This is page numbers 29 - 52 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 4th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was community.


Supplementary To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Supplementary, Mr. Speaker. I ask the Minister of Finance why do all GNWT cheques that are run off on the computer still have the stamp of J. Nelson, and underneath J. F. Nelson, who is no longer the Comptroller General of the Government of the Northwest Territories? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Pollard.

Further Return To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

John Pollard Hay River

Mr. Speaker, as I said, it doesn't necessarily have to be the Comptroller General. There has been some discussion about changing the signature on that particular document. There has been no resolution as to who will sign at the present time. I am assured that it will be resolved very quickly. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Last supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Is it in accordance with the Financial Administration Act that the Comptroller General signs the cheques on behalf of the Government of the Northwest Territories? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Pollard.

Further Return To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

John Pollard Hay River

Mr. Speaker, it could be myself, it could be the Comptroller General, or it could be designated. That has been the issue that we've been trying to resolve. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Further Return To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 6, oral questions. We'll take a short recess.


Further Return To Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Question 29-12(4): Identity Of The Comptroller General Of The Nwt
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

I'll call the session back to order. The chair recognizes a quorum. We're still in question period. Item 6, oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question 30-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Mr. Speaker, in reviewing the unedited Hansard of Thursday, November 18, on page 37 there is a response by the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs to questions from my colleague from Iqaluit about his deputy minister being unable to reach Mr. Patterson on November 10. He stated, "I didn't have a whole week. I think I only had four hours." After that, Cabinet made the decision. He said his deputy minister tried to telephone the Assembly and Mr. Patterson's home the night of November 10. He had four hours during that whole day.

However, on page 38 of the Hansard, the Minister stated that he was going to try to go to his constituency after the Cabinet, but he didn't have the time. He said he left the afternoon of November 11, in answer to Mr. Patterson's previous question.

I would like to know when he left. Did he leave November 10 or did he leave November 11?

Question 30-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Madam Premier.

Question 30-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

November 18th, 1993

Page 48

Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, I took that particular question as notice because I want to provide an accurate chronology of events to the Members. There seems to be some confusion on specific times. I took that as notice, thank you.

Question 30-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

The question has been taken as notice. The whole aspect of the chronological sequence of events has been taken as notice. Item 6, oral questions. Mr. Lewis.

Question 31-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

Brian Lewis Yellowknife Centre

I don't believe this is part of the chronology, but I would like to ask the Minister of MACA -- because he would know the answer to this -- when exactly did he go on holiday? From what day to what day did he actually go on holiday?

Question 31-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Again, it's hard for the chair to anticipate exactly what is going to be in this chronological order. The Minister could either answer or state that will be part of the chronological order. Mr. Allooloo.

Question 31-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Mr. Speaker, that will be part of the chronology. It will be provided once that information is put together. Thank you.

Question 31-12(4): Chronology Of Events Surrounding Minister's Actions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 6, oral questions. That concludes question period. Item 7, written questions. Mr. Ng.

Item 7: Written Questions
Item 7: Written Questions

Page 48

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The question is to the Honourable Minister of Justice. However, he is unavailable right now so I would like to direct the question to Madam Premier. Mr. Speaker, there are five questions relating to the same topic. Is that appropriate?

Item 7: Written Questions
Item 7: Written Questions

Page 48

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

There can be five questions. In written questions, it is not necessary that the actual Minister is here, because it is in the written question format. The Minister will deal with the particular question. Proceed, Mr. Ng.

Written Question 1-12(4): Government Of The Northwest Territories In Court As Defendant
Item 7: Written Questions

Page 48

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

The questions are: How many out-of-court settlements for lawsuits in which the GNWT has been a defendant have been negotiated since October 1991 and can the Minister provide a list detailing the plaintiffs, the amounts of the settlements and the grounds for the lawsuits? How many

current, active court cases is the GNWT involved in as a defendant and what are the grounds and the amounts of the plaintiffs' claims? At what stage is each court case involving the GNWT as a defendant? Finally, will the Minister provide me with an assessment of which cases are likely to proceed to trial and which are likely to settle, and for these cases that are likely to settle, can the Minister provide me with the total dollar exposure to the GNWT as a result of these possible settlements?

Written Question 1-12(4): Government Of The Northwest Territories In Court As Defendant
Item 7: Written Questions

Page 49

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Thank you, Mr. Ng. Item 7, written questions. Mr. Lewis.

Written Question 2-12(4): Information On Community Pol Sales
Item 7: Written Questions

Page 49

Brian Lewis Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is a written question for the Minister responsible for POL, with regard to information on community POL sales. The Government of the Northwest Territories tenders, purchases and delivers fuel to each community on behalf of the Northwest Territories Power Corporation. By doing this, the Power Corporation is able to take advantage of a cross-subsidization scheme where communities whose fuel costs are in real market terms high are subsidized by communities where costs are low (POL has the same scheme in place). Would the Minister please provide:

1. a schedule on a community by community basis of final sale prices of POL fuel to a) residents, b) commercial, c) government in terms of (i) subsidized sale price, (ii) what the sale price would be if there were no subsidy.

2. a similar schedule for the Northwest Territories Power Corporation fuel in each community - the final price with subsidy and what it would cost if there were no subsidy.

Written Question 2-12(4): Information On Community Pol Sales
Item 7: Written Questions

Page 49

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Thank you, Mr. Lewis. Item 7, written questions. Item 8, returns to written questions. Item 9, replies to opening address. Item 10, replies to budget address. Item 11, petitions. Mr. Arngna'naaq.

Item 11: Petitions
Item 11: Petitions

Page 49

Silas Arngna'naaq Kivallivik

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table a Petition 1-12(4) from parents and community members of Baker Lake. The 346 signatures, Mr. Speaker, are requesting the Government Leader and the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment to provide funds for a school bus to transport their children to the school due to the long, cold winter months. Mr. Speaker, I would like to make a short statement.

Item 11: Petitions
Item 11: Petitions

Page 49

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Proceed, Mr. Arngna'naaq.