This is page numbers 261 - 280 of the Hansard for the 12th Assembly, 7th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was social.


Supplementary To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Maybe the Premier didn't hear my question. I would like to ask again, are there any written procedures and guidelines which govern a Minister's actions in carrying out the decision of Cabinet, aside from the general, broad policies and directions that are provided by Cabinet? I would like to know whether there are any guidelines that you have as a Cabinet. Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Madam Premier.

Further Return To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, I may not be understanding the question, but to my knowledge there are no written procedures to follow what would be available for a Minister to carry out his duties, in addition to those records of decision or general policy guidelines. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Further Return To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

February 22nd, 1995

Page 269

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you. So is the Premier indicating to the public that if there are no written procedures or guidelines, Cabinet Ministers are fully on their own when they're attempting to implement a Cabinet direction? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Madam Premier.

Further Return To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, as I have indicated before, there are records of decision and there are also general policies. On those decisions, it's expected that the Minister will carry out those responsibilities and those directions that had come out of these policies and records of decision, unless the record of decision had indicated that the Minister had additional provisions that would direct the Minister to come back to Cabinet for reconfirming a certain aspect of the record of decision. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Final supplementary, Mrs. Marie-Jewell.

Supplementary To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

Jeannie Marie-Jewell Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Recognizing that, basically Ministers attempt to implement Cabinet direction in a vacuum because of the absence of written procedures or written guidelines, no policies to adhere to, even though there are policies with a general direction, as the Premier has stated, on the decision; basically, it appears that Ministers are implementing Cabinet direction in a total vacuum. Would the Premier consider developing written procedures and guidelines for her Ministers when implementing Cabinet direction? Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Madam Premier.

Further Return To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

Nellie Cournoyea Nunakput

Mr. Speaker, I wouldn't suggest that Ministers were carrying out their responsibilities in a vacuum. Most Members generally complain more that there are too many policies, too many directives, too many guidelines; that often there's not that flexibility to bend to circumstances as they arise.

I believe that the general procedures are on how business is carried out, and the policies are part of a department; for example, if we looked at forest fire fighting, there is a very long procedure on when a fire gets fought, when it doesn't get fought, what type of guidelines a Minister would follow in running the forest fire prevention program. To put in another level in the procedures, I don't know how that would be done, but I will certainly look at it and just see if that would help circumstances. However, there are already quite a large number of procedural guidelines that Ministers have to follow. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Question 148-12(7): Procedures For Implementing Cabinet Decisions
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Item 6, oral questions. Mr. Pudlat.

Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

Kenoayoak Pudlat Baffin South

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is directed to the Minister of the Housing Corporation. In April 1995, I understand that rents will be increasing. I just want to ask the Minister what kind of structured rates they will have when increasing the rents, as my constituents would like to know more about this. As we all know, the housing rates will be increasing. I just want to know what differences there will be in 1995 from previous years. This is my question to the Minister. Thank you.

Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Morin.

Return To Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 269

Don Morin Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The new rent scale will come into effect on April 1, 1995 and it will vary from the old rent scale by quite a bit. In some cases, rent will decrease for some of the lower-income people in social housing. For elders, the rent will be $1 a year. But, for family members living with them in social housing, their income will

be assessed. Also, there will be a new cost-of-living adjustment for all people living in the Northwest Territories and higher-income people will be encouraged to move into home ownership. I can arrange a complete briefing for the Member if he would like that done and then he will be right up to date on the issue. Thank you.

Return To Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Supplementary, Mr. Pudlat.

Supplementary To Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

Kenoayoak Pudlat Baffin South

(Translation) Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just for clarification, the Minister indicated that there will be some increases and also some decreases in social housing. The Minister indicated that there will be a decrease to $1 a year rent for those people on social assistance. I just want to get further clarification on that, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Supplementary To Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Morin.

Further Return To Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

Don Morin Tu Nedhe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. No, it would not mean that those people on social assistance will only pay $1 a year for rent. It is for seniors only. If a person is on social assistance, their rent is going to stay the same, regardless. It will be $32 a month. It is only after you make more than $1,800 a month, that your rent will go up. For those who make less than $1,800, the rent should decrease.

With the old scale, once you made over $450 a month, your rent jumped up automatically to 25 per cent of your gross income so the new scale is better for low-income people. Those people who will pay higher rents are those people who can afford to own their own homes and they will be encouraged to go into home ownership programs, rather than taking social housing stock needed for low-income people. Thank you.

Further Return To Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Question 149-12(7): Structure Of New Rent Scale Effective April 1, 1995
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Thank you. Item 6, oral questions. Mr. Koe.

Question 150-12(7): Completion Of Maca Reorganization
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

Fred Koe Inuvik

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs. Can the Minister tell us whether or not the reorganization of the department at headquarters is complete?

Question 150-12(7): Completion Of Maca Reorganization
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, Mr. Ng.

Question 150-12(7): Completion Of Maca Reorganization
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

Kelvin Ng Kitikmeot

Sorry, was the Member referring to the study or the reorganization of the department?

Question 150-12(7): Completion Of Maca Reorganization
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

The Speaker Samuel Gargan

Mr. Koe.

Question 150-12(7): Completion Of Maca Reorganization
Item 6: Oral Questions

Page 270

Fred Koe Inuvik

I hope this is not considered a supplementary, but a clarification.


I didn't refer to any study. I want to know whether or not the reorganization at headquarters is complete.