In the Legislative Assembly on March 16th, 2020. See this topic in context.

Written Question 11-19(2): Commissioner's Land Act Security Deposits
Written Questions

Page 748

Kevin O'Reilly

Kevin O'Reilly Frame Lake

My questions are for the Minister of Lands. Section 3.1 of the Commissioner's Land Act establishes the requirement for the posting of security, the factors for determining security amount, for restoration of lands and for refund of security. Please provide a listing of the commercial and industrial leases on Commissioner's Land issued since February 15, 2011, including the lease number, general location, issue date, amount and form of security required, and:

  1. Whether an exemption was granted under any leases from the requirement to provide security, including the reasons why the exemption was granted;
  2. A general explanation of how the amount of security is calculated under this regime;
  3. A general explanation of how the posting of security is managed and tracked under this regime; and
  4. In instances where securities have been returned, the amount and reasons for the return of security.

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Written Question 11-19(2): Commissioner's Land Act Security Deposits
Written Questions

March 16th, 2020

Page 748

The Speaker

The Speaker Frederick Blake Jr.

Thank you, Member for Frame Lake. Item 9, returns to written questions. Item 10, replies to the Commissioner's address. Item 11, petitions. Item 12, reports of committees on review of bills. Item 13, reports of standing and special committees. Item 14, tabling of documents. Minister of Finance.