This is page numbers 805 - 842 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was board.


Further Return To Question O701-12(2): Rcmp Officer For Pelly Bay
Question O701-12(2): Rcmp Officer For Pelly Bay
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 814

Dennis Patterson Iqaluit

Mr. Speaker, I would like to assure the honourable Member that the emergency policing requirement associated with the Royal Oak labour situation is not affecting the community policing requirements. That matter is an extraordinary expense, unbudgeted, which will have to be dealt with in the way those unbudgeted extraordinary expenses are dealt with. Probably, if there is a bill that we must pay, it will be dealt with outside the normal

budget process, and I am not admitting that we have any responsibility for that bill, Mr. Speaker. So I want to assure the Member that although I am having difficulties, especially with the satellite detachments, due to the financial restraint, it is not due to the restraints that both the federal government and our government are facing as a result of budgetary pressures Members are well familiar with. it has nothing to do with the strike in Yellowknife. Thank you.

Further Return To Question O701-12(2): Rcmp Officer For Pelly Bay
Question O701-12(2): Rcmp Officer For Pelly Bay
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Mr. Zoe.

Question O702-12(2): Transfer Of Funding For Maintenance Of Elizabeth Mackenzie School
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

Henry Zoe

Henry Zoe North Slave

Mr. Speaker, a new school was built in Rae, and I understand the Rae school society has not been able to negotiate a contractual agreement for the maintenance of that particular school despite their strong desire to do so. My question to the Minister is, when is the Department of Education and the Department of Public Works going to negotiate with the Rae school society for the transfer of funding to maintain the Elizabeth MacKenzie Elementary School?

Question O702-12(2): Transfer Of Funding For Maintenance Of Elizabeth Mackenzie School
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Allooloo.

Return To Question O702-12(2): Transfer Of Funding For Maintenance Of Elizabeth Mackenzie School
Question O702-12(2): Transfer Of Funding For Maintenance Of Elizabeth Mackenzie School
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I will look into this for the Member. Thank you.

Return To Question O702-12(2): Transfer Of Funding For Maintenance Of Elizabeth Mackenzie School
Question O702-12(2): Transfer Of Funding For Maintenance Of Elizabeth Mackenzie School
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Thank you. Oral questions. Mrs. Marie Jewell.

Question O703-12(2): Winter Road Between Fort Smith And Fort Chipewyan
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Transportation. Mr. Speaker, for many years there has been a winter road from Fort Smith to Fort Chipewyan, and Parks Canada has indicated to the community that they will be closing that particular road this year. I sincerely believe that any linkage for transportation is vitally needed, particularly in the North, and I would like to ask the Minister: In order to maintain this road, it cost approximately anywhere up to $30,000 or $40,000, and I would like the Minister to advise me whether or not his department has had any discussions with Parks Canada in an attempt to try and have them reverse their decision.

Question O703-12(2): Winter Road Between Fort Smith And Fort Chipewyan
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Allooloo.

Return To Question O703-12(1): Winter Road Between Fort Smith And Fort Chipewyan
Question O703-12(2): Winter Road Between Fort Smith And Fort Chipewyan
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Since the announcement by Parks Canada that they will not maintain the winter road between Fort Smith and Fort Chipewyan, I have directed my department to contact Parks Canada to see if they could do anything. Since the radio announcement this spring, and also since we recognize this road as being very important even though it is in the jurisdiction of the Alberta government and Parks Canada, I have asked my department to communicate to the Alberta government and Parks Canada, to push Parks Canada to come up with the money that they have been able to in the past. The report has not come back to me yet. Thank you.

