This is page numbers 385 - 416 of the Hansard for the 20th Assembly, 1st Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was know.


Members Present

Hon. Caitlin Cleveland, Mr. Edjericon, Mr. Hawkins, Hon. Lucy Kuptana, Hon. Jay MacDonald, Hon. Vince McKay, Mr. McNeely, Ms. Morgan, Mr. Morse, Mr. Nerysoo, Ms. Reid, Mr. Rodgers, Hon. Lesa Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Testart, Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Weyallon Armstrong, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Mrs. Yakeleya

The House met at 1:30 p.m.



Page 385

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to thank our elder that has come back, Member from the 18th and 19th Assembly. As we have done with our traditional, our opening, you know, guiding words, the blessings, I'd like to thank Mr. O'Reilly for actually being here today. You know, being an elder, he left us, but we still appreciate all his work that he's done for us in the 18th and 19th Assembly. So thank you very much, Kevin.

Ministers' statements. Minister for Municipal and Community Affairs.

Minister's Statement 30-20(1): 2022 and 2023 Outstanding Volunteer Awards
Ministers' Statements

Page 385

Vince McKay

Vince McKay Hay River South

Mr. Speaker, I want to start by congratulating everyone who was nominated for the 2022 and 2023 NWT Outstanding Volunteer Awards. This program was introduced in 1991 to recognize the exceptional volunteers and highlight the importance of volunteerism in the Northwest Territories. I am proud to say that over 1,000 individuals and groups have been nominated for these awards since that time.

Mr. Speaker, this year volunteers are being recognized for 2022 and 2023. Every nomination is noteworthy on their own, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to submit one.

The 2022 Award Program received a total of nine nominations from five communities. Of these, two were in the elder category, four were in the group category, and three were in the individual category. I am pleased to announce that the recipients of the NWT Outstanding Volunteer Awards for 2022 are:

  • Diane Hache in the category of outstanding elder;
  • Nicole Spencer in the category of outstanding individual, and,
  • The Yellowknife Ultimate Club Board in the category of outstanding group.

The 2023 Award Program received a total of 29 nominations from 11 communities. Of those, ten were in the elder category, four were in the group category, 14 were in the individual category, and one was in the youth category. I am pleased to announce that the recipients of the NWT Outstanding Volunteer Awards for 2023 are:

  • Louie Beaulieu in the category of outstanding elder;
  • Katelinne Ruben in the category of outstanding youth;
  • Tania Hercun in the category of outstanding individual; and,
  • The Slide Zone Shredders in the category of outstanding group.

Mr. Speaker, I was honoured to recognize all of these individuals and groups in the Legislative Assembly earlier today. Volunteers help build and support our communities, and I am excited to acknowledge their efforts. The Northwest Territories is more vibrant and resilient with the important contributions from volunteers.

To our 2022 and 2023 outstanding volunteers, thank you for your contribution to your neighbours, your communities, and the Northwest Territories. I hope that your stories inspire other NWT residents to consider volunteerism and give back to their communities like you have. Your tireless efforts to make life better for those around you help make the Northwest Territories such a great place to live. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Minister's Statement 30-20(1): 2022 and 2023 Outstanding Volunteer Awards
Ministers' Statements

Page 385

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Ministers' statements. Minister for ITI.

Minister's Statement 31-20(1): Additional Investment to Bolster Digital Adoption by Businesses
Ministers' Statements

Page 385

Caitlin Cleveland

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier this month the 20th Legislative Assembly affirmed its commitment to building a strong economic foundation. We live in a digital world where so much economic potential exists in digital economies because, for starters, that is where consumers are. Today, consumers purchase more goods and services online, looking for more convenience through e-commerce and expecting more personalized offerings. Today, there is a much greater need for businesses to have a strong online presence and tap into market spaces into living rooms down the street, beyond our territory, to other areas of Canada, and even internationally.

Prosper NWT, formerly the Northwest Territories Business Development and Investment Corporation, plays a lead role in helping NWT businesses pursue these opportunities and adopt new and emerging digital technologies to increase their competitiveness. Prosper NWT has partnered with the Government of Canada to deliver the Canada Digital Adoption Program and revamped its contribution program to offer matching funds with the Accelerate Digital Adoption Projects for Tomorrow Fund, aptly known as ADAPT. Through these two initiatives, NWT businesses can apply for up to $5,000 in grants and contributions for their digital projects and have access to digital advisors who provide expertise, guidance, and support along the way. These programs have already helped over 50 NWT businesses expand their digital footprint.

