Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So that's the work that this unit is going to do. I'll say the majority of what the health authorities do, the programs and services they deliver, they're necessary. They're not optional. You know, we're not going to send people who need dialysis all down south to the provinces to get their treatment. The types of services that residents need in the territory and that we can reasonably expect to deliver in the territory, we want to continue doing that. But the fact is that there's programming across the department -- or across the authorities that it could be duplicative, it could be inefficient, it could be a remnant of an old federal program that we no longer have the money for and doesn't align with our priorities. So we want to ensure that we get a good view of what's actually happening and making sure that it's efficient and making sure that we're monitoring that it's efficient. Thank you.
R.J. Simpson on Question 381-20(1): Healthcare Sustainability Unit and Potential Service Cuts
In the Legislative Assembly on October 29th, 2024. See this statement in context.
Question 381-20(1): Healthcare Sustainability Unit and Potential Service Cuts
Oral Questions
October 29th, 2024
See context to find out what was said next.