This is page numbers 1053 - 1090 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was chairman.


High Quality Of Construction On Ingraham Trail
Item 3: Members' Statements

Page 1055

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Thank you, Mr. Antoine. Item 3, Members' statements. Mr. Nerysoo.

Congratulating Senior Men's Curling Rink
Item 3: Members' Statements

Page 1055

Richard Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Several days ago, Mr. Speaker, the Member for Inuvik made a statement in this House with regard to our representatives at national curling events. I think he commended those who had already participated in national events and represented the Northwest Territories very well. I want to say, Mr. Speaker, during the past week, as was pointed out by Mr. Koe, Mr. Delmage, Mr. Mel Smith, Mr. Ron Kapicki and Mr. Larry Elkin, who we all know very well as the president of the Housing

Corporation, placed second in our national senior men's championships.


I think that is commendable on their part and it bodes well for our curling in the Northwest Territories, but even more than that, the kind of athletes that we have the capacity to develop in the Northwest Territories. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Congratulating Senior Men's Curling Rink
Item 3: Members' Statements

Page 1056

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Thank you, Mr. Nerysoo. Item 3, Members' statements. Item 4, returns to oral questions. Mr. Nerysoo.

Return To Question 530-12(3): Transfer Of Arctic College Credits To Southern Institutions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions

Page 1056

Richard Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This is a return to an oral question asked by Mr. Antoine on March 18, 1993, with regard to the transfer of Arctic College credits to southern institutions.

In general, Arctic College graduates, like graduates from other colleges in Canada, may apply to enter programs offered through other post-secondary institutions. These institutions will review the courses students have taken, the credits they have achieved and determine what credits they will recognize towards the programs students wish to enter.

Arctic College does have formal accreditation agreements with seven other post-secondary institutions for specific programs. The community administration program is accredited with St. Lawrence College; university transfer programs are accredited with the Universities of Alberta and Athabasca; the eastern Arctic teacher education program is accredited with McGill University; the western Arctic teacher education program is accredited with the University of Saskatoon and the social worker program is accredited with the Universities of Calgary and Regina. Arctic College is currently negotiating with the University of McGill concerning accreditation for the interpreter/translator program and with the University of Trent concerning the accreditation of the native studies program.

In addition, the certified nursing assistants' program is recognized nationally. To graduate students must pass a Canada-wide examination. Also, the renewable resource training program is one of ten programs in North America recognized by the American Wildlife Technology Association. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Return To Question 530-12(3): Transfer Of Arctic College Credits To Southern Institutions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions
Item 4: Returns To Oral Questions

March 21st, 1993

Page 1056

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Thank you, Mr. Nerysoo. Item 4, returns to oral questions. Item 5, oral questions. Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Justice. Mr. Speaker, on March 4, I tabled Tabled Document 82-12(3), which was a Press Independent article about an incident which involved a sexual assault issue of a young offender in Hay River. In the article one of the Minister's senior corrections officials, Mr. Friesen, confirmed that there can be up to four youths living in a single dorm at the Hay River facility. Mr. Friesen is also quoted as saying, "It would be ideal to have single rooms, but it is just too costly to build." Recognizing that the Hay River facility has proven to be completely inadequate as a place to provide secure custody, can the Minister tell the House why his department has now decided to use it as a secure custody institution along with an open custody institution and a remand custody institution? Thank you.

Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Kakfwi.

Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Mr. Speaker, the facility in Hay River can house up to 16. River Ridge can take only 14. We designated the facilities in Hay River, Fort Smith and Iqaluit to have three classifications so they can take care of young offenders who are sentenced to secure custody. These facilities are also designated to handle remand and open custody, so it gives us the flexibility we need. We are of the opinion that the facilities can legally meet the definition of closed and open custody in each case. The new designations give us the flexibility we need to make the best use of these facilities. At the present time, the number of young offenders who are sentenced to secure custody number more than 14. So, that was the reason to make the plans to move all the young offenders who are sentenced to secure custody to Hay River.

Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Recognizing that Mr. Friesen, who is probably one of the Minister's most experienced officials working with young offenders, has stated for the public record that a dormitory style facility creates special supervision problems, how can the Minister justify a facility such as the Hay River secure facility to be a triple designate for young offenders who are sentenced by the courts? Thank you.

Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Kakfwi.

Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Mr. Speaker, I am sorry, I missed the question.

Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Would you please re-phrase the question, Mrs. Marie-Jewell?

Supplementary To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you. I would like the Minister to justify the Hay River secure facility as a triple designate facility to house young offenders who have been sentenced by the courts. Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1056

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Kakfwi.

Further Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Mr. Speaker, we have designed Hay River as a facility which could be used as an open custody facility, a closed custody facility or for the purpose of dealing with remands. As far as I know, it complies with the conditions required by the courts as to what can be designed as secure or open. What we are trying to achieve is some flexibility so the long-term planning and best use of the facilities which we currently have can be done without having to spend additional money. This is the course of action we have decided to take. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 5, oral questions. Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Mr. Speaker, under the Young Offenders Act, territorial legislation allows for open custody or wilderness camps. Open custody is generally for young offenders who are designated by the courts to have committed crimes such as offending the Liquor Act or break and enters. Secure custody is generally repeated offenders who have committed either sexual assaults or murder. I would like to ask the Minister, how can he justify placing these young offenders who have such a variety of crimes, in an institution with a triple designation? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Kakfwi.

Further Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Mr. Speaker, we have sent the deputy minister plus the staff from corrections division to Fort Smith to meet with the union and staff to review the plans we have initiated. We will see how those discussions go. If the management of these facilities has differing opinions from our management as to whether we are meeting the spirit and intent of legislation, we will know in due course, but as far as I know there is agreement from everyone except the union. However, that may change. What we are doing is proper and probably in the best interests of everyone for the short-term. In the long-term, there will be some work completed to see how the corrections facilities which we presently have meet with the needs of the communities that are increasingly asking for community-based facilities and bush camps to take care of young offenders. We will also be looking at communities taking responsibility for adult offenders who are remanded until court appearances and sentencing, and also adult offenders who, in many cases, the communities feel they can, with minimal or no supervision, take full responsibility for. That is the short-term objective.

As I said last week, we have some concern that since we had originally tried to open another open custody facility in Hay River and have stopped work on that project because of some local controversy, instead of spending $300,000 opening another open custody facility somewhere in the territories, we have decided the best use in the short-term of River Ridge was to move the young offenders who are sentenced to secure custody to Hay River and to have open custody young offenders in River Ridge. That is for a period of a few months and that would give us the time required to set the basis for longer term planning.

Further Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Item 5, oral questions. This is your final supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I do not believe this issue is only a concern for the union, I believe it is a concern for the staff at River Ridge. They sent me a letter dated March 14, asking me to assist them to allow for their institution to be maintained as a secure facility, probably due to the number and types of training courses they have taken over the past couple of years. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the Minister -- he did not, by the way, answer my question -- if he can tell this House whether his department has determined the extent to which the GNWT is legally liable for physical or emotional damages which are suffered by a young offender who is victimized while they are incarcerated in a territorial facility, particularly a young offender facility? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

The Speaker Michael Ballantyne

Mr. Kakfwi.

Further Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Mr. Speaker, I am not sure if the Member is asking for a legal opinion, but I know there was an investigation into this particular incident which the Member is referring to. The report of the investigation concluded there was no negligence or wrong doing on the part of the staff who run the facility. We are always aware...

Further Return To Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Question 554-12(3): Designation Of River Ridge Facility As Secure Facility
Item 5: Oral Questions

Page 1057

An Hon. Member

(microphone turned off)