Debates of Nov. 1st, 2024
This is page numbers of the Hansard for the 20th Assembly, 1st Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was know.
Motion to Amend Committee Motion -20(1), Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Some Hon. Members
Motion to Amend Committee Motion -20(1), Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
The Chair Richard Edjericon
Question's been called. All those in favour to the motion with the amendment? All those opposed? All those abstaining? The motion is carried as amended.
Okay, thank you, committee. Do you agree that you have concluded consideration of Committee Report 18-20(1), Standing Committee on Procedures and Privileges Interim Report on the Report of the Chief Electoral Officer on the Administration of the 2023 Territorial General Election? Does committee agree?
Motion to Amend Committee Motion -20(1), Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Some Hon. Members
Motion to Amend Committee Motion -20(1), Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
The Chair Richard Edjericon
All right, thank you. Committee, we have concluded consideration of Committee Report 18-20(1), Standing Committee on Procedures and Privileges Interim Report on the Report of the Chief Electoral Officer on the Administration of the 2023 Territorial General Election.
We will now consider Committee Report 17-20(1), Standing Committee on Procedures and Privileges Report on the Rules of the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly. I will go to the chair of the Standing Committee on Procedures and Privileges for any opening comments. I'll go to the Member from Great Slave.
Motion to Amend Committee Motion -20(1), Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Kate Reid Great Slave
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I move that the chair rise and report progress.
Motion to Amend Committee Motion -20(1), Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
The Chair Richard Edjericon
Thank you. There's a motion on the floor to report progress. The motion is in order and non-debatable. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.
I will now rise and report progress. Thank you.
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh
Mr. Speaker, your committee has been considering Committee Report 18-20(1) and Committee Report 17-20(1) and would like to report progress with two motions carried, that the Committee Report 17-20(1) and 18-20(1) and, Mr. Speaker, I move that the report of the Committee of the Whole be concurred with. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
The Speaker Shane Thompson
Thank you, Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. Can I have a seconder to the motion, please. Member from Yellowknife Centre. All those in favour -- or sorry, to the question -- or to the motion.
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Some Hon. Members
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
Report Of Committee Of The Whole
The Speaker Shane Thompson
Questions's been called. All those in favour? Opposed? Abstentions? Motion has passed.
Third reading of bills. Minister of Finance.
Bill 16: Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 2025-2026, Carried
Third Reading Of Bills
Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South
Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Thebacha that Bill 16, Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 2025-2026, be read for the third time. Mr. Speaker, I would request a recorded vote. Thank you.
Bill 16: Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 2025-2026, Carried
Third Reading Of Bills
Bill 16: Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 2025-2026, Carried
Third Reading Of Bills
Some Hon. Members
Bill 16: Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 2025-2026, Carried
Third Reading Of Bills
The Speaker Shane Thompson
Question has been called. All those in favour, please stand -- or sorry, the Member's requested for a recorded vote. All those in favour, please stand.
Recorded Vote
Third Reading Of Bills
Clerk Of The House Mr. Glen Rutland
The Member for Yellowknife South. The Member for Kam Lake. The Member for Hay River North. The Member for Hay River South. The Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes. The Member for Nunakput. The Member for Sahtu. The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake. The Member for Monfwi. The Member for Great Slave.
Recorded Vote
Third Reading Of Bills
Clerk Of The House Mr. Glen Rutland
The Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. The Member for Yellowknife Centre. The Member for Range Lake. The Member for Frame Lake. The Member for Mackenzie Delta. The Member for Yellowknife North.
Recorded Vote
Third Reading Of Bills
The Speaker Shane Thompson
All those abstaining, please stand. Thank you.
Colleagues, 11 in favour, 6 opposed, zero abstentions. Bill 16 has passed.
Mr. Clerk, can you please determine whether the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, the Honourable Gerald Kisoun, is prepared to enter the chamber and assent to the bills.
Assent To Bills
Assent To Bills
November 1st, 2024
The Commissioner Of The Northwest Territories Gerald W. Kisoun
Please be seated.
