This is page numbers 4059 - 4102 of the Hansard for the 18th Assembly, 3rd Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was cannabis.


Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

May 30th, 2018

Page 4088

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Thank you, Mr. Testart. There is a motion on the floor. The motion has been distributed. To the motion. Mr. Testart.

Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Kam Lake

Thank you, Mr. Chair. One of the biggest concerns, as I mentioned in my opening comments, is how cannabis, the regulation scheme, is going to be resourced and whether not, and my honourable friend from Mackenzie Delta just mentioned this, whether or not communities are going to have to pony up cash from limited community-level resources to pay for new regulatory officers or inspectors like bylaw officers. The RCMP are concerned, as my honourable friend also mentioned. They do not believe, the conversations I had, there is some skepticism whether or not they have the resources to implement this. So, ensuring that we have proper resources in place to keep communities safe, to understand where the revenues are going to come from, how much they are going to be, and how we can use them to better equip the public with knowledge and tools to keep their communities safe is of paramount importance.

I was disappointed to see that there was no cannabis spending plan in the last operations and maintenance budget, and further disappointed that the supplementary appropriations that we debated yesterday also did not seem to include clear and costed cannabis-related expenditures. So this motion calls on the government to bring forward a fully costed implementation plan before legalization day, and it is, again, borne out of the consultations we did with communities, and it is an attempt to allay their concerns that they will not be left out in the cold when the laws are passed and these regulations require new funding. So I hope to see my colleagues support this motion. Thank you.

Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Thank you, Mr. Testart. To the motion.

Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

Some Hon. Members


Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Question has been called. Mr. O'Reilly.

Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

Kevin O'Reilly

Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake

Thanks, Mr. Chair. Yes, I support this motion. I have been asking for this kind of information for over a year from our Cabinet colleagues. I raised it during business plans, and we still do not have anything. The effect of this motion is to ask that that plan be developed and given back to the standing committees. Look, I recognize that this is something new and that it's evolving, but, if you do not even have a game plan, how are we going to do it? Thanks, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Thank you. To the motion. I will allow the mover to close debate. Mr. Testart.

Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Kam Lake

Thank you, Mr. Chair. Again, I think this is an important piece of the puzzle that we need to resolve. I would like to ask for a recorded vote. Thank you.

Committee Motion 51-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee on Government Operations and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Fully Costed Implementation Plan, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Thank you, Mr. Testart. The Member has requested a recorded vote. All those in favour, please rise.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

Deputy Clerk Of The House Ms. Kay

The Member for Kam Lake, the Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh, the Member for Nahendeh, the Member for Frame Lake, the Member for Deh Cho, the Member for Nunakput, the Member for Mackenzie Delta, the Member for the Sahtu, the Member for Yellowknife North, the Member for Yellowknife Centre.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

All those opposed, please rise. All those abstaining, please rise.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

Deputy Clerk Of The House Ms. Kay

The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, the Member for Range Lake, the Member for Great Slave, the Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, the Member for Hay River South, the Member for Thebacha.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

The results of the recorded vote are: nine in favour, zero opposed, six abstentions. The motion is carried.


Anything further on this committee report? Mr. Thompson.

Committee Motion 52-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee Review on Government Operation and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Cannabis and Alcohol Health and Safety Education, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

Shane Thompson

Shane Thompson Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Chair. I move that this Assembly recommend that the Government of the Northwest Territories develop curricula to deliver evidence-based health and safety education respecting both cannabis and alcohol, through the territorial education system. Thank you, Mr. Chair.

Committee Motion 52-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee Review on Government Operation and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Cannabis and Alcohol Health and Safety Education, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4089

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Thank you, Mr. Thompson. There is a motion on the floor. To the motion. Mr. Thompson.

Committee Motion 52-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee Review on Government Operation and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Cannabis and Alcohol Health and Safety Education, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

Shane Thompson

Shane Thompson Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Chair. During our consultation, and especially going into the schools, when we were talking about the education system and getting this material information out there, as some of our colleagues here said, you know, the students were well-informed, but it was based on the Internet and that. Then, when we asked the question in trying to get a good clear direction of it, they basically said that this was not part of the education system. Alcohol and drugs were not part of the education system, and they all said that they should be. It was really interesting listening to the students. They said they would love to see this in the system, evidence-based on the process, so this is where the motion is coming from. Thank you, Mr. Chair. I would like to request a recorded vote, as well, please.

Committee Motion 52-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee Review on Government Operation and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Cannabis and Alcohol Health and Safety Education, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Thank you, Mr. Thompson. To the motion.

Committee Motion 52-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee Review on Government Operation and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Cannabis and Alcohol Health and Safety Education, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

Some Hon. Members


Committee Motion 52-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee Review on Government Operation and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Cannabis and Alcohol Health and Safety Education, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Question has been called. The Member has requested a recorded vote. All those in favour, please rise.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

Deputy Clerk Of The House Ms. Kay

The Member for Nahendeh, the Member for Frame Lake, the Member for Yellowknife Centre, the Member for Deh Cho, the Member for Nunakput, the Member for Mackenzie Delta, the Member for the Sahtu, the Member for Yellowknife North, the Member for Kam Lake, the Member for Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

All those opposed, please rise. All those abstaining, please rise.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

Deputy Clerk Of The House Ms. Kay

The Member for Inuvik Boot Lake, the Member for Range Lake, the Member for Great Slave, the Member for Inuvik Twin Lakes, the Member for Hay River South, the Member for Thebacha.

Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

The results of the recorded vote are: 10 in favour, zero opposed, six abstentions. The motion is carried.


Recorded Vote
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

The Chair

The Chair R.J. Simpson

Mr. Testart.

Committee Motion 53-18(3): Committee Report 7-18(3): Standing Committee Review on Government Operation and Standing Committee on Social Development Report on the Review of Bill 6: Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Implementation Act - Interdepartmental Working Group on Regulation of Cannabis-based Products and Licensed Establishments, Carried
Consideration In Committee Of The Whole Of Bills And Other Matters

Page 4090

Kieron Testart

Kieron Testart Kam Lake

Mr. Chair, I move that this Assembly recommend that the Government of the Northwest Territories form an interdepartmental working group to prepare for the future regulation of cannabis-based products, including high-potency cannabis products and licensed establishments for cannabis consumption. Thank you, Mr. Chair.