Masi. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery. Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes.
Debates of Aug. 23rd, 2019
This is page numbers 6413 - 6444 of the Hansard for the 18th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was assembly.
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
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Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
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Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize my wife, Judy. I appreciate all the support over the last number of years. It makes it a lot easier. I think someone pointed out that they really have to look after the home front while we are down here and has done a great job. I am looking forward to spending a lot more time at home. I would also like to recognize a couple of the residents of Inuvik. I think here with the returning officers is Mr. Chris Garven. Good to see you here, Chris. Mr. Mitchell McQuarrie, welcome to the gallery. I failed to thank my constituency assistant in Inuvik before, who has been with my office for nine years, Sharleagh, and thank her for the service she had had. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, very much for our friendship over the last 14, 15 years. I hope it continues. Thank you.
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
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The Speaker Jackson Lafferty
Certainly welcome. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery. Member for Great Slave.
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Glen Abernethy Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize three people in the gallery who have been who have been incredibly important to me over the last three years as both an MLA and as a Minister. First, I would like to recognize Cathy Olsen, who is not only a constituent of the Great Slave riding but has been one of the most amazing constituency assistants I have ever had. She has helped me keep my office in order and make sure that I am responding and working for the residents of the Great Slave riding on a daily basis.
I would also like to recognize from my ministerial office Ramie Ireland, who is, in my mind, probably the greatest executive assistant that I have ever had and has been a gem and an amazing person, has kept my office in order. As well as Susan Laramee, who has been a special advisor for me for the last four years. I often say she is the one who makes sure I make it where I need to be when I need to be and remember which speaking notes I am supposed to be talking from.
I would like to recognize these three amazing people in the gallery and thank them for all their incredibly hard work. I am going to miss them. I am going to miss seeing them every day. At the same time, Mr. Speaker, I am incredibly excited to be putting down my phone so I don't have to take calls 24 hours a day, and I will be able to spend some incredible, uninterrupted time with my beautiful wife, Carolyn, and my amazing 16-year-old son, John Russel Smith Abernethy. Thank you.
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The Speaker Jackson Lafferty
Sixteen months. Masi. For the record, that is 16 months. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery. Member for Range Lake.
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Caroline Cochrane Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know you are going to get mad at me, but I want to take a moment more, probably. I want to start by recognizing the Native Women's Association of the Northwest Territories. I am not going to read off their names, but I want to say that this organization has stuck behind me 100 percent for the last four years with no lateral violence, with no backhand. They have been behind me as an Indigenous woman. I sincerely thank you for what you do for Indigenous women. Thank you.
Mr. Speaker, I also want to recognize in the House my sister-in-law, Karen Cochrane, who is here, married to my brother. Welcome, Karen. My nephew Garrett is here, as well.
Mr. Speaker, a little bit emotional, the most important woman in my whole life is here today. My mother is here in the House, Ms. Shirley Cochrane. She has never stepped foot in this Assembly before. I apologize, Mom. Over the last four years, I have only been able to see her two or three times because of the job. I love you to the world. Even though I don't see you, you are the most important thing in my life. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. I owe everything to you, Mom. Thank you.
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
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The Speaker Jackson Lafferty
Masi. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery. Member for Inuvik Boot Lake.
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Alfred Moses Inuvik Boot Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize Mr. Chris Gargen, joining us here today from the constituency of Inuvik Boot Lake. I would also like to recognize, as I mentioned earlier, Sheila Kotchilea, who has been a very strong supporter, not only for my office, but for all Members and providing information to Members of the Legislative Assembly. I know she is going to continue to do great work. Ronna Sharegan, she has been a really great job. I know that you are going to have a good future in this House. As well as, of course, Judy McLeod, Hilda Camirand.
Just for the record, Mr. Speaker, this is my last day in the House. I would like to recognize a very special constituent who has done a lot of hard work for our territory, the NWT, nationally, internationally, regionally, local. That special constituent is, I am not going to say his middle name, Robert C. McLeod. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
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The Speaker Jackson Lafferty
Masi. Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery. Member for Hay River South.