Good afternoon, Mr. Speaker, Premier Simpson, Ministers, Members of the Legislative Assembly and staff, and visitors in the public gallery. Aqana Inuit, Drin Gwiinzii sha Gwich'in kat.
I wish to acknowledge we are gathered today on Chief Drygeese territory. We are grateful to be on this land and all the lands home to many Indigenous people, including the Inuvialuit, Gwich'in, Dene, Metis, and Inuit. I am honoured to be here for the first time in this chamber as Commissioner of the Northwest Territories.
I am looking forward to working with and getting to know the people of the Northwest Territories. I want to thank my family and my friends and the community for their support, and I hope I will make you proud. It is important that we all work together and support our communities and particularly the youth. Listening to the voices of the youth will make our future brighter for the Northwest Territories, and I always believe in acknowledging our future leadership, which is the youth, and I continue to support their endeavours in any way I can.
Now as Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I am pleased to assent to the following bills:
- Bill 7: Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2024
- Bill 8: An Act to Amend the Student Financial Assistance Act
- Bill 13: Supplementary Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), No. 2, 2024-2025
- Bill 14: Supplementary Appropriation Act (Operations Expenditures), No. 1, 2024-2025
- Bill 15: Northwest Territories Indigenous-Led Conservation Fund Establishment Act
- Bill 16: Appropriation Act (Infrastructure Expenditures), 2025-2026.
Ha'aii Cho, Quyanaqpak, Merci Beaucoup, Thank you.
Assent To Bills
Assent To Bills
The Speaker Shane Thompson
Colleagues, I'd like to thank the Commissioner, the Honourable Gerry Kisoun, for being here today to provide assent to our legislation. It was an honour to have him join us in chambers today.
Members, before I adjourn our sitting until the new year, I'd like to thank you for a productive sitting. It was short but business-filled sitting.
This House considered and passed the 2025-2026 Capital Estimates. Committee has provided numerous reports on bills and other matters. They have reviewed and we have appointed the executive director for the Human Rights Commission and a new sergeant-at-arms.
I'm looking forward to working with our new sergeant-at-arms, but I want to take this moment to thank our outgoing sergeant-at-arms, Mr. Floyd Powder. Mr. Powder has been with the Legislative Assembly since October of 2022 and has been instrumental in helping us conclude some very important projects and improvements, including the completion of the walking path to the Legislative Assembly building and installation of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls monument. Although he wasn't with the Assembly for a long time, his contributions have made a lasting impact, and I thank him for his commitment and dedication to this institution. I wish Mr. Powder all the best in his upcoming and well-deserved retirement.
While most of us know Floyd for his work here, he is better known for his important work he does outside of this building in supporting and honouring our veterans, especially our Indigenous veterans. Mr. Powder has been deeply involved in the Last Post Fund Indigenous veterans initiative which aims to provide grave markers to Indigenous veterans in unmarked graves. Thanks to this initiative, we now have more than 30 headstones in the Northwest Territories honouring these fallen heroes. Further, we are expecting up to ten more next year.
He is also the Northwest Territories Metis Nation's representative to the Metis Nations Council's Veteran Council and works with the Aboriginal Veterans Autochtones furthering Indigenous initiatives. Earlier this year, Mr. Powder received the Minister of Veterans Affairs commendation, and next week he will be traveling to Cyprus for Remembrance Day services to commemorate Canada's contribution to the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Cyprus and to honour those who lost their lives and made sacrifices during this mission.
Floyd was one of those who served as a peacekeeper in 1985 and 1986 as a member of the Canadian Airborne Regiment. Please join me in thanking Mr. Powder for his service to this institution, to our country, and to our people.
