Mahsi, please be seated.
[Translation] I would like to say thank you for seeing everybody with all my heart. There are a lot of people that live in here in the Northwest Territories that I'm working on behalf of and representing. So I'd like to say thank you to each one of you. [Translation Ends].
It is once again an honour for me to be in this great House, and I'm pleased to welcome each and every one of you to the first session of the 20th Assembly of the Northwest Territories. I wish to acknowledge that the land on which we gather are treaty lands and the home to many Indigenous people, including the Dene, the Inuvialuit, Metis, and Inuit. We are grateful to be on this great land.
I begin by extending my sincere congratulations to the returning Members, three of whom were acclaimed. By being acclaimed or re-elected, it shows that your constituents have great confidence in you, and they know you will continue to serve them to the best of your abilities. I also extend congratulations to the newly elected Members of this Legislative Assembly and welcome you to our consensus form of government.
We must also take time to extend sincere thanks to the past Members who have served their constituents and our territory in this House. We thank them for their hard work and contributions to the betterment of the quality of life for residents of the Northwest Territories. I know they are making plans to enjoy much needed time with their families and friends.
To all those who ran and were not elected, please know that your desire to serve the people of the Northwest Territories is greatly appreciated. I encourage you to continue to find ways to work for the benefit of all NWT residents.
I would like to welcome all guests in the public gallery and those who are watching these. Proceedings on television. In the public gallery and in the communities are spouses, families and friends who should be thanked for their continued love and support. As MLAs you will all need their support to carry out the important work that you will do for the people of our territory.
At this time, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the new Premier, Mr. R.J. Simpson, and his newly elected Cabinet:
- Mrs. Lucy Kuptana,
- Ms. Lesa Semmler,
- Mr. Jay MacDonald,
- Mr. Vince McKay,
- Ms. Caitlin Cleveland, and
- Ms. Caroline Wawzonek.
I would like to congratulate Mr. Shane Thompson as his acclamation as Speaker. The Members of this Legislative Assembly will be well served by the fair, good judgment, and experience you bring to this vital position. I wish you the very best and have every confidence that you will be successful in your role as Speaker. Mahsi cho.
As Members of this Legislative Assembly and of this House, you will be faced with many challenges during the next four years. Therefore, it is very important that you maintain a healthy balance in your life between work and family. Mental health is of the utmost importance. You will need to weigh your time, family, commitments, and important work that you will be involved in. Take care of your physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental health so that you can carry out your duties as Members of this Legislative Assembly.
My good wishes are extended to each and every one of you, and I am confident that you will serve your constituents and the people of the Northwest Territories with fairness and to the very best of your abilities. As elders say deliberate respectfully, be attentive, and listen to each other and to your constituents. Share information and your knowledge so that you can make wise decisions.
Mr. Speaker, before declaring open this first session of the 20th Legislative Assembly, I would like to invite all Members and visitors in the public gallery to a reception in the Great Hall after the swearing in of the Executive Council, which will take place at 3 p.m. this afternoon.
As we approach this blessed festive season, I encourage you all to spend quality, meaningful, and joyful time with your family and friends. Participate in and enjoy all the festivities in your constituency as I am sure your presence will be welcomed and appreciated.
From the Office of the Northwest Territories Commissioner and on behalf of my family, I extend to you a very merry and safe Christmas. Safe travels as you journey home to your loved ones.
As Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I now declare open the first session of the 20th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories. Thank you. Merci Beaucoup. Mahsi Cho. Quanani. Koana.