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
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Wally Schumann Hay River South
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize today in the House Marny Twigge and Heather Coakwell for their continued work with NWT Elections and the coming up elections. I would like to welcome Mrs. Trentor to the House today, as well. Nice to see you, Mrs. Trentor.
I didn't do any closing Minister's or Member's statement, but I want to take one second to thank everybody for the last four years. I think, most importantly for me, I want to thank the Premier. This has been a tough four years, and he's been a mentor to me, and he's done us an honour serving us for the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Premier.
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery
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The Speaker Jackson Lafferty
Recognition of visitors in the gallery. I think there are a couple of individuals that we didn't highlight earlier, but they are here with us today, and that's from the Government House Leader's Office, David Hastings and Soledad Boado. Thank you for being here today. If we missed anyone in the gallery, thanks for being here with us. It's always great to have an audience as part of our proceedings. Masi cho. Item 6, acknowledgements. Item 7, oral questions. Member for Nahendeh.
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
Oral Questions
August 23rd, 2019
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Today my questions are for the Minister of ENR. Mr. Speaker, in the Nahendeh riding, in particular Fort Liard and Nahanni Butte, we've had some issues with the buffalo. The community has reached out and asked: what are we doing there? Can the Minister please provide us an update on what plans they have to help mitigate the problems that these animals are causing? Mahsi.
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Bison normally come into the community. I was actually on a constituency tour with the Member a couple of winters ago, and there were actually bison right in the community. We work closely with the community of Fort Liard and Nahanni Butte to try to address this issue. In Liard, when bison come into the community, we try to herd them out by the local renewable resource officer, and we are considering a similar program in Nahanni Butte.
If bison do not leave and pose a public threat, they are removed by ENR or a community member with a bison tag. If the bison are removed, the meat is shared within the community for dry meat. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
Can the Minister advise: has the department's staff reached out to the leadership in both of these communities moving forward to try to address this issue?
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
We have worked with both communities to develop a Nahanni bison management plan. That was completed in August of this year, and I believe I may have tabled that a couple of days ago. That includes approaches to reduce bison-human conflicts. We've also provided a range of public information to promote awareness of wood bison in ways to avoid conflict.
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
When I've been talking to the residents in both those communities, they talked about the opportunity to maybe increase the number of tags for outside the region, not just the community. Has the department looked at that potential opportunity?
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
There are a number of options that our department needs to look at. I think we've heard from the Member from Mackenzie Delta about their programs with grizzly bears, and if we would consider the number of tags that are used or allocated. It is something else we would have to look at. In this particular area, we would have to look at it, the bear problem in the Beau-Del, as well. We need to take all these factors into consideration as we try and help alleviate the problem of animal-human conflict.
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I appreciate the Minister's answers. I have to give a big shout-out to his department, especially in Fort Liard and Fort Simpson. They do manage these areas here, and they're doing a great job, and they're communicating with the residents, and they're trying to address this issue locally, as well. Can the Minister advise if the department has reached out to the Department of Infrastructure to look at bordering the airports, putting fences around them, similar to what is done in Fort Providence?
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Robert C. McLeod Inuvik Twin Lakes
We have worked with communities and MACA to fence off some key areas to keep bison out. I think one of the examples is in Fort Liard, and we will continue to work with the community of Nahanni Butte to explore options for fencing the Nahanni Butte airstrip again. Our departments will work closely with each other to try and find ways to help alleviate some of the problems that they're facing in the Nahendeh region with regard to bison, so we will continue to work on that and ensure that the public safety of the people is our first priority. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 850-18(3): Bison in Nahendeh Communities
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Question 851-18(3): French First-Language Education Admissions
Oral Questions
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Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake
Merci, Monsieur le President. My questions are for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. In my statement earlier today I mentioned the difficult relations between our government and the NWT francophone community over education. Can the Minister tell me how many applications for admissions by non-rights holders she has received under the 2016 directive, and how many were approved? Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Question 851-18(3): French First-Language Education Admissions
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Question 851-18(3): French First-Language Education Admissions
Oral Questions
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Bob McLeod Yellowknife South
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will have to take that question as notice. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.