In the Legislative Assembly on December 17th, 1991. See this topic in context.

Ministers' Statement 24-12(1): Fire Prevention Videos
Item 2: Ministers' Statements

December 16th, 1991

Page 144

Dennis Patterson Iqaluit

Mr. Speaker, if I may, the Department of Safety and Public Services has taken another step in support of our government's efforts to reduce incidents of propane sniffing in the Northwest Territories. It is now releasing the recently completed anti-abuse video "Straight Shooting" to NWT schools. The 28-minute video was filmed in Cape Dorset by the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation for the office of the Fire Marshal. It will be used in "Learn Not To Burn" presentations in NWT schools.

The actors in this video are not professional. They are young adults from the hamlet of Cape Dorset who, as first time actors, have done a remarkable job in delivering a very serious message in a way that touches all age groups.

Mr. Speaker, we must learn from our fire loss records; we must change our lifestyles so that our children are not left unsupervised when they are too young to reason or react; we must get the matches and lighters out of reach of children and teach them the dangers of playing with fires, and we must start controlling our use of alcohol so that alcohol is not a contributing factor to fires.

I would urge each Member of this Assembly to take every opportunity to speak to their constituents about fire prevention. Qujannamiik.


Ministers' Statement 24-12(1): Fire Prevention Videos
Item 2: Ministers' Statements

Page 145

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Ministers' statements. Ministers' statements. Item 3, Members' statements. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.