Thank you, Madam Speaker. And thank you to the Member for the question because this is quite crucial in the Beaufort Delta, addressing homelessness looking at the severe weather conditions as well too, and trying to keep those shelters open. The program right now is internally funded. We will have to come back -- I would have to follow up with the Member on looking at when are we going to be doing forecasting into the future as well too. And one of the things I would like to -- I wanted to do is to encourage the NGOs at that time that we work with them to submit a co-investment application. But unfortunately that NGO had fallen apart. But it doesn't stop us from trying to work with the community and trying to come up with solutions to addressing homelessness in the Beaufort Delta. Mahsi, Madam Speaker.
Paulie Chinna on Question 1305-19(2): Addressing Homelessness
In the Legislative Assembly on November 3rd, 2022. See this statement in context.
Question 1305-19(2): Addressing Homelessness
Oral Questions
November 3rd, 2022
Page 5073
See context to find out what was said next.