This is page numbers 29 - 52 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 4th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was community.


Return To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 38

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The department is doing their very best to identify extra dollars, whenever possible, as we would like to address that problem. Thank you.

Return To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 38

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mr. Dent.

Supplementary To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 38

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Supplementary to the same Minister, I'm glad to hear that the department is working towards solving the problem. I was wondering if the Minister could advise us about what sort of time line she expects to have this problem addressed within.

Supplementary To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 38

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Ms. Mike.

Further Return To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 38

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It is ongoing.

Further Return To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 38

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mr. Dent.

Supplementary To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. "Ongoing" doesn't give us much hope that we're going to see any resolution to the problem in the near future. Will the Minister commit to provide this House an answer by the end of this session about whether or not she has been able to locate extra funding to improve the situation?

Supplementary To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Ms. Mike.

Further Return To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

Mr. Speaker, the social problems are ongoing. Sometimes there is a snowball effect when problems increase in communities. We are doing our very best to address the problem. If I'm not clear to the Member, I don't know how I can be clearer than this.

Further Return To Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Question 15-12(4): Funding For Alcohol And Drug Workers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 6, oral questions. Mr. Antoine.

Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is for the Minister responsible for Renewable Resources. Mr. Speaker, trapping is one of the first industries that was in the Northwest Territories. Last year during session I raised the issue of trapping several times. The last two years have been bad seasons for trapping. There was a trapper's incentive program where the Department of Renewable Resources was helping trappers begin their trapping season. There were some suggestions made last year on how to deal with this issue. One of them was to take a number of years and average them out to help the trapper begin trapping this year. I would like to ask the Minister responsible if his department has developed any strategies to help the trappers this year? Mahsi.

Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

The Minister of Renewable Resources, Mr. Allooloo.

Return To Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am happy to say that we were able to assist trappers this year because of the poor trapping season last year. We recognized that. I worked with the Member from Nahendeh with his communities. What we have done is rather than base our support for trappers on last year's intake, we have taken into account the last six years of trappers' income from trapping and averaged that out. We were able to give support to trappers. We recognized that last year was a very poor trapping season, based on the previous six years trapping.

On top of that, I am working on further assistance to trappers. In a very short time I hope there will be additional assistance for trappers. We are just working on details about how to disperse this money. Thank you.

Return To Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mr. Antoine.

Supplementary To Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm happy to hear that the Minister has done some work to assist trappers for this year. I guess the next question I'd like to ask is when is this new assistance coming into effect? Is there a time line we can look at? Now is the time to start trapping and I think trappers are very anxious to get going. When is this policy coming into effect? Mahsi.

Supplementary To Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Allooloo.

Further Return To Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Titus Allooloo Amittuq

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The trappers incentive assistance started about two weeks ago. There is new, one-time assistance to assist trappers because they are experiencing a difficult period due to uncooperative weather this year again. I'm hoping this assistance will be coming forth very soon. I'm hoping that next week we will be giving this one-time assistance to trappers. The trappers incentive assistance has already gone out to the trappers. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Question 16-12(4): Assistance For Trappers
Item 6: Oral Questions

November 18th, 1993

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 6, oral questions. Mr. Lewis.

Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Brian Lewis Yellowknife Centre

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is to the Minister responsible for Economic Development and Tourism and, I believe, fish. I think he's in the fish business. My question to the Minister is this: Is he aware that one of the pre-eminent fisherman on Great Slave Lake -- originally from Hay River -- has now relocated to Yellowknife for the intention of selling fish to the good people of Yellowknife and surrounding areas.

Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Todd.

Return To Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

John Todd Keewatin Central

I am aware that Mr. and Mrs. Buckley are now in Yellowknife selling fish to Yellowknife people.

Return To Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mr. Lewis.

Supplementary To Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

Brian Lewis Yellowknife Centre

I would like to ask the kind Minister, have these good people from Hay River approached him to try to get some kind of expertise or assistance to help them to establish themselves in this market place in the capital city.

Supplementary To Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Kind Mr. Todd.

Further Return To Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Question 17-12(4): Marketing Of Fish In Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 39

John Todd Keewatin Central

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Yes, they have approached me through Mr. Lewis and we are

endeavouring to try to provide them with some assistance. There are some technical problems with Fisheries and Oceans and right now we are trying to work that dispute out.