Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I request a recorded vote on Bill 16.
Edward Picco
Last in the Legislative Assembly March 1999, as MLA for Iqaluit
Won his last election, in 1995, with 48% of the vote.
Statements in the House
Bill 16: An Act To Amend The Supplementary Retiring Allowances Act March 22nd, 1999
Bill 16: An Act To Amend The Supplementary Retiring Allowances Act March 22nd, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would request a recorded vote at the proper time on this bill. Thank you.
Bill 16: An Act To Amend The Supplementary Retiring Allowances Act March 22nd, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. To the bill. Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Supplementary Retiring Allowances Act, I will not be available...
Question 34-13(7): GNWT Pay Equity Obligation March 22nd, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of the Financial Management Board also. It concerns the pay equity situation. Could the Minister inform this House that indeed, if the pay equity reaches its final conclusion in the federal court, would this government or any successive government have to pay the amount that was owed? For example, we know that the Members right now of the UNW are signing off on an offer being presented by this Minister. If the court reaches its final conclusion, would the government or successive governments have to pay more? Does the Minister
have a reading on that or a legal opinion? Thank you.
Question 27-13(7): New Venture Capital Program March 22nd, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is the for the Minister of RWED on the new venture capital program. I am wondering if the Minister could tell us who the contact organization, group or individuals are that will be helping facilitate the initiative for our government? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery March 22nd, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome to the gallery a well known Iqaluit resident, Wende Halonen, who is a tireless worker for Iqaluit daycares and a well known writer of the Iqaluit Tea Talk column in News North and our Iqaluit returning officers just mentioned by Mr. Ningark. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Member's Statement 45-13(7): Rankin Inlet Atom Hockey Tournament March 22nd, 1999
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Good afternoon. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the good people of Rankin Inlet, who recently hosted several Atom hockey teams for a tournament over there. Mr. Speaker, the Iqaluit team was ably coached by Craig Dunphy and Carl McLean and assisted by parents, Ben Kovic and Brian Aglukark, who also made the trip to Rankin Inlet. Mr. Speaker, the volunteers who worked tirelessly to pull off these tournaments, the coaches and the officials, need to be recognized.
The Iqaluit team pulled an early upset by defeating the eventual champion, Hay River. I understand from my son, Wally, who played with the Iqaluit team, that the highlight in Rankin Inlet was the Red Top. I will make it a point the next time I am in Rankin Inlet to drop by the Red Top and see what it is all about. I guess in conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I would again like to thank the people of Rankin Inlet for the hospitality that they showed during the team's stay in the community.
Member's Statement 36-13(7): Thanks To Colleagues And Staff March 21st, 1999
Thank you. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this, my first opportunity in this Assembly, to thank the people of Iqaluit for their second strong vote of confidence in me on February 15, 1999. Mr. Speaker, I have learned many things in this House over the past three and a half years. I have developed some strong friendships and seemingly stumbled with some animosity with my honourable colleagues. Mr. Speaker, I can honestly say that the learning curve in here in this House, the stress, the hard work and at times, good humour, will not be soon forgotten.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the staff, the Clerk's office and the good people of Yellowknife for their friendship, professionalism and hospitality and invite one and all to join us in Iqaluit, the capital of Nunavut, at their earliest convenience. I would like to take this opportunity also, Mr. Speaker, to issue a special invitation to my colleague from Thebacha to visit Nunavut so that he can finally speak with some authority on the subject. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 1-13(7): Minister's Forum On Schooling December 10th, 1998
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, so I guess the Minister's Forum on Schooling then is to review the strategic plan that was released five years ago. I am wondering what type of consultation will be done, not only with the parents and teachers, but with the NWTTA, or the Nunavut teachers, or how that is going to work across the territories? The Minister also mentioned there were ten communities picked. I am wondering how that was chosen. Thank you.
Question 1-13(7): Minister's Forum On Schooling December 10th, 1998
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I know it is the last day and Members do not want to hear too many questions, but that is what I am paid to do.
Thank you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the fans over there.
Seriously, Mr. Speaker, Minister Dent, I think, announced something quite interesting and that was the Ministers' Forum on Schooling. It sounds good in the press release that he put out and in his Minister's statement, but I do not see any terms of reference for the committee and exactly what they are supposed to do. It seems a bit fuzzy-wuzzy, so I wonder if the Minister could maybe give us a bit more explanation on the terms of reference for this, how it is going to report back to the Assembly, is the NWTTA involved and so on? Thank you.