This is page numbers 762 - 787 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was services.


Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Minister of Finance, Mr. Pollard.

Return To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

John Pollard Hay River

Mr. Speaker, we have looked at It several times. There have been all kinds of recommendations made to us; getting rid of the subsidy program; making it user-pay. There have been people in the Northwest Territories who say we should be paying less because we are on hydro power, that it should not be a sort of pooled system. To answer the Member's question directly, we have done nothing as yet to address this problem that some people across the Northwest Territories consider the inconsistencies between power rates. It is a very complex subject, particularly since the Government of the Northwest Territories in many instances is the person who pays the bill for power through one means or another. So we have had some looks at it, Mr. Speaker, but we have not done anything to date. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Return To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mr. Todd.

Supplementary To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

John Todd Keewatin Central

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Could the Minister tell me whether these power subsidies are solely funded by dividends paid to the GNWT by the NWT Power Corporation? How are they paid?

Supplementary To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Pollard.

Further Return To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

John Pollard Hay River

That has been the practice to date, Mr. Speaker, yes.

Further Return To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mr. Todd.

Supplementary To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

John Todd Keewatin Central

Mr. Speaker, as the Member is aware the NWT Power Corporation has been granted a six per cent interim increase in electrical rates by the Public Utilities Board earlier this year. The PUB will be holding public hearings on the Power Corporation's application this week. In fact my concern is that the power rates may even increase. Could the Minister tell me whether the power subsidy programs have kept pace with the increases in the electrical power rates?

Supplementary To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Pollard.

Further Return To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

John Pollard Hay River

Mr. Speaker, the subsidy is based on the rate charged for power in Yellowknife. So in effect it does keep pace, although If the price of power goes up in Yellowknife, obviously there is some loss of subsidy. But when there is an increase outside of Yellowknife, the subsidy does increase.

Further Return To Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Question O651-12(2): Recommendation Of Public Utilities Board Re Rate Structures
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yesterday while I was away from the House the report of the abortion review services committee was tabled and I have been unable to read it as of yet. However I have heard through the media reports that there is a member of this committee who does not agree with this report and as a result will be formulating her own report. I would like to ask the Minister of Health if this is correct?

Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

I would like to remind Members that a question should not ask a Minister to confirm or deny something from the media, but If the Member would like to rephrase the question to ask for specific information.

Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, I would like to ask the Minister of Health whether or not all abortion review committee Members agreed in totality with this report that was tabled in the House.

Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Ms. Cournoyea.

Return To Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, to my knowledge all members agreed with what is in the report. One member wanted to add more. Thank you.

Return To Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Since the Member did want to add more to the report, is the Minister willing to entertain the request of adding more to the report?

Supplementary To Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Ms. Cournoyea.

Further Return To Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 769

Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, I believe one of the Members asked earlier how we set it up so it would be completely objective and at arm's length and totally out of

anyone interfering with the work of the committee. I have no jurisdiction to add or take away from the report. The report was presented. My understanding is there was opportunity to have an addendum to the report. The individual chose not to do so. The report has been delivered and I cannot do anything to manipulate or add or change the report.

Further Return To Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Question O652-12: Results Of Abortion Review Committee
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 770

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Lewis.

Question O653-12(2): Co-ordination Of Northern Science Activities
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 770

Brian Lewis Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. To the Government Leader. When the decision was made to decentralize the Science Institute of the NWT, was the Government Leader aware that there was a piece of federal legislation establishing a Polar Science Commission, in which there would be a northern office to co-ordinate northern activities, and that the report that led to that legislation, that recommended that office be in Yellowknife and combined with the Science Institute of the NWT?

Question O653-12(2): Co-ordination Of Northern Science Activities
Item 5: Oral Questions

June 24th, 1992

Page 770

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

That is really two questions, but if the Minister would like to answer in a general way.

Return To Question O653-12(2): Co-ordination Of Northern Science Activities
Question O653-12(2): Co-ordination Of Northern Science Activities
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 770

Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, I am aware of that federal legislation.

Return To Question O653-12(2): Co-ordination Of Northern Science Activities
Question O653-12(2): Co-ordination Of Northern Science Activities
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 770

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mr. Lewis.