Like I said, sometimes things get a little tense around here, but Mr. Bouchard does have a wonderful sense of humour and I’ll just tell you one little incident. We were co-chairing a constituency meeting and I wanted to say something kind of off the record. I said to the whole audience – there were 100 people there – “So, if I can just take off my MLA hat for one minute,” and he turned to me in front of these 100 people and said, “You cannot take off your MLA hat at your own constituency meeting.” He put me right in my place. Of course, I laughed because, I mean, that’s just the kind of comment that he would make.
To both of my assistants, Orlanda Patterson, who works in my Hay River office, I’d like to thank her for her four years. She’s been an amazing support there. To my other constituency assistant who is here in the visitors gallery today, Wendy Morgan, who has been with me for 17 years. I can say categorically, without any hesitation, that I could not have done my job without Wendy’s support. We are a team and people know us as a team and I cannot thank her enough for everything that she’s done to support me in every way possible.
To my family, my husband, Rick, is here in the visitors gallery today. He is my biggest supporter. On those cold mornings when it’s 40 below and you have to get onto that Buffalo flight and I complain and whine, he goes, “Hey, sweetie, you wanted this job. Get out there.” And once I go through the front doors, I’m fine. Sometimes it’s just getting on that plane and getting here in the morning. But Rick has been an amazing support.
To my daughter, Jillian, who is also in the visitors gallery, who was six years old when I was elected. So maybe she doesn’t have much memory of her mother other than as an MLA. It’s been wonderful to have her here in Yellowknife for the last 14 years and somebody to come here at the other end. I don’t think I could have done this. I would have been lonely without her here.
I also wanted to thank my other two children, Jeffrey and Jordan. Jeffrey stood up at our 35th wedding anniversary and said, “I had an unconventional upbringing. My parents are not sentimental. They never look back and the most interest for them is yet to come.” You know, that is kind of true. We’re always in the moment. We’re always moving forward and that kind of sums up the way we are. I would also say I’m very proud of my son Jordan, who is away, finally, at RCMP depot right now down in Regina and not here to be with us today.
So to all of my colleagues, I wish you all the best. This is a rare, rare opportunity for community service. I hate the word “politician” and I hate the word “power.” We’re all here as servants of the people and it’s not about us, it’s all about them. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.