This is page numbers 773 - 824 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 6th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was development.


Item 12: Reports Of Committees On The Review Of Bills
Item 12: Reports Of Committees On The Review Of Bills

Page 810

Samuel Gargan Deh Cho

Madam Speaker, I wish to report to the Assembly that the Standing Committee on Legislation has reviewed Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No. 2 and wishes to report that Bill 16 is now ready for committee of the whole as amended and reprinted. Madam Speaker, I request unanimous consent to waive rule 70(5) to allow Bill 16 to be placed into committee of the whole today.

Item 12: Reports Of Committees On The Review Of Bills
Item 12: Reports Of Committees On The Review Of Bills

Page 810

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. The honourable Member is seeking unanimous consent to waive rule 70(5) to place Bill 16 in committee of the whole. Are there any nays? There are no nays. Bill 16 will be placed on the order paper for committee of the whole for today.

Item 12, reports of standing and special committees. Item 13, tabling of documents. The honourable Member for Nahendeh, Mr. Antoine.

Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 810

Jim Antoine Nahendeh

Mahsi, Madam Speaker. I am tabling three letters with regard to the Payroll Tax Act. Tabled Document 55-12(6) is a letter dated October 19, 1994 to Bill Erasmus from Mr. Pollard. Tabled Document 56-12(6) is a letter dated September 16, 1994 from John Pollard to the Dene Nation. Tabled Document 57-12(6) is a letter dated July 28th to Mr. Pollard from Mr. Ron Irwin. Thank you.

Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 810

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 13, tabling of documents. The House will take a short recess.


Item 13: Tabling Of Documents
Item 13: Tabling Of Documents

Page 810

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Item 14, notices of motion. The honourable Member for Kitikmeot, Mr. Ng.

Motion 14-12(6): Government Of Canada Disposal Of Federally Owned Airports And Flight Support Services
Item 14: Notices Of Motions

Page 810

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I give notice that on Wednesday, November 9th, I will move the following motion.

I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Nahendeh, that this Legislative Assembly urges the federal Minister of Transport, the Honourable Doug Young, to revisit and reconsider the reduction of air support services to the NWT by establishing an exception for not phasing out flight service specialist positions in the NWT or by establishing the community aerodrome radio station in communities designated for closure of flight services stations. Thank you.

Motion 14-12(6): Government Of Canada Disposal Of Federally Owned Airports And Flight Support Services
Item 14: Notices Of Motions

Page 810

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 14, notices of motions.

The honourable Member for Inuvik, Mr. Koe.

Motion 15-12(6): Amendment To The Terms Of Reference Of The Standing Committee On Agencies, Boards And Commissions
Item 14: Notices Of Motions

Page 811

Fred Koe Inuvik

Madam Speaker, I give notice that on Wednesday, November 9th, I will move the following motion.

I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Yellowknife Centre, that the terms of reference of the Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions be amended by adding the following as item (d) under the heading "Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions may, on its own authority:

(d)review the annual reports and any other reports of the Languages Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, which shall be considered automatically referred to the Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions after tabling in the Legislative Assembly. Notwithstanding this formal process, the Speaker is authorized to provide these documents to the Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions in advance of tabling to expedite the review by the committee. For further certainty, this review, in advance of tabling, may include public hearings and all other authorized activities of the standing committee. Mahsi.

Motion 15-12(6): Amendment To The Terms Of Reference Of The Standing Committee On Agencies, Boards And Commissions
Item 14: Notices Of Motions

Page 811

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. Item 14, notices of motion. Item 15, notices of motions for first reading of bills. Item 16, motions. The honourable Member for Deh Cho, Mr. Gargan.

Motion 13-12(6): Amended Terms Of Reference For The Advisory Committee On Social Housing
Item 16: Motions

Page 811

Samuel Gargan Deh Cho

Thank you, Madam Speaker.

WHEREAS, the terms of reference for the Advisory Committee on Social Housing were adopted on March 11, 1993 and amended on February 25, 1994;

AND WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Social Housing reported to the Assembly on October 27, 1994 that further amendments were required to the terms of reference in the areas regarding the name of the committee, committee chairmanship, committee responsibilities and reporting relationships;

NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Inuvik, that the name of the Advisory Committee on Social Housing be changed to the Special Committee on Housing;

FURTHER, that notwithstanding rule 88(2), the membership of the Special Committee on Housing shall consist of:

- three permanent Members from the east;

- three permanent Members from the west;

- the Minister responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation; and,

- two alternate Members, one from the east and one from the west;

AND FURTHERMORE, that the following be adopted as the terms of reference for the Special Committee on Housing:

The Special Committee on Housing shall:

a) inquire into such housing matters as may be referred to it by the Legislative Assembly;

b) review and recommend on major new or revised policies or programs proposed by the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation;

c) review and recommend on major issues arising from existing policies and programs of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation;

d) review and recommend on major housing issues arising from community consultation undertaken by the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation with members of the public, local housing organizations, community governments and interest groups;

