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Member's Statement 64-13(7): Appreciation Of Support  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I was saying, I felt like a foreign object so many times when I am being told that I am the only woman in the Nunavut government, but the decision was made by the people of Nunavut. This is a decision that was made by the people and it has already been

March 25th, 1999Assembly debate Page 127 Members' Statements

Manitok Thompson

Member's Statement 64-13(7): Appreciation Of Support  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I was just going to say thank you very much and goodbye, I am going home tomorrow. I would just like to mention a few people who have helped me here while I have been here. The first person I would like to say thank you to and I do respect this man very mu

March 25th, 1999Assembly debate Page 126 Members' Statements

Manitok Thompson

Minister's Statement 22-13(7): Territorial Strategy For Community Fire Protection  Mr. Speaker, on two other occasions I advised this House that there is a real need for change in the area of community fire protection. Consistently high rates of fire loss, including the loss of life and the loss of major public buildings in communities across the north continu

March 25th, 1999Assembly debate Page 120 Ministers' Statements

Manitok Thompson

Tabled Document 17-13(7): Municipal Finance Review  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker I wish to table the following document entitled Municipal Finance Review. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

March 24th, 1999Assembly debate Page 102 Tabling of Documents

Manitok Thompson

Minister's Statement 18-13(7): Joint Nwtam/maca Municipal Finance Review  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to provide an update on the Municipal Finance Review. The Department of Municipal and Community Affairs, in partnership with the NWT Association of Municipalities, are doing this joint review. For many years, community governme

March 24th, 1999Assembly debate Page 92 Ministers' Statements

Manitok Thompson

Question 10-13(7): Lease Increases In High Arctic Communities  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We did some consultations for quite some time in the beginning of this three years of this government with the communities and also through the NWTAM, so I do know that the hamlet councils have also been consulted on the land reform initiative. Thank you

March 16th, 1999Assembly debate Page 24 Oral Questions

Manitok Thompson

Question 10-13(7): Lease Increases In High Arctic Communities  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We did a land reform initiative which authorized the communities now to set their own rates on land leases. Under the Nunavut Land Claims, the authority has been given to the hamlets to set their own land leases, so it is now up to the communities to dec

March 16th, 1999Assembly debate Page 24 Oral Questions

Manitok Thompson

Member's Statement 26-13(7): Acknowledgement Of Constituents' Support  (Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker, also my colleagues, my fellow MLAs who are able to attend the meeting here, also the Premier-elect, I would like to welcome him to our Legislative Assembly; and I would like to thank my constituents in Rankin South, also Whale Cove. I will

March 16th, 1999Assembly debate Page 20 Members' Statements

Manitok Thompson

Item 21: Third Reading Of Bills  Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Nahendeh, that Bill 24, Community Employees' Benefits Program Transfer Act, be read for the third time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

December 9th, 1998Assembly debate Page 649 Third Reading of Bills

Manitok Thompson

Item 9: Replies To Opening Address  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I rise today to speak because this is possibly the last opportunity I will speak in this Assembly. I suppose this can be described as my parting comments to the Western Territory. I will probably take ten minutes of your time, so it is not going to be

December 9th, 1998Assembly debate Page 639 Replies to Opening Address

Manitok Thompson

Question 285-13(6): Full-time Kitikmeot Fire Chiefs  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Member can pick a date and I will answer on that date. It can be on the 15th of January. Thank you.

December 9th, 1998Assembly debate Page 629 Oral Questions

Manitok Thompson

Question 285-13(6): Full-time Kitikmeot Fire Chiefs  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It might be January 2nd. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

December 9th, 1998Assembly debate Page 629 Oral Questions

Manitok Thompson

Question 285-13(6): Full-time Kitikmeot Fire Chiefs  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, I will answer as quickly as possible to the Kitikmeot leadership in which forum, I do not know. I will be communicating with them. Thank you.

December 9th, 1998Assembly debate Page 629 Oral Questions

Manitok Thompson

Question 285-13(6): Full-time Kitikmeot Fire Chiefs  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will seriously look at the request by the Member for the Kitikmeot leaders. Thank you.

December 9th, 1998Assembly debate Page 629 Oral Questions

Manitok Thompson

Member's Statement 252-13(6): Passing Of Jon Lindell  Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it also gives me great sorrow to share with Members of this House the sad news of Nancy Karetak-Lindell's husband Jon who passed away last night. I really feel a deep hurt for the Lindell family and my prayers including those of Cabinet are wi

December 9th, 1998Assembly debate Page 625 Members' Statements

Manitok Thompson

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