This is page numbers 440 - 463 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was hospital.


Supplementary To Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 443

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Further Return To Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 443

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The standards are standards of care for therapeutic abortions and are established by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Canada.

Further Return To Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 443

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 443

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Mr. Speaker, can the Minister indicate to this House whether or not, when abortions are performed, there is anesthetic given to the patient, which is normal practice, apparently, in other parts of the country?

Supplementary To Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Item 5: Oral Questions

March 24th, 1992

Page 443

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Further Return To Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 443

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Yes, Mr. Speaker, I have been advised that the procedures are standard. They may vary in some instances as to the type and amounts of medication given to a patient prior to, during and after the procedure.

Further Return To Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Question O349-12(2): Abortions At Stanton Yellowknife Hospital
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 443

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Mr. Gargan.

Question O350-12(2):counselling Before Performing Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Samuel Gargan Deh Cho

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Following up with Mrs. Marie-Jewell's questions, I would like to ask the Minister whether the women being given the abortions are advised of the difficulty they may be experiencing and whether they are given the opportunity for medication if they do ask.

Question O350-12(2):counselling Before Performing Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Return To Question O350-12(2): Counselling Before Performing Abortions
Question O350-12(2):counselling Before Performing Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes, there is a procedure that takes place which involves counselling. All patients requiring and seeking an abortion at the Stanton Yellowknife Hospital first receive counselling from the attending physicians and nursing staff in regard to the procedure. They are also informed by the physician and the nursing staff that the procedure is performed without a general anesthetic, and the reasons for these standards of care are explained to the patient so that they know, and also they have an opportunity to sign a consent form.

Further, Mr. Speaker, if a person is apprehensive, there is medication given to a patient. There is no patient receiving an abortion without their consent and without the care that is needed for that particular type of a procedure. There is no way that the hospital does this type of procedure against the will of an individual. They are informed first of all that it is not a practice that will be done without an anesthetic, or if the patient requests an anesthetic, they will receive it.

Return To Question O350-12(2): Counselling Before Performing Abortions
Question O350-12(2):counselling Before Performing Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the Minister of Health in respect to reviewing some of the comments that he had in his interview with CBC. He indicated, and I would like to quote, "I do not think people who seek abortions are forced into seeking an abortion, and they are not forced into having an abortion." I would like the Minister to clarify what he meant by this public statement in respect to abortions.

Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Return To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I had prepared a point of privilege to bring to the House under Rule 32(1) dealing with that very issue and I was waiting for the appropriate time to do this, according to the rules.

Point Of Privilege

Mr. Speaker, this morning CBC Radio carried an interview that I did yesterday concerning the matter of abortions. I am concerned that my comments did not come across the way that they should have. What I was trying to say to the reporter was that I had been advised that patients have a choice on whether or not they wish to have pain relief during an abortion procedure; I certainly did not want to suggest in any way that patients either have to have an abortion without pain killers, or they do not.

Mr. Speaker, I am advised by the hospital that standard procedures involving the administering of pain relieving medication, as required, before, during and after the

procedure -- I am told that in some cases general anesthetic is used in specific circumstances, such as for young patients, severely emotional and distraught patients, when the pregnancy is in the latter part of the first trimester, or when another medical procedure is being performed at the same time.

I explained this to the reporter, That part of the interview did not make it on to the news. I regret, Mr. Speaker, any misunderstanding that may have arisen out of that broadcast.

Return To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell, supplementary.

Return To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Mr. Speaker, I know in accordance with the rules that any Member, at any time, can bring forth a point of privilege. I am sure that Mr. Whitford could have brought forth his point of privilege at any point in time.

Supplementary To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

But I would like to get back to the question that I asked the Minister. He did indicate in his comments that he did not think people seeking abortions are forced into seeking abortions and they are not forced into having abortions. What did he mean when he made such a statement'? He did publicly make this type of statement, Mr. Speaker.

Supplementary To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Supplementary To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Mr. Speaker, on the point of privilege, I am supposed to give the House an hour's notice on something that was on a broadcast and not something that had been raised in the House. That was the delay; it had to be five minutes after 2:00 o'clock. It is in the book on page 12.

Further Return To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

But to the question. The comments that I made were perhaps in my words, but it is not my intention to pass judgment on anyone as to whether or not an abortion should take place. It has never been, never was, never will be, my position. I was simply stating that a patient was not forced to have an abortion without an anesthetic if they did not want to have an abortion without an anesthetic, and I had explained that to the reporter. Unfortunately, that did not come across as I had intended it.

Further Return To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell,

Supplementary To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

I would like to ask if the Minister of Health is aware that many of the women who are recommended for, or request, such procedure, and appear at the Stanton Yellowknife Hospital in respect to abortions are in fact women who have possibly miscarried and not really women that want to have abortions. They have no choice in seeking such elective surgery. Is the Minister aware of this?

Supplementary To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Further Return To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 444

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am not personally aware of what the Member is referring to, but I am advised that during the standard abortion procedure -- by

choice, that is -- a certain amount of counselling takes place between the physician and the patient. I am advised as well that there are female nursing staff present that are giving as good care as can be given under those trying circumstances. 1, as a Member, am greatly concerned about what I have been hearing. As a result of this, Mr. Speaker, I have asked Stanton Yellowknife Hospital to do a full public review of the procedures at the hospital. When these findings are made known to me, I will make them known to the House.

Further Return To Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Question O351-12(2): Clarification Of Minister's Public Statement On Abortions
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 445

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.