AND FURTHERMORE, that the Special Committee on Housing may, on its own authority,

e) provide advice to the Minister responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation;

AND FURTHERMORE the Special Committee on Housing shall:

1) conduct its business in a manner approved by the Legislative Assembly;

2) elect one of its Members to serve as chairperson;

3) elect one of its Members to serve as deputy chairperson;

4) establish its quorum to consist of four Members;

5) be provided with the necessary funds for the special committee to carry out its responsibilities from the appropriations of the Legislative Assembly;

6) have the authority to sit during sessions, adjournments and recesses of the House;

7) undertake such travel as a whole or by individual Members as required and approved by the committee to carry out the assigned responsibilities of the committee;

8) make regular reports to the Legislative Assembly;

9) report to the Legislative Assembly on any advice provided to the Minister responsible for the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation; and,

10) be provided with the necessary administrative support by the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation and the office of the Legislative Assembly.

Motion 13-12(6): Amended Terms Of Reference For The Advisory Committee On Social Housing
Item 16: Motions

Page 811

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. The motion is in order. To the motion.

Motion 13-12(6): Amended Terms Of Reference For The Advisory Committee On Social Housing
Item 16: Motions

Page 811

An Hon. Member


Motion 13-12(6): Amended Terms Of Reference For The Advisory Committee On Social Housing
Item 16: Motions

Page 811

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? Motion is carried.


Item 16, motions. Item 17, first reading of bills. Item 18, second reading of bills. The honourable Member for Hay River, Mr. Pollard.

Bill 19: Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1994-95
Item 18: Second Reading Of Bills

Page 812

John Pollard Hay River

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Kivallivik, that Bill 19, Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1994-95, be read for the second time. Madam Speaker, this bill makes supplementary appropriations for the Government of the Northwest Territories for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1995. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Bill 19: Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1994-95
Item 18: Second Reading Of Bills

Page 812

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Thank you. The motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.

Bill 19: Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1994-95
Item 18: Second Reading Of Bills

Page 812

An Hon. Member


Bill 19: Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1994-95
Item 18: Second Reading Of Bills

Page 812

The Speaker Jeannie Marie-Jewell

Question has been called. All those in favour? All those opposed? Motion is carried.


Bill 19 has had second reading and, accordingly, the bill stands referred to committee of the whole. Item 18, second reading of bills. Item 19, consideration in committee of the whole of bills and other matters: Tabled Document 14-12(6), "Open for Business" - Privatizing the Northwest Territories Power Corporation; Tabled Document 23-12(6), Report of the 1993-94 Electoral District Boundaries Commission Northwest Territories; Tabled Document 36-12(6), "Action Plan - Consolidation - Health and Social Services"; Minister's Statement 11-12(6), Return to Session; Committee Report 10-12(6), Report on the Review of the 1995-96 Capital Estimates; Bill 1, Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1995-96; Bill 18, Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 4, 1993-94; Committee Report 16-12(6), "Toward An Economic Development Strategy", Report on Public Review of 1993 Audit of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism, NWT Development Corporation and NWT Business Credit Corporation; Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No. 2; and, Bill 19, Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1994-95, with Mr. Whitford in the chair.

Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 812

The Chair

The Chair Tony Whitford

The committee will now come to order. What is the wish of the committee? The chair recognizes the Member for Yellowknife Frame Lake.

Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 812

Charles Dent

Charles Dent Yellowknife Frame Lake

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like to recommend that the committee consider Committee Report 10-12(6) and Bill 1, specifically the budget of Renewable Resources, followed by Bill 16-12(6), then Tabled Document 23-12(6), and then get started on Bill 18-12(6).

Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 812

The Chair

The Chair Tony Whitford

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Does the committee agree?

Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 812

Some Hon. Members



Bill 1: Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1995-96Committee Report 10-12(6): Report On The Review Of The 1995-96 Capital Estimates
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 812

Some Hon. Members

Department Of Renewable Resources

Bill 1: Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1995-96Committee Report 10-12(6): Report On The Review Of The 1995-96 Capital Estimates
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 812

The Chair

The Chair Tony Whitford

When we concluded on Friday, the Minister had concluded his opening remarks and we were preparing for general comments. Does the Minister wish to bring in some witnesses to assist him in this matter? Mr. Minister.

Bill 1: Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1995-96Committee Report 10-12(6): Report On The Review Of The 1995-96 Capital Estimates
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

November 6th, 1994

Page 812

Silas Arngna'naaq Kivallivik

Mr. Chairman, I would like to have the concurrence of the committee to bring in the officials of the department.

Bill 1: Appropriation Act, No. 1, 1995-96Committee Report 10-12(6): Report On The Review Of The 1995-96 Capital Estimates
Item 19: Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 812

The Chair

The Chair Tony Whitford

Does the committee agree?