Colleagues, I'd like to recognize the upcoming retirement of a long-serving staff member of the Legislative Assembly. Ms. Cynthia James has announced that she will be retiring early in 2025, which means this was her last sitting. We will miss her presence in the chamber as a table officer, and in committee meetings as committee clerk. To begin, I would like to thank and recognize Ms. James for her work in supporting the people and communities who were impacted by floods, forest fires in recent years, especially Fort Simpson, Deh Cho First Nations, Hay River and Katl'odeeche First Nation. Ms. James was one of the key organizers in fundraising activities to support these communities when they were faced with springtime flooding and forest fires.
Ms. James has been a part of this Legislative Assembly team since 2011 when she started as a Member's secretary. Since then, she has served as the executive assistant to both the Office of the Speaker and Office of the Clerk, and for the last six years served as a committee clerk supporting various committees, including:
- Standing Committee on Social Development;
- Standing Committee on Government Operations;
- Standing Committee on Public Accounts; and,
- Special Committee on Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs.
Working with the Standing Committee on Government Operations and the Standing Committee on Public Accounts has given her the opportunity to work closely with the Office of the Auditor General of Canada on the public accounts and performance audit review. I know that she enjoyed this work and that the committee and staff at the Office of the Auditor General appreciated her support.
Without taking away from all of the committee work she's done, I have to say I know Cynthia is honoured to have served the special committee. She's supported the review of important legislation over the years, including the UNDRIP legislation through this committee and did so with great professionalism and pride. Colleagues, please join me in thanking Ms. James for her years of service and wishing her all the best in her upcoming retirement.
Folks, we will not sit again in the chamber until after the holiday season, so I would like to take a moment to wish each of you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. I know the ongoing work of government and committees will continue but as we return to our homes and constituencies, I encourage you to find the time to reconnect with those most important to you. We should enjoy and cherish the time we have with them, our families and closest friends, this season. These people, and the supports they provide, are what makes it possible for us to do our jobs as Members of this Legislative Assembly. Please, let them know how much you appreciate all they do for you.
Colleagues, I know that this time of year can be difficult for some people, and I ask each of you, and all residents of the Northwest Territories, to be kind and supportive. We are the territory of people who value each other and support each other. It is what we do, and the holiday season is an especially important time for us to be there for each other.
If you believe somebody is in need of support, reach out to them. If you are in need of support, reach out to somebody you trust. Colleagues, we are all in this together, and it's time we put our best foot forward to support our friends and families and communities.
Finally, before we adjourn, I would like to take a moment to thank our interpreters and our pages. As an institution, we strive to make the best possible use of our official languages. Our interpreters make it possible for us to do so. They make it possible for us to share our ideas and words with residents in our official languages, and we are honoured that you are able to do this for us.
Colleagues, every sitting day I feel both proud and inspired when I see our pages in this chamber. I've said it many times, but these young people are our future and every day they show us that our future is in good hands.
Colleagues, thank you for your time and attention. Finally, Madam Clerk, orders of the day.
Third reading of bills. Orders of the day, Mr. Clerk.
Orders Of The Day
Orders Of The Day
Clerk Of The House Ms. Cynthia James
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Orders of the day for Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, 1:30 p.m.
- Prayer
- Ministers' Statements
- Members' Statements
- Returns to Oral Questions
- Recognition of Visitors in the Gallery
- Acknowledgements
- Oral Questions
- Written Questions
- Returns to Written Questions
- Replies to the Commissioner's Address
- Petitions
- Reports of Committees on the Review of Bills
- Reports of Standing and Special Committees
- Tabling of Documents
- Notices of Motion
- Motions
- Notices of Motion for the First Reading of Bills
- First Reading of Bills
- Second Reading of Bills
- Consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bills and Other Matters
- Committee Report 17-20(1), Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges Report on the Review of the Rules of the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly
- Report of Committee of the Whole
- Third Reading of Bills
- Orders of the Day
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Orders Of The Day
Orders Of The Day
The Speaker Shane Thompson
Thank you, Madam. Clerk. This House stands adjourned until Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, at 1:30 p.m.
The House adjourned at 6:46 p.m.