Mr. Speaker, today I am thrilled to announce that Prosper NWT has secured an additional $534,000 over three years from the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency to bolster digital adoption. This additional investment will continue to help businesses with their digital transformation as they can now apply for up to $12,500 for their digital projects. This additional funding is not just an investment in technology; it is an investment that strengthens our economic foundation, supports NWT northern business to evolve to consumer expectations, and makes it easier for NWT businesses to access global markets. We are supporting businesses to lay down the infrastructure needed for a more connected, innovative, and competitive economic presence. Let us continue to support local, encourage NWT businesses to build their web presence, and celebrate them as they work to thrive. I look forward to working together to help build a stronger, more prosperous Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Minister's Statement 31-20(1): Additional Investment to Bolster Digital Adoption by Businesses
Ministers' Statements

Page 385

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Minister of ITI. Ministers' statements. Members' statements. Member for Range Lake.

Member's Statement 143-20(1): Recreational Land Leases
Members' Statements

Page 385

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Range Lake

Mr. Speaker, land is life. There's nothing quite like living out on the land, especially up here in the North's pristine, rugged environment. It should be no surprise that the demand for recreational land leases in the Northwest Territories is relentless. Some Northerners build cabins so they can pursue their traditional lifestyles of hunting and trapping. Others come to the North to build a vacation spot where they can experience a land that's much different from the cities and suburbs they call home. I know in my riding, there are plenty of folks who look to obtain these leases so they can provide a weekend getaway from their busy lives for their friend and family. I've spoken to many of those cabin-seeking constituents during my campaign last fall, and they are all dealing with the same frustrating circumstances. They follow the rules and applied for a recreational land lease, and then heard nothing. Months would turn into years without hearing back anything from the department regarding the status of their leases. Eager to build a cabin of their own and optimistic in the green light they had initially received, they bought essential construction supplies that now sit rotting and warping in their backyards. Meanwhile, cabins have sprung up in the lots next to them as those leases for those neighboring plots of land sailed through the department's processes.

Mr. Speaker, we know there are complex circumstances behind recreational land leasing in the Northwest Territories. There are still land claims to be signed and impacts from development to be studied; however, the politics are for us to debate and the policies are for the government to work out. Regular folks just want a cabin to call their own. They should not have to go through a political process when applying for a recreational land lease. They should not need the advocacy of their MLA to get updates on the leases they applied for. The GNWT needs to get its House in order when it comes to the leasing process so there's a set of rules to play by and a transparent reasonable process that follows. Let's get the work done here so our constituents can get out there and enjoy the land we call home. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 143-20(1): Recreational Land Leases
Members' Statements

Page 386

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Range Lake. Members' statements. Member from Great Slave.

Member's Statement 144-20(1): Gaza
Members' Statements

Page 386

Kate Reid

Kate Reid Great Slave

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier this week I brought forward a petition from 645 NWT residents calling upon this Assembly to direct the Premier to ask the Canadian government for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Mr. Speaker, I will also be calling a motion for the Assembly to direct the Premier to do just that later today.

Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Premier for his last commitment on this topic to me in this House. We did, indeed, meet with a member of the Palestinian here in Yellowknife, a resident who has family and ties to Gaza in Palestine.

Mr. Speaker, although I can't speak for the Premier, in that meeting I heard him say that he had heard things that he hadn't before, and I believe that he was deeply moved by those conversations.

Mr. Speaker, I'm uncertain that this petition or motion will be met in the full spectrum of what is being requested, such as the nature of politics and the levers we have at our disposal as Regular Members. But, Mr. Speaker, you don't have to be an expert to know that what's happening in Gaza is wrong. Mr. Speaker, I will have questions for the Premier at the appropriate time. Thank you.

Member's Statement 144-20(1): Gaza
Members' Statements

Page 386

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Great Slave. Members' statements. Member from the Sahtu.