Return To Question O703-12(1): Winter Road Between Fort Smith And Fort Chipewyan
Question O703-12(2): Winter Road Between Fort Smith And Fort Chipewyan
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have an oral question to the Minister of Government Services. Mr. Speaker, as I stated earlier to the Minister of MACA in respect to NorthwesTel services, NorthwesTel provides a very poor quality of service to the community of Fort Smith. The residents of Fort Smith are continually getting out off when they are trying to obtain NorthwesTel services for longdistance telephone calls. I would like to ask the Minister of Government Services if the he would consider assisting Fort Smith by writing to NorthwesTel and request a fibre optic system as opposed to the satellite system that they are currently using, as the current satellite system is one of the oldest systems in the Territories. Thank you.

Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Pollard.

Return To Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Item 5: Oral Questions

June 28th, 1992

Page 815

John Pollard Hay River

Mr. Speaker, we are well aware of the problems that Fort Smith has. It has caused us problems in the past with transmitting data between Fort Smith and other areas of the Northwest Territories. Part of the problem, Mr. Speaker, stems from the fact that Fort Smith may be on the old TROPO system that most of the Northwest Territories was on, and that is primarily because the National Park refused to allow NorthwesTel to put microwave towers throughout the park. That was several years ago. I am aware that last year, or perhaps the year before, Mr. Speaker, there was a satellite system tried from Fort Smith. I gather that did not work very well at all, so we are very aware of the problems in Fort Smith, and yes, I will commit to talk to the Minister of Government Services and recommend to him that his department lend all assistance to Fort Smith to get better telephone services. Thank you.

Return To Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Return To Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Social Services. However, before I proceed, Mr. Speaker, I would like to seek unanimous consent to extend question period.

Return To Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Question O704-12(2): Northwestel Services In Fort Smith
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

The honourable Member is seeking unanimous consent to extend question period. Are there any nays? There are no nays. Question period will be extended. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, and thank you, my honourable colleagues. Mr. Speaker, I have reviewed my return to my written question regarding the status of the board of management for alcohol and drug services, and I want to indicate to the Minister of Social Services that I was not at all pleased with his response. Mr. Speaker, right from the time that alcohol and drug programming was a federal responsibility, there has always been some acceptance of the need for community-based advice on alcohol and drug decision-making. Recognizing the importance of community input to decisions about the development of our system for alcohol and drug treatment, how can the Minister possibly justify the fact that the board of management has not met since November 1991?

Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 815

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Return To Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 816

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. One of the reasons that the board has not met since 1991 is that we had a freeze on travel. There was never a problem with them meeting to discuss matters by telephone, and I did meet subsequently with two board members that are living here in Yellowknife, the chairman and one other board member.

Return To Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 816

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 816

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Mr. Speaker, I recognize that it is not a problem to address this through a conference call, but in the written return the Minister indicated to me that there was also one conference call held with the board, and I do not believe it is fair to ask the opinion of only one member of a board as opposed to the total board. I would like to ask the Minister, if he can indicate how he is receiving input about the continuing program needs of NWT communities in terms of the needs of alcohol and drug program projects?

Supplementary To Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 816

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Whitford.

Return To Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 816

Tony Whitford

Tony Whitford Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There are three methods. The board of management is still there. They can advise me anytime they have some matters to be discussed. I have also responded to requests by Members to attend meetings in their ridings and their communities to discuss matters that deal with alcohol and drug delivery of service. I have responded to every one that I have received, and I have received from the department, the information that is required. But there is no directive stopping the board of management from consulting with the Minister.

Return To Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 816

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Question O705-12(2): Board Of Management Meetings For Alcohol And Drug Services
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 816

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Mr. Speaker, I fully recognize that there is no directive stopping the board members, but the point I am trying to make to the Minister is the board has yet to meet. It has never met since last November. The Minister should know that the board of management for alcohol and drug services does much more that just review funding applications. It is a source of information for the Minister about what is happening in terms of alcohol and drug abuse in regions represented by the board. It provides long-range strategic planning, and it co-ordinates program evaluation, and most importantly, it balances out the Yellowknife perspective which sometimes is dominated by the senior administration within the Social Services department. Is it now the Minister's policy that this community input is unnecessary for the administration of our alcohol and drug projects?