Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Colleagues, it is unfortunate that we are faced with unseating a young, educated, and talented woman from Cabinet. We are now 10 months into our term, and, of course, we gave the benefit of the doubt to all Members of the Cabinet team, as they had to come to understanding the machinations of their respective departments and, at the same time, charting a course in line with the identified priorities of the 19th Legislative Assembly.
As a Regular MLA on this side of the floor, I can only imagine the complexities faced by the Ministers in guiding their departments, never mind running two of the largest departments of the GNWT: the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment and the Department of Infrastructure. Mind you, all other departments are equally as important. However, these two departments are very important to the business community and the economic well-being of the Northwest Territories.
These two departments are faced with many challenges, including developing strategies and keeping contracts and money in the North for northern businesses and communities. This includes reconciliation with the Indigenous business community. I was always under the impression that it was a simple process in relaying to the department heads the identified priorities of the 19th Assembly, and voila, we are on our way to making changes for the benefit of the residents of the Northwest Territories. I can only surmise the myriad of personality differences in the meeting rooms of Cabinet. There should well be healthy debates and total freedom of expression without repercussions to any Member. After all, we are conducting business on behalf of all residents of the Northwest Territories. The GNWT, including Cabinet, is more than about one person or their egos. It is not about us or our personal issues, but the issues for all of the Northwest Territories.
We all took oaths of office to represent in fairness the people of the Northwest Territories. As politicians, we have a duty to act in a professional manner while carrying out our duties, which includes having respect for each other's opinions. This Assembly must maintain that level of professionalism, diplomacy, and tact. As I had stated, this is an unfortunate situation and unprecedented actions in the early life of this Assembly and which are irreversible, coupled with the fact that the confidence of the Minister has been lost. The business of the Assembly must continue.
I will say with deepest regret that I will support the revocation of the Minister from Cabinet. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.