Merci, Monsieur le President. I want to thank the mover of the motion for bringing it forward. I guess, yeah, I too, like my colleague from Yellowknife North, I had no notice whatsoever of this. It only really came up, I think, in your opening remarks for me. So I didn't even have a copy of the motion itself until it was provided to us in the chat function that we're using the platform for us to meet. I don't really have any -- yeah, I've heard a lot of these kind of concerns. I hear the same from my constituents. I've seen the media reports as well. You know, I don't know what to say. I'm not sure this is the right forum, you know, for having the a better explanation, maybe more detailed explanations from the Minister on what is happening in terms of communications and work with Indigenous governments because this is not -- you know, this is a debate. It's not a place for questions and answers. So, you know, I don't even know whether the government, the Cabinet intends to even make a statement here or participate in the debate, and there's no requirement that they do. I think it would be helpful as well to have some insights, more detailed insights into how communications can and should be improved, and I guess this is not just a communications issue; it's about trying to co-manage some of this, and that's, you know, an approach that I've always tried to advocate.
But trying to change this or -- anyways, I'm just not sure that this is the right forum for trying to solve some of the issues that the mover has raised, and I've heard through the media as well, so. But, look, I'm going to be the last person to stand in the way of an emergency debate on these issues. I, like my colleague from Yellowknife North, believe that there are a lot of other issues in terms of the emergency that deserve some public airtime, and I'm not -- I wasn't prepared for this debate, discussion, and absolutely no notice whatsoever. And sorry, when I come to things, my colleagues know that I usually try to do my homework before I get here, and I would have appreciated the opportunity to talk to some of my colleagues, the people that work with Indigenous governments so I have a better understanding of some other issues are. But more importantly, to try to focus as well on what the solutions are. And I'm not sure that I want to revisit some of the issues that were raised in the previous debate today, so. But I'm not going to stand in the way of this emergency debate, but I'm not sure that it's really going to accomplish what the mover is hoping to do.
But maybe even just airing some of these issues today will make people more informed and sensitive, people like myself apparently. So I'm -- you know, I'm not going to stand in the way of this debate but a little bit more notice, I think, would have been helpful and, you know, there has been a request to meet with the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs as well. So I look forward to that opportunity. But I'm not going to stand in the way of an emergency debate. Thanks, Mr. Speaker.