Member's Statement 145-20(1): Nachalecho Project
Members' Statements

Page 386

Daniel McNeely

Daniel McNeely Sahtu

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, decision-making is a critical and fundamental principle in business and leadership capacity. In some communities and regions of the Northwest Territories, decision-making is mandatory and immediate to meet seasonal resupply and public and, private project scheduling. Mr. Speaker, these actions are sound, prudent, and necessary to support logistics, client planning, satisfaction, and security.

Mr. Speaker, the Leap Year tradition arrives on our calendar every four years. Information through research and informed decision-making will allow us to progress during this 20th Assembly. Since the November 2023 elections, the newly-elected MLAs focus on decisions. This process is working to fill our government's vacancies to boost our concerning economy. The potential is both real and imminent, Mr. Speaker.

The discovery and production of the NWT's Nechalacho project is a game changer. This is a clear example of our potential in becoming a raw material supplier. Accordingly, Mr. Speaker, should we tackle our own and ultimate reward to a green energy participation?

Mr. Speaker, let us not overlook this thoughtful process but take an ambitious aggressive position to continue the momentum. The next approaching Leap Year is four years away. Hint, hint. We need decision-making to meet targets, priorities, departmental objectives during the term of this Assembly, and I look forward to moving the envelope for a more prosperous one. Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 145-20(1): Nachalecho Project
Members' Statements

Page 386

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from the Sahtu. Members' statements. Member from Mackenzie Delta.

Member's Statement 146-20(1): Recognition of 100th Birthdays of Mr. Neyando and Ms. Rose Potts
Members' Statements

Page 386

George Nerysoo

George Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today it is very important that we look after our elders, more importantly that we recognize their accomplishments. When we lose an elder, we lose a wealth of knowledge.

Mr. Speaker, today I'd like to bring your attention to two Gwich'in elders who have reached a milestone in their lives. First, Mr. Andrew Neyando who lives in Fort McPherson. On December 5th of 2023, he celebrated his 100th birthday.


Mr. Speaker, Mr. Neyando was very active out on the land. He spent most of his life living a traditional lifestyle. Only up until a few months ago, you can see him walking up to the local store with his cane, walking at a fast pace, or going to the local radio station to pick up his lucky bingo cards. In 1966, Mr. Neyando participated in a canoe race across Canada which ended in New York and back across Canada again, participated with his friends from Fort McPherson who were William Teya and Philip Blake, and Team NWT was captained by Tommy Ross of Aklavik. Mr. Neyando was a big Edmonton Oilers fan. You could see him sporting his Edmonton Oiler jersey.

Mr. Speaker, the second Gwich'in elder that I would like to recognize is Rose Potts who lives in Pincher Creek, Alberta. Ms. Potts was born on the Peel River on March 4th, 1923. Rose is the daughter of William and Gary Firth; her grandparents were John and Margaret Firth. Rose moved away from Fort McPherson at a young age and soon thereafter married. She gave her life to service the people. She was a nurse, life skills coach, and served on many councils and boards across Canada. Mrs. Potts' greatest quote is you have to care about people to work with people. Ms. Potts is fluent in the Gwich'in language.

Mr. Speaker, I would like my colleagues to join me in wishing these two beautiful Gwich'in elders a very happy 100th birthday and that the good Lord continue to bless them both with continued good health. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 146-20(1): Recognition of 100th Birthdays of Mr. Neyando and Ms. Rose Potts
Members' Statements

Page 386

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Mackenzie Delta. Members' statements. Member for Yellowknife North.

Member's Statement 147-20(1): Regional Study of Slave Geological
Members' Statements

Page 386

Shauna Morgan

Shauna Morgan Yellowknife North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, what we refer to as the Slave Geological Province is a large area that's mostly within traditional Tlicho territory. On June 7th, 2021, the Tlicho government wrote to the federal government requesting a regional study, and I'll quote from that letter to explain because they said it best.

The health of barren-ground caribou and the ecological integrity of this region are critical for Tlicho well-being. We recognize that the region has great value for cultural well-being, way of life and caribou, and the region has great value and potential for economic development. The Tlicho government's view is that in order to reconcile these values, we need an independent assessment of options, impacts, and benefits before permanent infrastructure is built. Permanent infrastructure, such as the Slave Geological Province Road proposed by GNWT, would irreversibly change the region. Starting to build a road or major infrastructure without working together to develop a common vision, and without the information needed to inform wise decisions, means long delays, lost time and money, severe impacts on wildlife and the environment and missed economic opportunities. There is only one chance to get it right. End of quote.

