This is page numbers 6085 - 6142 of the Hansard for the 16th Assembly, 5th Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was work.

Question 520-16(5): Foundation For Change
Oral Questions

Range Lake

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Minister of Health and Social Services

Mr. Speaker, at the request of the Standing Committee on Social Programs, we submitted about a 50-page draft document, a work plan status update about a week or 10 days ago. I am sure the Member could get a copy of that if he would like. I could provide him with that. That is also being posted on our website. Thank you.

Question 520-16(5): Foundation For Change
Oral Questions

David Ramsay

David Ramsay Kam Lake

Mr. Speaker, I spoke earlier of the need for capital dollars and especially in the area of health care. I am wondering what planning is going into trying to look to the future needs capital requirements for our health care system, particularly Stanton Hospital which I mentioned is probably going to need a major capital retrofit in the very near future, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Question 520-16(5): Foundation For Change
Oral Questions

Range Lake

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Minister of Health and Social Services

Mr. Speaker, the Member knows that we have a capital planning process. We just approved our capital budget last fall. In that was money for planning for Stanton Territorial Health Authority. In our meeting this morning in the committee, the Member was advised that the work that we are going to be doing -- and the CEO and the public administrator of the authority have advised the committee as well -- for Stanton has to be in line with the work that we are doing in our regional health centres. What we are going to be delivering in Hay River, Fort Smith, Norman Wells and Inuvik will have much to say about the next phase of capital planning for the Stanton Hospital. Thank you.

Question 520-16(5): Foundation For Change
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Paul Delorey

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Final supplementary, Mr. Ramsay.

Question 520-16(5): Foundation For Change
Oral Questions

David Ramsay

David Ramsay Kam Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We did have, at the beginning of this government, a small amount of capital money, not that $28 million is a small amount of money, but that was earmarked for Stanton Territorial Hospital for a master development plan. That money, under the

Minister’s watch, vanished into thin air. Mr. Speaker, again, we don’t just pull $250 million together. We have to come up with a plan to address the capital needs at that hospital. That planning has to start now, Mr. Speaker. What planning is going into today to try to find money for tomorrow that we are going to need to get that capital retrofit done at that hospital? That planning has to start now, Mr. Speaker. Thank you.

Question 520-16(5): Foundation For Change
Oral Questions

Range Lake

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Minister of Health and Social Services

Mr. Speaker, the planning has started and the Member knows that. He has to update his thinking on the basis of information he gets. The $28 million or whatever million that was in Stanton, that was from the old capital planning process which this Assembly has rejected. In the old ways of doing that, X dollars would be put into a budget and then people design afterwards, but we changed that system in 2007-08, Mr. Speaker. Now we have to do a planning study and you have to go through a peer review. You have to have level B estimate before it will get on the books. There is in the budget for planning for Stanton Territorial Hospital. The work is progressing. The Member is entirely accurate and not taking into consideration the new information he received this morning to say that somehow the money disappeared and he doesn’t know anything about it, because I submit to you, he approved the capital budget for the last three years and he knows exactly what happened.

Question 520-16(5): Foundation For Change
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Paul Delorey

Thank you, Ms. Lee. The honourable Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

Bob Bromley

Bob Bromley Weledeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister responsible for the Status of Women. I would like to start with questions on family violence since, of course, women bear the huge brunt of this tragedy. My first question is on the Centre for Northern Families. The Minister has had time to research my questions of last Monday. What is your plan for action this week to save this crucial haven for wounded families? Mahsi.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Bromley. The honourable Minister responsible for the Status of Women, Ms. Lee.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

Range Lake

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Centre for Northern Families received funding from the government from various envelopes, but the main funder is Education, Culture and Employment, because they get funding for the best spaces that they have there. ECE has been taking the lead in reviewing the program. We continue to talk to the management of the centre to find options. Thank you.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

Bob Bromley

Bob Bromley Weledeh

Mr. Speaker, so much again for cross-departmental coordination in this

government. My second question is related to the Coalition Against Family Violence which has been our most successful partnership for combating family violence. Will the Minister commit to reporting to this Assembly next week on the outcomes of this meeting either by her own Minister’s statement or by offering a timely briefing in the House and being prepared to answer our questions? Mahsi.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

