mortar campus as being, let's call it, old. Some people are concerned that that means she is backing away from the idea of a polytechnic institution. Can the Minister clarify or shed some light on what she intended?

Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6362

Caroline Cochrane

Caroline Cochrane Range Lake

Yes. I would love to actually clarify because sometimes my mouth goes a little bit faster than my brain, or vice versa. Sometimes, things don't get out there the way they should. I will start by saying that, when I said that the idea of bricks-and-mortar is old, I did clarify and say that, as an old woman, sometimes our old perceptions are that post-secondary education has to be bricks and mortar.

The question came up in regards to where is the headquarters going to be, the age-old question that has come up. I said maybe it is time to stop thinking about where the headquarters will be. In fact, the whole idea of bricks-and-mortar and that is kind of an old concept, maybe from old people like me. We are in an age of technology. We are in an age of the future. Technology, where it has come in the last 20, 30 years, where it is going to be in the next five, 10 years is incredible, the strides we are making.

If we don't include technology as a reality and we don't also consider the feedback from students when I went to the communities who said, "I want to stay in my own community." I am talking about students who are young, students who might be single parents, students who financial resources might be an issue, social isolation, they are not used to big cities, all those factors.

When I said that "We need to look at bricks and mortars. Is that the right way?" it wasn't meant to say we are throwing it out. There will always be a need for campuses. We have programs such as one of our most successful, the nursing program, that will always need labs. Some programs will always need tools within a bricks-and-mortar setting. We also need to look at programs that we can access students via technology, utilizing, for example, our 21 community learning centres in the communities. Can we access them? When we give up programs because there is not enough attendance and we could have accessed students via the internet, then we need to look at that.

Again, my statement of old was an analogy about my age, as well. The intention was that we will not have any campuses. It means we need to be inclusive and flexible and look at all modes of providing education for our students.

Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6363

Cory Vanthuyne

Cory Vanthuyne Yellowknife North

Thank you to the Minister for that lengthy reply and for providing that clarification. I mean, we all know that sometimes, when we are paraphrased in articles, it can be seen in a different light. I appreciate the clarification. With that said, I would like to learn a little bit more from the Minister. If there is this intention, not intention but let's say this less emphasis on a physical location and more, call it Internet access and communication, online access, how would a polytechnic attract business investment, let's say, and scientific research and partnerships with other institutions if we don't have the physical asset?

Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6363

Caroline Cochrane

Caroline Cochrane Range Lake

Again, in clarifying, we will always need bricks and mortar. Maybe not. Maybe I am again thinking narrowly. Maybe another 50 or 100 years, we won't. At this point in society, we still need those bricks-and-mortar. We are making money at our college/university institute in Inuvik. I mean, it is renting out spaces to and being utilized by scientists internationally. Why would we give that up? It is necessary. There is potential. Like I said, we need programs that will have access to tools and labs that you need in a brick-and-mortar setting. Those will bring investments.

The whole point is that we need to reach our students. Every student in the Northwest Territories needs to have an option, an opportunity to actually become educated. For Indigenous people, that is even more important. Education took our culture away, and education is the key to bringing it back. We need to look at how we can get our education system into every single community in the Northwest Territories.

Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6363

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Yellowknife North.

Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6363

Cory Vanthuyne

Cory Vanthuyne Yellowknife North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you to the Minister for her reply. I appreciate that. Many of the benefits of a post-secondary institution exist beyond the academic content of courses but, instead, come through networking and social connections among students and faculty from different backgrounds. That is some of the importance of coming together at a place, at a centre. Would the Minister agree that these are important qualities supported by a physical campus? If there is to be a physical polytechnic campus, does it make sense that such a campus would be located in the capital, in Yellowknife? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6363

Caroline Cochrane

Caroline Cochrane Range Lake

Absolutely. It makes sense that we have supports for students. One of the best things about remembering when I was back in university, again, I am old so it was quite a long time ago. When I was back in university, some of the best supports I had were from my peers. I am assuming that that is still relevant. I have been to the campus in Yellowknife. They are meeting in the stairwell. It is not even a space. I wouldn't even call that a student area. It is not the campus's fault. It is not Yellowknife's fault. It is the fault that we have outgrown it. Yellowknife is bulging at the seams.

Would I say that we need to consider that? Absolutely. What I would say is that we made a commitment that we would have three strong campuses in three strong communities and 21 strong community learning centres. That means that Inuvik, Fort Smith, and Yellowknife all need to be looked at. Currently, though, the one that needs the campus right away is the Yellowknife one.

I am not going to say, "Does it make sense for it to be in Yellowknife?" What I will say is that Yellowknife needs a campus. All three communities need to be sustainable, promoted, and not only the three communities, the 21 community learning centres. Again, the goals within our foundational framework said student-focused, increased access, local, regional needs, amongst others. Our commitment is to maintaining that. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 845-18(3): Polytechnic University
Oral Questions

Page 6364

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

I would like to remind the House that it has been almost 10 minutes, and we have only had one question. Both sides' preamble, answering questions, if it can be shortened, because this can lead to written statements, written questions. I have to remind Members it has been 10 minutes, only one question period. Just a reminder to Members. Oral questions. Member for Nahendeh.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Shane Thompson

Shane Thompson Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Earlier today I spoke about seniors and elders. Today my questions are for the Minister of Health and Social Services. My first question: what are the next steps for the department with respect to the continuing care facility legislative initiative? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There is currently a legislative gap for residential community care services in the Northwest Territories. That includes long-term care facilities that are run by not-for-profit organizations, supported living facilities, as well as group homes. It is more than just long-term care facilities that we are talking about now. The "What We Heard" document is what we heard from a wide range of stakeholders throughout the Northwest Territories.

