Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I know there are some voices that are very loud about their belief about not being vaccinated or not informing the government, essentially, of their choices around vaccines.
The policy and the approach of the government has always, from the early days of the pandemic, been one about education, trying to provide information, trying to educate people about the best way to keep themselves safe, to keep members of the public safe, members of their community safe, and vaccination is a critical element in that.
So quite simply, Mr. Speaker, I would expect that I certainly can speak, and I do speak regularly with the CPHO. I anticipate, given that the federal government's regulations are even stricter that they too view vaccines as being an essential part of keeping their people safe as well as keeping the public safe that they serve.
So I am hopeful that over the next seven days, we see a high uptake in terms of the number of proof of vaccines that come in. I am hopeful that if people continue to have uncertainties or questions that they will speak to their health care provider. They don't need to come to the government, they don't need to look to the government for that information, they can go and speak to someone they trust in the health care profession. They should be getting that information from those professionals who can hopefully answer their questions, provide them the assurances they need, and it is certainly my hope that we will not be losing a great deal of jobs here in the Northwest Territories over that. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.