Range Lake

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

Mr. Speaker, yes, I can commit to do that. We just have to report on their meeting. As the Member stated, they would like to see some stability in the funding. As the Member knows, we have increased the funding under the enhanced community services over the last number of years. This year we are funding $482,000 instead of $460,000 last year. We are going forward for a request for a little bit more for next year. We have also increased funding under stabilized existing shelters by $11,000 this year; actually, $119,000 this year. We have funded $450,000 this year compared to $340,000 last year and also, since 2009-10, this year we have funded $92,000 for a program for men who abuse and that is an increase of almost $70,000 from last year. Mr. Speaker, I believe we are making progress and doing things that the coalition would like us to do. I am going to review in detail what the coalition is suggesting and, as always, work with the coalition in moving forward. Thank you.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

Bob Bromley

Bob Bromley Weledeh

Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the comments from the Minister. I look forward to further and detailed report on that meeting. Mr. Speaker, the Minister has outlined a bunch of figures about a bunch of dollars thrown out there. What has been achieved in the area of family violence reduction through the action plan during the life of this Assembly? Mahsi.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

Range Lake

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

Thank you. I can tell you that increasing money under the stabilizing existing shelters has really helped the shelters in Hay River, Inuvik and Yellowknife. I say that because they have told me that they were very glad to get that money. They were able to renovate some of the facilities to make them more safe and more comfortable for those who are staying there, and in fact that’s probably why the coalition is asking us to make that funding permanent.

We have introduced programming money for communities without shelters because that was identified as one that we had to move on, and in the last three years we have approved $460,000 in ‘08-09, $460,000 in ‘09 and ’10, and this year we budgeted $482,000 and for next year we’re going for more money, I mean, subject to all of the other pressures. There are lots of groups that identified on working on prevention and working with men who abuse, because when you’re talking about shelters and victims that’s not getting at the front-

end, which is the reason why we have established and we are funding the program to deal with women who abuse. There has been an enormous amount of training for the shelter workers. We’ve done surveys, we’ve done evaluations. There’s all kinds of stuff going on under the Family Violence Action Plan. Thank you.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Paul Delorey

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Your final supplementary, Mr. Bromley.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

February 22nd, 2011

Bob Bromley

Bob Bromley Weledeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Again, I appreciate the comments from the Minister. It sounds like there’s some good work happening out there and I’m happy to see the work going on with those that abuse. Strictly speaking, of course, that’s not prevention. That’s dealing with the symptoms again. We need to get out in front of this and I hope that the Minister and colleagues will be innovative in doing some real preventative work.

My last question, Mr. Speaker, is on policing. Again, in this efficient cross-departmental government, will this Minister work with her colleagues in Finance and Justice to present a plan to committee and this Assembly to bring policing to all communities within the next few years? Thank you.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

Range Lake

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Minister Responsible for the Status of Women

I’d be happy to speak to my colleague, the Minister of Justice, on that issue, understanding, of course, funding of extra RCMP is a project between the GNWT and the federal government for the funding of the officers. I just wanted to mention on prevention, for example -- and this is definitely in the area of prevention that the Member appreciates -- we have enhanced the community-based outreach advocacy and prevention in three regions with our shelters in the Tlicho, Deh Cho and Sahtu to raise the awareness in the community. We have also supported protocol development to assess risks and as a common risk assessment tool based on Ontario domestic assault risk assessment across the NWT. So we do do prevention work, to answer the question. Thank you.

Question 521-16(5): Family Violence
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Paul Delorey

Thank you, Ms. Lee. The honourable Member for Kam Lake, Mr. Ramsay.

Question 522-16(5): Planning For Retrofit Of Stanton Territorial Hospital
Oral Questions

David Ramsay

David Ramsay Kam Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I wasn’t going to ask any more questions, but I can’t resist. I’m going to ask the Minister of Health and Social Services a few more questions, getting back to the questions I had earlier. I’ll try to keep the questions pretty straightforward. What planning has gone into a retrofit, a complete retrofit of Stanton Territorial Hospital to date? Thank you.

