This is page numbers 1 - 23 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 7th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was communities.


Further Return To Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Madam Speaker, when the session closed last week while I was gone, a lot of my documents were cleaned off my desk...

---Laughter whether there is a draft agreement agreed to and ready to sign or whether it has been signed, I have no idea. I just know that I checked on this issue last week and I was left with the impression -- as best as I can recall after reading the update -- that there is no difficulty. It might be just a matter of sending paperwork back and forth between here and Inuvik to get money put in bank accounts and having the work proceed. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Supplementary, Mr. Koe.

Supplementary To Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

Fred Koe Inuvik

Mahsi. Will the Minister make this a priority to ensure that the agreements are signed and money gets transferred so they can hire their director? Mahsi.

Supplementary To Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister of Justice, Mr. Kakfwi.

Further Return To Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

Stephen Kakfwi

Stephen Kakfwi Sahtu

Madam Speaker, I understand that the department is very happy to finally have a little bit of good news to share and they are very excited about trying to proceed as quickly as they can, since it isn't very often they can say yes and do something with minimal fuss. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Question 5-12(7): Establishment Of Mackenzie Delta Legal Services Committee
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 6, oral questions. The honourable Member for Yellowknife North, Mr. Ballantyne.

Question 6-12(7): Funding Agreement With City Of Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

Michael Ballantyne Yellowknife North

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Madam Speaker, when the Government of the Northwest Territories signed the block funding agreement with the city of Yellowknife, the Minister of the day agreed that the government continue to fund the deteriorating downtown sewer and water system of the city of Yellowknife. My understanding is there have been negotiations between the city and the government and discussions between the Financial Management Board Secretariat and the Minister. Could the Minister of MACA inform this House of what she has done to live up to the commitment of her department to the city of Yellowknife?

Question 6-12(7): Funding Agreement With City Of Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, Ms. Mike.

Return To Question 6-12(7): Funding Agreement With City Of Yellowknife
Question 6-12(7): Funding Agreement With City Of Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

Rebecca Mike Baffin Central

Thank you, Madam Speaker. The commitment I made at the time Pat McMahon was mayor is still in effect. The new mayor and I have been trying to find a date for us to meet so the talks could continue. To date, we haven't finalized it because my schedule hasn't allowed it. But hopefully sometime towards the end of this month, I will be meeting with the mayor of the city of Yellowknife to discuss this further. Thank you.

Return To Question 6-12(7): Funding Agreement With City Of Yellowknife
Question 6-12(7): Funding Agreement With City Of Yellowknife
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 6, oral questions. The honourable Member for Nahendeh, Mr. Antoine.

Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Mahsi, Madam Speaker. Last month, the Public Utilities Board held hearings in Yellowknife on phase II of the general rate application of the NWT Power Corporation. I would like to ask the Minister responsible for the Public Utilities Board whether the board plans any further hearings on this specific application. Thank you.

Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister responsible for the Public Utilities Board, Mr. Todd.

Return To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

John Todd Keewatin Central

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I don't believe there is any intention to hold any specific meetings with respect to these hearings. There is an intention to go out into the communities, as was suggested last week, for future hearings, but not at this time. Thank you.

Return To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Supplementary, Mr. Antoine.

Supplementary To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 14

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Mahsi, Madam Speaker. Phase II of the Power Corporation's general rate application will change every

power rate in the Northwest Territories. Many of the rates that are now charged by the corporation, especially domestic rates, will go up significantly if this application is approved. Many other rates will decrease. The decision of the Public Utilities Board will have a significant effect on every single northerner. Can the Minister tell me why he hasn't directed the board to hold hearings elsewhere in the Northwest Territories on this specific application?

Supplementary To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister responsible for the Public Utilities Board, Mr. Todd.

Further Return To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

November 13th, 1994

Page 15

John Todd Keewatin Central

Thank you, Madam Speaker. When the matter was raised about the Public Utilities Board's lack of communication with the communities who are affected, last week I sat down with the chairman of the board and indicated to him that he had to take a much more proactive approach to these hearings, in particular, where they have an impact. I believe Mr. Patterson raised the issue about Iqaluit, Inuvik and Rankin Inlet.

It is my understanding that the Public Utilities Board is going to take a much more active approach to public consultation and is going to, in hearings, ensure that they do visit with the communities that are affected. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Supplementary, Mr. Antoine.

Supplementary To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Mahsi, Madam Speaker. Can the Minister tell us when he expects the board to reach a decision on this application? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister responsible for the Public Utilities Board, Mr. Todd.

Supplementary To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

John Todd Keewatin Central

I am not in a position, at this time, to know when they will make a decision on that particular rate hearing. I will have to take the question as notice.

Supplementary To Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Question 7-12(7): Pub Hearings On Power Rates
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 6, oral questions. The honourable Member for Aivilik, Mr. Arvaluk.

Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

James Arvaluk Aivilik

Thank you, Madam Speaker. My question is to the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism. Since the NWT Development Corporation has offered to purchase the caribou from Southampton Island's commercial harvest, is the Minister aware of whether or not the Development Corporation has firmly established that there is a market or markets for caribou?

Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, Mr. Todd.

Return To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

John Todd Keewatin Central

Thank you, Madam Speaker. There is a market being established territorially with respect to caribou meat that has value added to it. We are attempting to get commercial hunting on Southampton Island designated as a federally inspected hunt, and this would provide us with a broader base for selling the caribou. At this time, we have to add value in order to sell it elsewhere. Thank you.