My question would be to Mr. Pollard. Did I hear you say that all contributions are frozen?
John Todd
Last in the Legislative Assembly March 1999, as MLA for Keewatin Central
Won his last election, in 1995, with 82% of the vote.
Statements in the House
Question O30-12(1): Freeze On Contributions December 9th, 1991
Question O27-12(1): Internal Review Of NWT Power Corporation December 9th, 1991
Mr. Speaker, given the previous discussions by the Government Leader with respect that there have been ongoing discussions regarding the transfer of POL and the Power Corporation being amalgamated, at any point over the short period of time that the Power Corporation has been turned over from the federal government to the territorial government, has there been an internal review done to determine the efficiency of the Power Corporation?
Question O10-12(1): Incorporating Petroleum, Oil And Lubricants Program With Power Corporation December 9th, 1991
In the Government Leader's statement yesterday, it was clear to this House that the government intends to incorporate the POL, petroleum, oil and lubricants program, with the NWT Power Corporation. We are told in the speech that this incorporation is to gain greater efficiencies. On what basis did we determine that the Power Corporation has the ability to take on greater responsibilities, as there was little or no review done of the Power Corporation during preparation of the Beatty report?
Question O8-12(1): Involvement Of Ordinary Members In Implementation Of Beatty Report Recommendations December 9th, 1991
Mr. Speaker, there has been a great deal of comment, both in the Government Leader's statement yesterday and in Mr. Kakfwi's statement today, of the need to involve ordinary MLAs as it relates to the Beatty report. However, there seems to be no reference as to the specifics of how MLAs are going to be involved. Therefore, will the Government Leader commit today to involving ordinary MLAs or a committee of MLAs to be directly involved now with cabinet in developing a phased implementation strategy which will reflect consensus of this House?
Motion 15-12(1): Terms Of Reference For The Standing Committee On Finance, Carried December 8th, 1991
Mr. Speaker:
WHEREAS it is required by Rule 95(2) that the terms of reference for all standing committees shall be approved by the Legislative Assembly;
AND WHEREAS the standing committee on finance has considered the matter of the terms of reference;
AND WHEREAS the standing committee is now prepared to present their terms of reference to the Legislative Assembly;
NOW THEREFORE, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Kitikmeot, Mr. Bernhardt, that the following terms of reference for the standing committee on finance be approved:
The standing committee on finance may, on its own authority:
a) inquire into such matters as may be referred to it by the Legislative Assembly;
b) review and recommend on the preparation of estimates, expenditures and appropriations required to defray the charges and expenses of the public service in the Northwest Territories in each fiscal year; c) review and recommend on capital projects and capital planning;
d) examine and recommend the terms and conditions of any agreement relating to financial arrangements with the Government of Canada;
e) examine and recommend the terms and conditions of borrowing, lending and investing funds;
f) review, evaluate and recommend on any revenue sources that may be available to the Territories;
g) review financial implications of existing and proposed territorial programs and the financing there of, as well as any other programs which may in future become a charge against the territorial budget, and further, be able to recommend funding changes if required;
h) investigate and inquire into those financial matters that, in the opinion of the committee, require investigation; and
i) establish its quorum to be five Members, including the Chair.
Motion 16-12(1): Terms Of Reference For Standing Committee On Public Accounts, Carried December 8th, 1991
Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to proceed to my motion today concerning the terms of reference of the standing committee on finance.
Notice Of Motion 15-12(1): Terms Of Reference For The Standing Committee On Finance December 8th, 1991
Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Wednesday, December 11th, I will move the following motion: I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Kitikmeot, that the following terms of reference for the standing committee on finance be approved. The standing committee may on its own authority: a) inquire into such matters as may be referred to it by the Legislative Assembly; b) review and recommend on the preparation of estimates, expenditures and appropriations required to defray the charges and expenses of the public service of the Northwest Territories in each fiscal year; c) review and recommend on capital projects and capital planning; d) examine and recommend the terms and conditions of any agreement relating to financial arrangements with the Government of Canada; e) examine and recommend the terms and conditions of borrowing, lending and investing funds; f) review, evaluate and recommend on any revenue sources that may be available to the Territories; g) review financial implications of existing and proposed territorial programs and the financing there of, as well as any other programs which may, in future, become a charge against the territorial budget, and further, be able to recommend funding changes if required; h) investigate and inquire into these financial matters which, in the opinion of the committee, require investigation; and i) establish its quorum to be five Members including the Chair.
At the appropriate time, Mr. Speaker, I will be seeking unanimous consent to proceed with this motion today.
Motion 13-12(1): Appointments To The Standing Committee On Public Accounts, Carried November 14th, 1991
Mr. Speaker:
WHEREAS it is required by Rule 86 that a standing committee on public accounts be appointed;
NOW THEREFORE, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Mackenzie Delta, Mr. Nerysoo, that Mr. Arngna'naaq, Mr. Arvaluk, Mr. Bernhardt, Mr. Gargan, Mr. Koe, Mr. Pudlat and Mr. Zoe be appointed as Members of the standing committee on public accounts;
AND FURTHER, that Mr. Dent, Mr. Pudluk and Mr. Todd be named alternates to the standing committee on public accounts.
Motion 12-12(1): Appointments To The Standing Committee On Rules, Procedures And Privileges, Carried November 14th, 1991
I am getting instructions from all sides here.
Mr. Speaker, I would seek unanimous consent to deal with the motion today on the appointments to the standing committee on public accounts.
Motion 12-12(1): Appointments To The Standing Committee On Rules, Procedures And Privileges, Carried November 14th, 1991
It was a typographical error, Mr. Speaker. Whereas it is required...