Thank you, Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.
Debates of Oct. 30th, 2024
This is page numbers of the Hansard for the 20th Assembly, 1st Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was know.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, also a huge thank you to the Member. His Member's statement absolutely hit on all of the points of what this relationship between the GNWT and the Government of Canada is trying to achieve, and it's so much more than food. And so the answer absolutely is yes. The program is based on the existing -- or the funding, sorry, is going to be funding through the existing Healthy Food for Learning Program that is maintained by Education, Culture and Employment, and those dollars flow out to education bodies. Education bodies will have the opportunity to work through community partnerships, to work with local harvesters and subsistence hunters, to prepare traditional foods in schools. Really, this work is going to be on a case-by-case basis depending on how each education body chooses to use some of it. And so some of the examples, Mr. Speaker, of how they're able to use some of this food is absolutely increasing quantities of food, hiring personnel to support the organization and food program delivery needs, providing food safety training, and also the ability to do capital or infrastructure investments or improvements. Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. She answered all my questions. But anyway, I'd like to just look at how would this agreement work or take into consideration the unique northern circumstances in small communities; like, higher costs of groceries, traditional harvest, and then shorter growing season? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'm very thankful that this program is willing to be flexible in how we administer it within the Northwest Territories within the criteria that I outlined for the Member. But that being said, the current formula funding for the Healthy Food Learning is going to be used, and that formula allows us to distribute based on student populations, also based on food cost indexes for the region the school is located in, and also the median incomes of communities. And so it will be flexible and responsive to where the students live and also the flexibility of the programming allows for things like capital investments and infrastructure improvements as determined by the education bodies, which is really important that we're able to actually work with education bodies and work with communities themselves in order to really get to where the students need these dollars so that it does have a positive impact in the classroom. Thank you.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, Minister. Right now the GNWT funds $650,000 for NWT school food program. How much more funding can the NWT expect each year under the new agreement? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake
Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, Canada-wide, the Government of Canada is putting 1 billion more dollars over the course of five years into classrooms across the country. I am really looking forward to being able to work with the Government of Canada to announce what that will mean specifically for the Northwest Territories, and I'm looking forward to being able to do that in the next few weeks. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

The Speaker Shane Thompson
Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. Final supplementary. Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, Minister. Will there be any targets for this -- with the program and information made available as the program rolls out to measure its effectiveness? Thank you.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as it stands with the existing program, education bodies already formally report on types of food and program -- that their program offers and the average number of children and youth served, and those are all available online through annual reports that are already published.
In addition to that, ECE is going to be engaging with education bodies to set more formal targets specific to this new funding. So that could be tracking the expansion and enhancements of existing programs and infrastructure improvements to really show what kind of impact these dollars are having to our classrooms to learning and ultimately to food insecurity of children in the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 389-20(1): Expansion of School Lunch Program
Oral Questions

The Speaker Shane Thompson
Thank you, Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. Colleagues, we've almost spent 25 minutes and four sets of questions. So, please, make your answers more succinct. Thank you.
Oral questions. Member from the Deh Cho.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Sheryl Yakeleya Deh Cho
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of health. In small communities, how are health promotion activities rolled out? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

The Speaker Shane Thompson
Thank you, Member from the Deh Cho. Minister of Health and Social Services.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in most of our communities, we have community health representatives, we have health care staff, we have home care staff; however, you know, there are some initiatives that are sent to the schools. You know, they may work with the health centre to get information if there's certain things going on in the communities. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Sheryl Yakeleya Deh Cho
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. What formats are used in health promotion campaigns to target different demographics such as youth and elders? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, within each community -- and I had the privilege to go to the Sahtu, and while we were attending the AGM there for the Sahtu Secretariat, there was the CHR there and they were there in collaboration with health and the RCMP and they had a campaign going on for illicit drugs. You know, we've heard many times that there are those things. That was happening. And I spoke to the CHR, and she just goes out to the community and sees what the needs are in that community, and then she tries to design her program what's based best needs, and she utilizes her support, her team, within the health authority to be able to roll out any projects or things in her community. Thank you.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Sheryl Yakeleya Deh Cho
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. How do we ensure the right resources are reaching the people at risk? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions
October 30th, 2024

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, when we hire these frontline staff in the community, they're usually members of the community, they're usually -- like, most of the CHRs that I have met along the tours that I have done as a health Minister are Indigenous people from the communities so they know their communities. They know that they can access -- they can do presentations in the school, they know that can -- you know, they can work with the home care workers to do community events. Whenever there is a community hall event, they can do those types of things. You know, that's where I think the -- if you have a CHR in your community and you want more things, I suggest that, you know, meeting with those staff to see what's going on in their community, how can you better support your community. I think we all as leaders in our community, we all go home after, you know, session is over, and we know who these people are in our community. And we know what we're hearing as MLAs, so how do we go back and we say this is what we're hearing, how could we do things better. And I encourage that MLAs do that within their community. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

The Speaker Shane Thompson
Minister of Health and Social Services. Final supplementary. Member from the Deh Cho.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Sheryl Yakeleya Deh Cho
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Like I said earlier, I'm concerned in my riding that not enough's happening. What areas of health promotion are prioritized in small communities? Thank you.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Lesa Semmler Inuvik Twin Lakes
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I don't believe that there's -- you know, there each specific -- like, right now, we're hearing illicit drugs across the territory so the Office of the Public Health has started to be able to come up with the materials that are needed to give to the people on the ground. I believe that it's each individual community, whatever their priority is in their community they should be reaching out to the health centre saying we want education on this stuff. You know, we have elders that are asking this kind of information. Every community's going to do it different and that's the -- that's the good thing about CHRs, is that they're flexible to be able to do this. So that's what I would encourage, is every community may have their own priorities on what they want. The information within health is available, and if it's not available in their community, they can -- you know, like the Member, if she finds that these things are not available in her community, bring it back to me, come or send an email. We can direct where they can get the information. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

The Speaker Shane Thompson
Minister of Health and Social Services. Oral questions. Member from the Sahtu.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Daniel McNeely Sahtu
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions today is for the Minister of ECE. The Sahtu is approaching the winter road reason which is the affordable connections to all five communities. And prior to our February the 5th sitting, I would like to take the opportunity to invite the Minister to support a road show to promote education, education security. I'm wondering if the -- my question to the Minister if she will support a group of beneficiary trades team to do a presentation to the high school students in each of the five communities in the Sahtu? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

The Speaker Shane Thompson
Thank you, Member from the Sahtu. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Member knows that trades are near and dear to my heart, and I certainly want to see more trades apprentices and trades students in every region of the territory, and I am certainly willing to work with the Member, and we may have staff in each of those regions that are already there that can already support some of this work if I am unable, of course, to make it to all the Sahtu communities before the February sitting, keeping in mind that we have busy schedules, but I certainly want to support the Member in this. Thank you.
Question 390-20(1): Health Promotion in Communities
Oral Questions

Daniel McNeely Sahtu
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thanks to the Minister for that support. In consideration of the high fuel costs, would the Minister support the cost of this road show team? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.