Assembly Vote
20th Assembly, 1st SessionFebruary 9, 2024
Motion Sponsor
Motion Text
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker,
WHEREAS the Northwest Territories experienced a historic and unprecedented wildfire season in 2023 that displaced two-thirds of the territorial population through emergency evacuations and that destroyed community infrastructure and private property in many northern communities;
AND WHEREAS the people of the Northwest Territories are still experiencing individual and collective trauma induced by the 2023 wildfires and subsequent emergency management operations;
AND WHEREAS the Government of the Northwest Territories is undertaking an internal review of its emergency operations during the 2023 wildfires;
AND WHEREAS there were municipal, territorial and national responses to the crisis that require a broader scope of review that is practicable by the after-action reporting undertaken by the Government of the Northwest Territories;
AND WHEREAS Indigenous governments and municipal governments have called for greater inclusion in emergency management operations and greater transparency for decision-making during the 2023 wildfires;
AND WHEREAS the public has a right to know what the government has done on its behalf during the 2023 wildfires to make informed decisions about protecting themselves and their communities during a state of emergency;
NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Deh Cho, that this Legislative Assembly resolve that the Commissioner cause an inquiry to be made into the 2023 wildfires pursuant to the Public Inquiries Act;
AND FURTHER that this resolution include the Commissioner establishing a Board composed of four persons appointed by the Commissioner to make the inquiry and to report on the inquiry to the Commissioner;
AND FURTHERMORE that the Commissioner receive recommendations from the Executive Council for two persons to be appointed to the Board;
AND FURTHERMORE that the Commissioner receive recommendations from the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight for two persons to be appointed to the board;
AND FURTHERMORE that the Commissioner ensure the perspectives of all Northwest Territories residents are adequately captured in the public inquiry undertaken by the Board;
AND FURTHERMORE that the Commissioner ask that the public inquiry to make comprehensive recommendations into the future management of territorial emergencies by the Government of the Northwest Territories based on its findings;
AND FURTHERMORE that the inquiry establishment order is prepared jointly between the Executive Council and the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight;
AND FURTHERMORE that the inquiry establishment order be tabled on the first day of the May sitting of this House. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.