Question 522-16(5): Planning For Retrofit Of Stanton Territorial Hospital
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Paul Delorey

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Minister responsible for Health and Social Services, Ms. Lee.

Question 522-16(5): Planning For Retrofit Of Stanton Territorial Hospital
Oral Questions

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Range Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just to repeat the officials that work with us in this area, and the Member was there with me this morning, the management of our health care delivery system is saying that before we decide and work on details about what to do with Stanton Territorial Hospital, we need to decide what we’re going to do there. What’s it going to be? What is Stanton going to deliver? What do we want it to do? As you know, capital planning is not just about building a

building, because, as the official said, if we just go the way we’ve done before, we’re just going to build based on the old school and as the Member might know, when Stanton Hospital was built 30 years ago, even before they opened the door the building was outdated. From the day it was opened, the building was not designed to deliver the programs that it was required to deliver. We don’t want to make that mistake.

So we want to make sure that we only deliver at Stanton the only acute care services that it can deliver in Yellowknife. As much as possible, we want to optimize the use of the Hay River hospital that’s being retrofitted, the wellness centre and new health facility that we’re going to build in Norman Wells, which is in the books. We believe the Inuvik Hospital is overbuilt and we’re not using it to the max and we want to use that. To do that we need to do the staffing model, the program model, program review, use of technology. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done. We are finishing the retrofit in Smith. So, Mr. Speaker, in the interest of doing the right thing and using the money right, we are doing an enormous amount of planning, because when Stanton Hospital is retrofitted we want it to be the modern health facility that does exactly what it’s meant to do and not one thing more. That is that it is efficiently built and effectively used. Thank you.

Question 522-16(5): Planning For Retrofit Of Stanton Territorial Hospital
Oral Questions

David Ramsay

David Ramsay Kam Lake

Thank you. I don’t think the hospital was ever designed to be an office building and that’s probably the first problem. I’d like to ask the Minister, and I know and I appreciate that all this lead-up work has to be done, that has to be done, Mr. Speaker. My point is the capital plan -- and the Minister knows this, she’s been around here for almost 12 years -- that takes time. Getting money in that plan takes time. You’ve already had the Foundation for Change in place for two years. You’ve had two years. You say you’re working through all these things. When is the process to get all those things addressed going to match up with us getting the capital dollars required to build or retrofit that Stanton Territorial Hospital? Thank you.

Question 522-16(5): Planning For Retrofit Of Stanton Territorial Hospital
Oral Questions

Sandy Lee

Sandy Lee Range Lake

Thank you. The breaking news is it has begun. So I don’t know why he keeps asking when is this going to start. That was the entire discussion this morning. He has a nasty habit of not changing his view in the face of good and current information. So the breaking news: planning has begun. There is money in the budget for

planning for Stanton. I believe it’s about $900,000. The PA and the CEO and an entire health care team are working on how to make that facility work. So we will do that work, and when it’s ready it would go to peer review and follow the regular planning process. We believe it will take at least two or three years and it’s on its way. Work is being done. Thank you.

Question 522-16(5): Planning For Retrofit Of Stanton Territorial Hospital
Oral Questions

The Speaker

The Speaker Paul Delorey

Thank you, Ms. Lee. Item 8, written questions. The honourable Member for Weledeh, Mr. Bromley.

Written Question 24-16(5): Cost Of Wildlife Act Consultations
Written Questions

Bob Bromley

Bob Bromley Weledeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources.

Of the millions of dollars in expense referred to in the Minister’s February 14, 2011, reply to Oral Question 441-16(5), what have been the costs incurred for revision of the Wildlife Act during its 54 revisions over the last 17 years for consultations, travel, legal services and legislative drafting with each of the two interest communities:

a. aboriginal groups and/or governments and

treaty holders;

b. those without Aboriginal and treaty rights.