So it took nearly two years, but the federal Minister finally responded in February of 2023 agreeing to set up the regional studies. Since then there have been discussions about a governance structure but no work on the study has yet started. Meanwhile, the GNWT has been going ahead with planning work for the Slave Geological Province Road. Last December, the Department of Infrastructure got a land use permit for geotechnical work to help determine routing. The previous Infrastructure Minister from the 19th Assembly indicated that the GNWT intended to push forward with the SGP Road Project even if it meant triggering a separate environmental assessment to be conducted at the same time as the regional environmental assessment is underway.

Mr. Speaker, like the phrase death by a thousand cuts, the integrity of our land and our caribou is weakened by one little cut at a time, and we don't see the overall cost when we look at each cut in isolation. There's tremendous value in looking at the region more holistically and waiting for the recommendations from the regional study before we irreversibly change such an important region. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 147-20(1): Regional Study of Slave Geological
Members' Statements

Page 386

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife North. Members' statements. Member from Inuvik Boot Lake.

Member's Statement 148-20(1): Indigenous Governments
Members' Statements

February 29th, 2024

Page 386

Denny Rodgers

Denny Rodgers Inuvik Boot Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, to quote my friend from Yellowknife Centre, in the 84 days I have been in office, Mr. Speaker, it's clear to me that there's much work to be done.

We are dealing with addictions in every region of our territory. Mr. Speaker, our health system is strained. A shortage of nurses, doctors, and a medical travel department that has become increasingly overburdened, a housing crisis that continues to plague each region with long waitlists for public housing and lack of available market rental units. We have an economy that is stagnant and an industry across all sectors that needs our support.

Mr. Speaker, I'm fortunate to work with an amazing group of passionate MLAs who are willing to take on all the issues that we are facing. We have a Cabinet that has a mix of experience and new creative energy that see collaborative approach to solve all the issues that we face. Mr. Speaker, we must look to our Indigenous governments to partner and to find a way to collaborate and work together.

Mr. Speaker, in my region alone, the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation are building homes, they're purchasing land, they're building homes on the land they own, they're hiring their own dental hygienists and coordinators for dental care, Mr. Speaker. They're developing a major gas project for the region as we speak, Mr. Speaker. Just recently, they have piloted a program where they will provide medical escorts for beneficiaries who have been denied by medical travel for that service to ensure that patients have the important cultural support when making these trips.

The Gwich'in Tribal Council in Inuvik are developing renewable energy projects in the region. They recently hired a director of infrastructure and are also in the process of building homes on GTC owned land as well as looking to purchase other lots to develop homes, Mr. Speaker. The Indigenous governments are leading the way.

During my campaign, I spoke of a whole-of-community approach to deal with the important issues we face. We need to look at a whole-of-government approach, Mr. Speaker, to work together with NGOs, Indigenous governments, municipal governments, to find a way to effectively face these challenges as a whole, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Member's Statement 148-20(1): Indigenous Governments
Members' Statements

Page 387

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Boot Lake. Members' statements. Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Member's Statement 149-20(1): Taxing Treaty People
Members' Statements

Page 387

Richard Edjericon

Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission strongly recommends that the full and meaningful implementation of the United Nation Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People in order to achieve reconciliation. Last year the previous Assembly passed a bill to implement UNDRIP and ensure all future laws were consist with those principles. UNDRIP complements the rights of Indigenous people as set out in section 35 of the Canadian Constitution which upholds treaty rights. Under both UNDRIP and section 35, Canada, and by extension the GNWT, now have federal and international laws that demand their compliance with these treaty rights. During negotiations over a hundred years ago, my people were assured that the treaty would not lead to any forced interference with their mode of life and that it did not open the way to the imposition of any tax and that there were no fear and forced military services. Since then, especially since the creation of the GNWT, many taxes have been forced upon my people that are not in compliance with Treaty 8, the rights of which are upheld by section 35 and UNDRIP.

