This is page numbers 805 - 842 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 2nd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was board.


Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 817

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The agreement that was reached between the Government of the Northwest Territories and the NWT Teachers' Association is to confirm what has been the practice of all teachers on teaching days throughout the Northwest Territories. The contractual arrangement is between the Government of the Northwest Territories and the NWT Teachers' Association. Thank you.

Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 817

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Zoe.

Supplementary To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 817

Henry Zoe

Henry Zoe North Slave

A supplementary, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we have heard much talk over the past few months about the problems in our education system, particularly the high dropout rates, low graduation rates, at cetera. I cannot understand, Mr. Speaker, why this government would accept a proposal to shorten the school year from 190 days to 187.5 days for the upcoming year. They should have added on to the tail end of the school year, but it looks like they are not considering that. Could the Minister give me a better explanation as to why we are shortening the school year from 190 to 187.5 days?

Supplementary To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 817

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Allooloo.

Further Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 817

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The school days for 1992-93 will be the same as those of the 1991-92 school year. Thank you.

Further Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

June 28th, 1992

Page 817

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Supplementary, Mr. Zoe.

Supplementary To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 817

Henry Zoe

Henry Zoe North Slave

A supplementary, Mr. Speaker. I realize that the total days in the school calendar year is 190 days, but the point I am trying to make is that the actual days of teaching students has been reduced by 2.5 days. The Dogrib divisional board has raised that concern with me asking why our government taking out the 2.5 days at the expense of our students. Here we are decreasing their learning time by 2.5 days. That is the question I was trying to get across to my colleague. If they were going to give them 2.5 days for administrative duties, why did they not add 2.5 days to the school year rather than reducing the actual teaching of the kids by 2.5 days?

Supplementary To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 817

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Allooloo, if you care to clarify please.

Further Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, what I should have said was that the teaching days, the actual days the school kids are in the classroom in 1992-93, will be the same as for the 1991-92 year. The 2.5 days that the Member is talking about have been utilized in the past for quite a few years as days for teachers to use as administrative days to prepare kids at the beginning of the school year in their classrooms - the teachers preparing their classrooms - and also for developing their knowledge to sensitize themselves to their community. Thank you.

Further Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Oral questions. Ms. Mike.

Further Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question will be for my friend, the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism. Honourable Members will know that this is a crucial time for the development of the Baffin fishing industry. I am concerned about the level of expertise which presently exists within both the department's headquarters and the Baffin regional office. In response to my question on June 24, 1992, the Minister indicated that he is getting his information on these matters from his department. Could the Minister please outline for the House the range of experience his departmental officials have with respect to the planning and management of marine fisheries?

Further Return To Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With Nwt Teachers' Association
Question O708-12(2): Contract Agreement With NWT Teachers' Association
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

If I could make one comment. The question could, in my estimation, require quite a detailed response and probably would be more appropriate as a written question, Ms. Mike. Oral questions. Ms. Mike, if you would like to rephrase the question.

Question O709-12(2): Department Of Economic Development And Tourism Expertise In Fisheries
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to know what kind of expertise in fisheries we have in the Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

Question O709-12(2): Department Of Economic Development And Tourism Expertise In Fisheries
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Pollard.

Question O709-12(2): Department Of Economic Development And Tourism Expertise In Fisheries
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

John Pollard Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I will take the question as notice.

Question O709-12(2): Department Of Economic Development And Tourism Expertise In Fisheries
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

The question has been taken as notice. Oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question O710-12(2): Court Costs When Judgment Is Overturned
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Justice. Mr. Speaker, some time ago before this session started, I had asked for some information to be researched. It seems, Mr. Speaker, that we are repeatedly learning about more and more cases that have been tried by one of our territorial Supreme Court judges which are then overturned by a higher court on appeal. Mr. Speaker, I am speaking of the record of the Hon. Justice Ted Richard, who I know is a federally appointed judge of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories. I would like to ask the Minister of Justice if he could tell this House whether expenditures are accrued to the Government of the Northwest Territories in terms of court administration costs when Supreme Court judgments are overturned and cases must be reheard.

Question O710-12(2): Court Costs When Judgment Is Overturned
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Patterson.

Question O710-12(2): Court Costs When Judgment Is Overturned
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

Dennis Patterson Iqaluit

I had better take that one as notice, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Question O710-12(2): Court Costs When Judgment Is Overturned
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

The question is being taken as notice. Oral questions. Oral questions. Item 6, written questions. Ms. Mike.

Question W47-12(2): Extension To Co-pro Limited Contract
Item 6: Written Questions

Page 818

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a written question for the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism. Recognizing that, in October 1991, a $41,500 contract, number SC310802, was awarded to Co-Pro Limited of Ottawa as a part-time retainer for services as marine fisheries advisor, will the Minister table in this House a summary outlining: a) the reasons why it was necessary, in April 1992, to award an additional $4500 contract, SC310807, to Co-Pro Limited as a continuation of this retainer; and b) the procedures used to call for proposals for services provided under SC310802 and SC310807?

Question W46-12(2): Request For Proposals To Provide Fishing Vessel And Core-crew
Item 6: Written Questions

Page 818

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

I have a written question for the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism. Would the Minister provide the following details regarding a request for proposals coordinated in June 1992 on behalf of the Baffin Region subcommittee on fisheries by his department regarding the provision of a fishing vessel and core crew:

a) a listing of all media sources in which the request for proposals was published and the dates when It appeared in each one; b) the closing date for the receipt of proposals; c) procedures used to identify the vessel size and equipment required within the terms of reference; and d) the current status of this request for proposals.

Question W46-12(2): Request For Proposals To Provide Fishing Vessel And Core-crew
Item 6: Written Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Written questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question W48-12(2): Court Administration Costs
Item 6: Written Questions

Page 818

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a written question for the Minister of Justice. Would the Minister please table, in this House, a summary of court administration costs accrued to the GNWT associated with all appeals made on the following legal matters:

a) the Crown versus Iain Richardson; b) the Crown versus Norman Desjardins; c) the Crown versus Eli Ulaayuk; d) the Crown versus Rowe, sexual assault; e) the Crown versus Fraser, sexual assault; - the Crown versus Gillespie; g) the Crown versus Toasi; h) Zatlyn versus the Commissioner of the NWT; i) Alberta Ltd. versus Yellowknife Developments and Air Manitoba Inc.; J) Wayne Dennis versus the Commissioner of the NWT; k) the Crown versus Laisa; l) the Crown versus Larocque; m) the Crown versus Makeinzo; n) the Crown versus Maher, sexual assault; o) HTB Management versus Scott Baker; p) Viswalingam versus Viswalingam; q) Curry Construction versus John Deere Finance Ltd.; r) Curry Construction versus First City Trust Company; s) Munro versus Munro; t) Brock Laidlaw versus Commissioner of the NWT; u) the Crown versus Allen, sexual assault; v) the Crown versus Temela; w) the Crown versus Dale Pearce; x) the Crown versus Peter Ittinuar; y) the Crown versus Gordon Haslam; z) the Crown versus K. Logge; as) the Crown versus E. Tassugat. Thank you.

Question W48-12(2): Court Administration Costs
Item 6: Written Questions

Page 818

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Written questions. Item 7, returns to written questions. Mr. Clerk.