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In the Legislative Assembly


Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word is know.

MLA for Inuvik Twin Lakes

Won her last election, in 2023, with 72% of the vote.

Two days ago

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 458-20(1): Cultural Sensitivity and Costs Related to Funeral Preparation Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as this program is for -- not just for Indigenous governments, it is for low income families to be able …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 457-20(1): Improving Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority Service Delivery Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as I said, I have not seen NTHSSA's budget. I have not seen -- they have not presented it yet. …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 455-20(1): Role of the Public Administrator of the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as the Minister, that's pretty in the weeds for me but I can tell you right now whatever services that …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 453-20(1): Cultural Sensitivity and Costs Related to Funeral Preparation Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I hear what the Member is saying, and I too have had these conversations as soon as I became the …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 452-20(1): Addictions Support and Resources for Residents in Small Communities Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, this area where the Member is speaking to has been identified. There were changes put in place to ensure that …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Minister's Statement 89-20(1): NWT Personal Support Worker Bilateral Agreement (HSS Mr. Speaker, the Department of Health and Social Services is committed to enabling seniors to age in place with dignity as close to home as possible. …

Mentioned by Government of Northwest Territories Lesa Semmler: NWT Personal Support Worker Bilateral Agreement Lesa Semmler: NWT Personal Support Worker Bilateral Agreement  

Three days ago

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 441-20(1): Services at Primary Health Clinics Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And, Mr. Speaker, the proposed online booking system, this is -- NTHSSA is aware that the department within NTHSSA has added this …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 439-20(1): Respite and Home Care in Dehcho Communities Mr. Speaker, right now we have started to transition, and during the last year, we actually have increased some communities with the funding that we're getting …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 437-20(1): Trauma, Healing and Harm Reduction Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, at this time, there is no sustainable funding for the existing managed alcohol program at Spruce Bough. The priority would …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Question 436-20(1): Healthcare Sustainability Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the public administrator has met with the health sustainability unit leadership. Part of his role is to ensure that NTHSSA …

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to recognize Dan Florizone, our newly appointed public administrator here today for the Northwest Territories health and social …

This week

Spoke in the Legislative Assembly on Committee Motion 66-20(1): Committee Report 17-20(1): Standing Committee on Procedure and Privileges Interim Report on the Review of the Rules of the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly - Ministers' Statements in Committee of the Whole, Carried Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chair, I've spent a lot of time thinking about this committee recommendation. I've reflected on my experience both as a Regular …

Two months ago

Mentioned by Yahoo News Canada Dene Nation decries decision to scrap N.W.T. health board Dene Nation decries decision to scrap N.W.T. health board  

Mentioned by NNSL Media NWT Health and Social Services board of management relieved of duties NWT Health and Social Services board of management relieved of duties  

Mentioned by Cabin Radio Minister removes NWT health authority’s leadership council Minister removes NWT health authority’s leadership council  

More than three months ago

Mentioned by Government of Northwest Territories Lesa Semmler: The Signing of the Inuvialuit Coordination Agreement Lesa Semmler: The Signing of the Inuvialuit Coordination Agreement  

Mentioned by Government of Northwest Territories Lesa Semmler: Mental Wellness Supports Lesa Semmler: Mental Wellness Supports  

Mentioned by Government of Northwest Territories Minister Semmler issues statement in support of the court-filed proposed plan for tobacco compensation Minister Semmler issues statement in support of the court-filed proposed plan for tobacco compensation  

Mentioned by CBC.ca Canada and N.W.T. sign historic funding agreement with Inuvialuit for child services Canada and N.W.T. sign historic funding agreement with Inuvialuit for child services  

Mentioned by Yahoo News Canada Canada and N.W.T. sign historic funding agreement with Inuvialuit for child services Canada and N.W.T. sign historic funding agreement with Inuvialuit for child services  

Mentioned by Cabin Radio ‘Historic’ $500M deal to implement IRC child and family services law ‘Historic’ $500M deal to implement IRC child and family services law  

Mentioned by Cabin Radio Frame Lake Constituency Meeting – Special Guest: HSS Minister Lesa Semmler Frame Lake Constituency Meeting – Special Guest: HSS Minister Lesa Semmler  

Mentioned by Yahoo News Canada Dental care increases medical travel, need for beds in Yellowknife Dental care increases medical travel, need for beds in Yellowknife  

Voted Yes on Vote #135 on Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act

Voted Yes on Vote #134 on Bill 14, An Act to Amend the Securities Act

Voted Yes on Vote #133 on Bill 13, An Act to Amend the Interpretation Act

Voted Yes on Vote #132 on Bill 12, An Act to Amend the Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupational Certification Act

Voted Yes on Vote #72 on Bill 11, Legislative Assembly Standardization Act

Voted Yes on Vote #65 on Motion 12-19(2): Revocation of Appointment to the Executive Council, Carried