Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I too would like to recognize Minister Vandal to the House. And just to acknowledge that the two oldest federal day schools that are left standing in the Northwest Territories are both from my riding. One is 64 years old and the other one is 60 years old. And they were connected to the residential school situation. But just for acknowledgement that, you know, we talk about all these things, but I always do it through process. You know, I want to -- there's processes that we have to follow here, and I adhere to that, and I want to just thank him for coming to visit Yellowknife and the Northwest Territories. Thank you so much.
Frieda Martselos on Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery(reversion)
In the Legislative Assembly on March 30th, 2023. See this statement in context.
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery(reversion)
Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery(reversion)
March 30th, 2023
Page 6100
See context to find out what was said next.