Thank you, Member for Frame Lake. Any other Members may speak for five minutes on whether or not this debate is urgent.
Thank you. Seeing no further speakers, I have considered the debate and find that the motion is not in order. The subject matter is now before a committee, in the form of Bill 98, of government operations. As the motion is not in order, we'll continue with the orders of the day.
Members, thank you for your work, patience, and cooperation today. You have dealt with important business on behalf of residents of the Northwest Territories. The Commissioner will be asked to assent in writing to the bills you passed today. Thanks, again, to the town of Inuvik for the use of their council chamber. Members, when it is safe to do so, I will recall the Assembly in Yellowknife. There is still important work to do before the end of the 19th Assembly. Today, we've dealt with the timing of the election, you authorized additional spending to respond to the wildfires, and referred Bill 98 to committee. Now turn your energy back to your constituents, communities, families, and friends. And continue the good work you have been doing and stay safe.
Mr. Clerk, orders of the day.