Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize two of my staff in the gallery, Kat Nicholson, my executive assistant and Judy Payne, my executive secretary.
Lost his last election, in 2003, with 48% of the vote.
Item 5: Recognition Of Visitors In The Gallery October 9th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize two of my staff in the gallery, Kat Nicholson, my executive assistant and Judy Payne, my executive secretary.
Appreciation For Colleagues, Staff And Family October 9th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Good morning. Mr. Speaker, as this may be the last day for the Members of the 14th Assembly in this House, I wish to thank you and all my colleagues for your cooperation and understanding while serving as a Member representing Nunakput and all residents of the Northwest Territories. I wish to thank the Clerk and his staff for their assistance over the years. Mr. Speaker, I could not do the job I have over the past four years without the professional assistance of my executive assistant Kat Nicholson; my constituency assistant in Tuktoyaktuk, Lena Kotokak; and, my executive secretary here in Yellowknife, Judy Payne. Thanks to them all. I must not forget to thank my summer student assistant, Amanda Nasogaluak. I wish to acknowledge, Mr. Speaker, the cooperation I received from community leaders in Nunakput.
Mr. Speaker, it has been a productive four years, in my opinion. Time seemed to fly because we have been so busy. Will I be back, Mr. Speaker? I don't know. I do know I will let my name stand for re-election. With the support of my voters in Nunakput, I could be back.
Mr. Speaker, a big thank you to my wife and partner, Betty, and to all my family for their endless understanding of my absence from the dinner table at home.
Mr. Speaker, a happy Thanksgiving to you, my colleagues, and everyone back home. I hope to see them all soon. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Bill 25: Municipal Statutes Replacement Act October 9th, 2003
Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Thebacha, that Bill 25, Municipal Statutes Replacement Act, be read for the third time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Question 423-14(6): Main Street Paving Program October 8th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as I responded to Mr. Nitah, all the communities will be considered, but I can't guarantee any priority right now. It would be related to the equipment that's available from Transportation, the availability of crushed material and the cost. I certainly will bring the comments of the Member forward. Thank you.
Question 423-14(6): Main Street Paving Program October 8th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I believe the chip sealing program will be part of the transition document because FMBS approved it for a five-year term. Thank you.
Question 423-14(6): Main Street Paving Program October 8th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as I responded to the Member, Mr. Nitah, earlier, we would definitely have liked to have the figures from the federal government as to how much of that funding we'll be receiving this year before the business plans are put in place so that we can see whether we can in fact accelerate the chip sealing program.
Question 423-14(6): Main Street Paving Program October 8th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, if the agreement with NWTAC and all the stakeholders is that chip sealing receives high priority in relation to other programs, such as water and sewage, and we do receive more funding because of the federal program, we will definitely increase and accelerate the program.
Question 422-14(6): Main Street Paving Program October 8th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as far as I'm aware, Rae and Edzo are the same community. I'm not aware that they're two different communities that we're dealing with.
Question 422-14(6): Main Street Paving Program October 8th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there would have to be some differences in how much we spent in each community because it takes into consideration what's considered as main street in each community. We work with the community to have them identify for us what they consider as main street, and then we take into consideration what the cost would be to bring the main road up to a level that can hold chip seal. In that case, we have to use Transportation engineers and work with them to arrive at a cost to put chip seal in those particular communities. Some would be more than others.
Question 422-14(6): Main Street Paving Program October 8th, 2003
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I have that information in my office, but I don't have it here. I'd certainly be able to supply it to the Member.
Please only include contact information if you would like to hear back.