Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you Mr. Premier -- I mean Madam Premier. Does the Premier recognize the treaties as the reconciliation of pre-existing sovereignty of Indigenous people on this territory and the Crown. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Debates of June 3rd, 2022
This is page numbers 4497 - 4544 of the Hansard for the 19th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was know.
Oral Question 1149-19(2): Reconciliation and Completion of Rights Agreements
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Oral Question 1149-19(2): Reconciliation and Completion of Rights Agreements
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Caroline Cochrane Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Absolutely, within the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous People, which is a priority of this government, there is a recognition of Modern Treaties and self-government agreements, and so I will continue to uphold that agreement. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Does the Premier agree that our laws and policies need to respect the inherent sovereignty of the treaty First Nations and to reconcile our authority with that of First Nations and Indigenous governments. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
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Caroline Cochrane Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We wouldn't call them self-government agreements if we didn't believe in the concept of them being able to self-govern. Within all self-government agreements, there is clauses within each chapter that identify the paramountcy of laws. And many of those chapters, Mr. Speaker, the Indigenous government has paramountcy over the territorial government. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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The Speaker Frederick Blake Jr.
Thank you, Honourable Premier. Final supplementary, Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.
Oral Question 1149-19(2): Reconciliation and Completion of Rights Agreements
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Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you Premier. Does the Premier support the initiative to periodically review and update all treaties and modern land claim agreements in this ongoing spirit of sharing, reconciliation, and mutual respect. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker, and thank you Mr. Speaker.
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Caroline Cochrane Range Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Actually I do believe that within the agreements, there is a clause that states that they can be reviewed and updated as necessary. There is a commitment to that. Again, Mr. Speaker, though, in recognizing that I am willing to work with Indigenous governments, but really, the priority, Mr. Speaker, is to try to get all Indigenous governments into a place where they have land claims that are settled and self-agreement -- self-governing agreements that are settled so that they do take their rightful place at the table. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1149-19(2): Reconciliation and Completion of Rights Agreements
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Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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June 3rd, 2022
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Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake
Merci, Monsieur le President. Yesterday the Minister of Lands made a Minister's statement in the House enhancing transparency and client experience. This was about the administration of lands in the Northwest Territories in something called ATLAS, which is a pretty cool computer based information system about land here in the Northwest Territories.
So I commend the Minister for this effort in bringing more transparency to ourselves as a, you know, manager of lands. But I want to ask some specific questions about whether this new information available through ATLAS includes information about financial security that our government might hold. So if I could get the Minister to answer that, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Department of Lands recently expanded the information and data related to land administration and is available to the public and as part of our efforts to increase transparency. The Department of lands currently tracks the form, the amount, and expiry dates for security and is working on how to make this information transparent through the public lands regulation.
At this point, lands has not included financial information related to the leases on the ATLAS system. We are looking to do this into the future.
I agree that accountability of land manages; we should be open and transparent. The Department of lands is currently reviewing the on land platform -- online platform to make -- to best make this information publicly available. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake
Merci, Monsieur le President. I want to thank the Minister for that information. And of course the reason why I raise this is our government, when we had the surface lease for the Giant Mine, we had zero dollars in financial security, zero dollars, which we actually -- we ended up on the hook for $26 million in an agreement with the federal government as our contribution because we had zero dollars for financial security on that property. Ptarmigan Mine, zero dollars for financial security for the surface. It's going to probably cost us more millions of dollars.
So can the Minister tell us when this information -- this kind of information is going to be publicly available. I know he's looking at it, but is there a date by which this information on financial security can be made available to the public. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish I could give the Member and the public a confirmed date, but presently, we don't have that. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake
Merci, Monsieur le President. I want to thank the Minister for that. Of course I might be back here in October asking when it's going to be done. But can the Minister confirm that this information is actually tracked already by the department. So it's not a question of having to go and comb files to find this information. We already have it. It would be just adding additional attribute data to ATLAS. Can the Minister confirm we have this information already. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I can confirm that the annual security reporting requirement is a part of the Public Land Act, and we do have that information. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake
Merci, Monsieur le President. I want to thank the Minister for that. Of course the difficulty with the annual reporting requirements of the Public Land Act is that that act is not actually in force yet. So we're waiting for regulations. So is there a way in which this information on financial security held by our government can be made available even on an annual basis in advance of the Public Land Act coming into effect. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Shane Thompson Nahendeh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The department participates in the GNWT open data initiative to increase government transparency and accountability while maintaining the government's responsibility towards privacy, security, and legal obligations.
So we are working on it. The Public Land Act, as the Member said, isn't in force because we're doing the public land regulations on that. So until that is done, we're not able to provide that information publicly. We are working on it. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1150-19(2): Administration of Lands and Financial Securities
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Oral Question 1151-19(2): Fort Good Hope Seniors' Facility
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Rylund Johnson Yellowknife North
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister responsible for Housing. About 18 months ago, her and the Minister of Health opened the Fort Good Hope Seniors Centre, but then it didn't open. And the Minister said she would open it in the summer, and then it didn't open. And then in the fall, the Minister said it would open in the new year, and then it didn't open. And in the last session, the Minister didn't give a date when it would open next, but it was clear the lawyers were getting involved.
So my question for the Minister of Housing is when will the Fort Good Hope Seniors Home, centre, open.
Oral Question 1151-19(2): Fort Good Hope Seniors' Facility
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The Speaker Frederick Blake Jr.
Thank you, Member for Yellowknife North. Minister responsible for Housing NWT.
Oral Question 1151-19(2): Fort Good Hope Seniors' Facility
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Paulie Chinna Sahtu
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you to the Member for the question as well too. We did end up with technical issues with the final build of this, of the construction of the nine-plex in Fort Good Hope. We're looking at hopefully a date of December of this year for the nine-plex to be open. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1151-19(2): Fort Good Hope Seniors' Facility
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Rylund Johnson Yellowknife North
Mr. Speaker, that's approaching about two years since it officially opened. Perhaps the Minister could just provide a bit more of an understanding of what the technical issues are or whether this will cost us more money. Is there a new tender going out. You know, and if this can be provided at a later date, that's fine. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Oral Question 1151-19(2): Fort Good Hope Seniors' Facility
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Paulie Chinna Sahtu
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Once the nine-plex was completed, we did end up finding some issues when reviewing those plans and those final statements.
But I want to also say that, you know, we had just finished with our COVID-19 pandemic, and we did have a delay in responding and looking at the repairs for this, for the nine-plex. And it was -- at that time, we weren't able to get contractors in as soon as we should have been able to.
So I'm hopefully -- I'm hopeful for December of this year. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
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