The next step is to develop an LP. These are the dying days of this Legislative Assembly, so I have asked the department to put together materials that could be shared with the new Minister, so that he or she can work with committees to finalize and put forward an LP that will meet the needs of the people of the Northwest Territories.

It is not going to be super straightforward, Mr. Speaker, as you can see in the "what we heard" document. There are a lot of varied opinions on how we need to move forward on this, and those will be discussions and debates that will need to be had in the next Assembly. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Shane Thompson

Shane Thompson Nahendeh

Can the Minister advise us if there is a timeline in mind for when this legislation might be coming forward?

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

No. At the end of the day, it's going to be the next Assembly that makes the decisions as to whether they even want to move forward with an LP on this initiative. I personally believe that it needs to be done. I think that it is necessary and incredibly important, because we do have a legislative gap. As I have said, I have asked the department to put together the materials so that the new Minister, regardless of who he or she is, can make some informed decisions and work with committee, who can also receive this information during their technical briefings in the life of the new Assembly, so that they can make informed decisions, and hopefully, they will see this as a priority.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Shane Thompson

Shane Thompson Nahendeh

I agree with the Minister. I think that it should be a priority for the 19th, but we will have to wait and see who is here in the 19th Assembly. Looking at the "what we heard" report, I didn't see any specific proposal to create advocate positions, but I have heard this idea talked before, even before I was an MLA. It is good to have the legislation, but we need to be forward-thinking about putting these positions out there. Is this part of the discussion moving forward?

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

Prior to the last election, the Seniors' Society did put out some information on the creation offer a seniors' advocate. The continuing care action plan or the "what we heard" document is more than just seniors, as I have indicated. It's special care homes; it's all these situations where somebody might have to live within an institution. There is no reference to an advocate in there, but once again, that is something that the next Assembly will have to discuss as they are reviewing the LP and trying to figure out how to move this initiative forward.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Nahendeh.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Shane Thompson

Shane Thompson Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I appreciate the Minister for his answers. I have heard this from the Minister; he's already going to put something together for the new Minister coming forward. Would he try to encourage the department to reach out to the new Members of the 19th Assembly to get their input on this initiative before finalizing an LP, just to see what also might be out there? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

I have gone one step further than that. I have actually asked them to include it in transition materials coming from this department to the committees and to all new elected Members so that they can make an informed decision. As far as the LP, we have a process and protocols on how LPs work. It will come from a Minister, and it will go to committee, who have an opportunity to suggest amendments, changes, or reject or accept. There will be definite interaction moving this LP forward, as any. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 846-18(3): Continuing Care Facilities Legislation
Oral Questions

Page 6364

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Oral questions. Member for Yellowknife Centre.

Question 847-18(3): Seniors' Home Care
Oral Questions

August 22nd, 2019

Page 6365

Julie Green

Julie Green Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Health and Social Services. As the population of seniors grows, so does the demand for homecare so that they can age in place. Of course, the Minister is well aware of this. I know that he has contracted a review of home and community care. Can the Minister begin by reminding us of the purpose of this study? Thank you.

Question 847-18(3): Seniors' Home Care
Oral Questions

Page 6365

The Speaker

The Speaker Jackson Lafferty

Masi. Minister of Health and Social Services.

Question 847-18(3): Seniors' Home Care
Oral Questions

Page 6365

Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The intent of this study is to determine whether or not we have adequate resources in this area, including homecare workers, home support workers, homecare nurses, and other things to help support, not just seniors and people who are looking to age in place, but all people of the Northwest Territories who receive homecare services. It's not always seniors; there are many people that can receive those services. That is the intent: to give us an indication of where we are and whether we are adequately resourced to meet the needs of our residents.

Question 847-18(3): Seniors' Home Care
Oral Questions

Page 6365

Julie Green

Julie Green Yellowknife Centre

I appreciate the reminder from the Minister that homecare is actually for all us. I benefited greatly from their attention during an accident that I had at the beginning of this Assembly. My question for the Minister is: what is the status of the homecare study now, and does he know when it will be made public?

Question 847-18(3): Seniors' Home Care
Oral Questions

Page 6365

Glen Abernethy

Glen Abernethy Great Slave

We received an early draft in the middle of July, and it did raise a number of questions about some of the findings based on the data. Clearly it indicated that there were some difficulties getting some of the data. We had to confirm some of the data. We sent back some comments and some updates on the data to make sure that the contractor had accurate information in their assessments and in their provision of recommendations.

I have been told by the department earlier today that we will get that report at the end of August. We will make it available. It likely will not come to the existing MLAs in time for the election, but we will make it public, hopefully during the election period, so that everybody who is interested in coming into this building can have the data that they need to make informed decisions in the future.

Question 847-18(3): Seniors' Home Care
Oral Questions

Page 6365

Julie Green

Julie Green Yellowknife Centre

I wonder what the plan is to secure the money to implement the report's recommendations. I realize that there is an election coming, but will there be any work done on an FMB submission so that there will be money for additional resources, should they be required?