Some of these taxes are very obvious, like the payroll tax or the carbon tax, but there are also many other hidden taxes and fees. Today we have a new government that promises a future of collaboration and cooperation, strong close relationships between them and Indigenous governments. This is a government that now must only abide by section 35 of the Constitution but is also obligated by United Nation Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. This is why today I'm calling upon the new government to bring itself in compliance with Treaty 8 and cease in committing new taxes on my people. I look forward to hearing from the Premier today on his plans to bring the GNWT in compliance with my people's rights. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 149-20(1): Taxing Treaty People
Members' Statements

Page 387

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. Members' statements. Member from Monfwi.

Member's Statement 150-20(1): Police Brutality of Indigenous Women
Members' Statements

Page 387

Jane Weyallon Armstrong

Jane Weyallon Armstrong Monfwi

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, for my statement today I want to be a voice for Indigenous women. This is nothing new. I am hearing from women in my -- from women about their experiences with the police and want to raise it publicly.

Mr. Speaker, we know Indigenous women are far more likely to be violently victimized. According to a 2018 Statistics Canada survey, about 63 percent of Indigenous women have experienced physical or sexual assault in their lifetime compared to about 33 percent of non-Indigenous women. Indigenous women face sexism, racism, and discrimination. Many live in violent situations at home and face acts of violence in society.

Mr. Speaker, according to the 2019 general social survey, Indigenous women were twice as likely to report having very little or no confidence in the police compared to non-Indigenous women. In fact, it's common knowledge that much of the crime experienced by Indigenous women goes unreported because Indigenous women are either scared of or don't trust the police or they don't believe the police will help them.

Mr. Speaker, this violence is rooted in Canada's history of colonialism and residential schools. Many Indigenous women are intergenerational survivors of residential school.

Mr. Speaker, Indigenous women are overpoliced and underprotected. Whatever the reason the Indigenous women find themselves involved with the police does not matter. What matters is that they are treated with respect and that police officers recognize the trauma Indigenous women have lived through and to not perpetuate this. Mr. Speaker, the general public lacks any data on RCMP misconduct. There is a long history of a culture within police of them covering up for each other in the face of any wrongdoings. This need to change.

In closing, Mr. Speaker, I hear of women having their hair pulled, hair wrists fractured by excessive of force of the police. These kinds of physical acts can trigger Indigenous women. Many women are fighting for their own survival in life, and they shouldn't have to do that with the police. This use of force is unacceptable, Mr. Speaker. We need to ensure that the police in the NWT build trust with Indigenous women and protect them. Mahsi.

Member's Statement 150-20(1): Police Brutality of Indigenous Women
Members' Statements

Page 387

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Monfwi. Members' statements. Member from Deh Cho.

Member's Statement 151-20(1): Respecting our Elders
Members' Statements

Page 387

Sheryl Yakeleya

Sheryl Yakeleya Deh Cho

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I want to speak about the importance of elders and seniors within our community, families, culture, and our overall society.

Mr. Speaker, the generations of today stand on the shoulders of those that came before us. In Dene culture, Mr. Speaker, and in many other cultures, elders have historically been our knowledge-holders, our knowledge-keepers, and they provide guidance on the cultural ways and protocols.

Those who respect the elderly pave their own road to success. That is an African proverb. An elderly person at home is like a living golden treasure. That is a Chinese proverb. A youth that does not cultivate friendship with the elderly is like a tree without roots. That is a Central African proverb. We all can't walk on one path but we can all work together as our people for our children and for the future. That is a Dene proverb from a Dene elder in Lutselk'e.

It's like the old adage goes, Mr. Speaker, that if we do not want to repeat the same mistakes of our history, then we must learn from our past, and who better to learn from regarding our history than our elders of today who have lived, breathed, and experienced so much in their life times, especially for Indigenous people who traditionally use oral history to transmit knowledge, culture, customs to their successive generations.

Mr. Speaker, it was with utmost importance that we take care of and engage with our elders in a good way and that we protect them from being forgotten or undermined of their inherent value because they hold a vast, diverse, and invaluable knowledge that has contributed to the North that we call home. Without the elders who came before us, we would not be here today. At least I know that, for me, without my elders I myself might not be standing in this House as an elected official today. And for that I owe them a debt of gratitude and respect for helping pave the way before us. Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker.

Member's Statement 151-20(1): Respecting our Elders
Members' Statements

Page 387

The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from the Deh Cho. Members' statements. Member from Yellowknife Centre.