This is page numbers 1 - 23 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 7th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was communities.


Return To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Supplementary, Mr. Arvaluk.

Supplementary To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

James Arvaluk Aivilik

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I understand that the Development Corporation needs to be competitive, as the Minister of Economic Development indicated last week. But he also indicated, and I'll quote from page 2115 of the unedited Hansard of Wednesday, November 9, 1994, "at this time, I believe the $1.25 rate is set, but we will certainly look at trying to improve the return to the hunters and trappers who are first in line in this issue."

In the event that the marketing and sale of these proposed caribou are successful and profits realized, will the Minister indicate whether there will be guaranteed returns to the people of Coral Harbour who had to accept a price that undervalued their product?

Supplementary To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, Mr. Todd.

Further Return To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

John Todd Keewatin Central

I'm not in a position to guarantee how much they're going to pay for meat. What I can tell you is, it is recognized that we would like to enhance the $1.25. At this time, it is my understanding that there are discussions under way between the Development Corporation, the community, Renewable Resources and ED&T to see if we can get better returns for the hunters and trappers. But, again, at this time, I wouldn't be in a position to make that commitment. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Supplementary, Mr. Arvaluk.

Supplementary To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

James Arvaluk Aivilik

Thank you, Madam Speaker. It seems to me that there is an opportunity here to be very creative in the marketing of our fine caribou. I underline "fine" caribou, Madam Speaker. Is the Minister of Economic Development and Tourism aware of the Development Corporation's marketing strategy for these particular caribou, both inside and outside the territories? If so, would he share some of the details briefly with us?

Supplementary To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 15

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, Mr. Todd.

Further Return To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

John Todd Keewatin Central

Last year was the first year of a pilot project to do a commercial hunt of caribou in Coral Harbour. It was specifically designed there because we knew the herd was increasing at a rate that would make it vulnerable. As I said earlier, we need to get this meat federally inspected. That then gives us an opportunity to sell our caribou beyond territorial borders. It is our intent to try to accomplish that this year. If so, we're optimistic that we can, perhaps, sell more of this caribou in southern Canada and, possibly, offshore in Greenland and in the USA. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Question 8-12(7): Marketing Of Commercially Harvested Caribou Meat
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 6, oral questions. The honourable Member for Kitikmeot, Mr. Ng.

Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Madam Speaker. My question is for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment and has to do with the statement I made earlier about Umingmaktok and Bathurst Inlet, two communities deemed ineligible for funding under the Canada/NWT infrastructure agreement.

I would like to ask the Minister if he considered asking the federal government representatives for clarification or an exemption of the eligibility of these communities when they were considered for funding under the infrastructure agreement. Thank you.

Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Nerysoo.

Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Richard Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Just so everyone is aware, I was not the Minister involved in the actual negotiations of the agreement. What I am responsible for is the implementation of the projects that have been requested. The allocations have been determined already and I'm now in the process of applying the rules, as they were negotiated.

Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Supplementary, Mr. Ng.

Supplementary To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I recognize that the Minister's department is responsible for the administration of the program and that's why I'm asking the question of him. I would like to ask him, under the program there is a contingency allowance of $800,000, to my understanding. Under that category, would he revisit the issue of allocations for these communities that are deemed ineligible to see whether they could become eligible to benefit from some of the funds of this program? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Nerysoo.

Further Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Richard Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta

Madam Speaker, we certainly will revisit the issue, but I think it is going to be very difficult. It is the same situation with agreements that are reached across the country. While we may have a legitimate argument, the question is whether or not the federal government is going to allow us to do it. That's the issue, but I will review it.

Further Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

November 13th, 1994

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Supplementary, Mr. Ng.

Supplementary To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I would also like to ask the Minister if he could also look at the possibility of designating some funding to another community on behalf of these unorganized communities, in order that they could access this funding. Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Nerysoo.

Further Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Richard Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta

Thank you, Madam Speaker. There is nothing limiting a community like Cambridge Bay from allocating resources that have been assigned to them. The fact is, that is a possibility. The problem is that the two communities you are referring to have not been recognized according to our designation of communities so, therefore, it makes it difficult. Those were included in the agreement.

But, on the general issue, we'll review the matter and see how we may address the concern the honourable Member has raised.

Further Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Final supplementary, Mr. Ng.

Supplementary To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I recognize that these communities could access funds through another community that already has an allocation, like Cambridge Bay, for example. But, if you did that, you would erode from the base of that community. That's why I'm asking the Minister whether or not he would consider an additional allocation, maybe to the community of Cambridge Bay so that the other communities' interests can be addressed. Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Nerysoo.

Further Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 16

Richard Nerysoo Mackenzie Delta

Madam Speaker, at this time, that would be difficult, not to undermine the importance of the concern the honourable Member has raised. But, there has already been an agreement reached on the infrastructure program. Trying to make amendments in a process like this,

in a public forum, is very difficult. It would have been easier, I think, had we sat down and tried to find a way to address it, first in terms of options and, secondly, in terms of giving confidence to the federal government that our arrangements were not an abuse of the resources being allocated. I think it is the wrong approach to take. However, it is now public, and if a problem arises it depends on whether or not the federal government is going to be open to our suggestions.

Further Return To Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Question 9-12(7): Funding To Unorganized Communities Under Infrastructure Agreement
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 17

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 6, oral questions. The honourable Member for Amittuq, Mr. Allooloo.