This is page numbers 873 - 918 of the Hansard for the 20th Assembly, 1st Session. The original version can be accessed on the Legislative Assembly's website or by contacting the Legislative Assembly Library. The word of the day was community.


Question 266-20(1): Burial Sites in Taltson River Area
Oral Questions

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Caroline Wawzonek

Caroline Wawzonek Yellowknife South

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I don't have the existing or the specific amounts under the MOU in front of me. I'll have to just double check. There's been no reductions to the Taltson work, and there is federal funding involved. And, as I understand it, the federal funding that we have does take us forward to a point that is satisfactory to get this work done. So I've not been under any impression of any cuts or funding drawbacks. I expect that if there was an understanding from the federal government -- or from the Indigenous governments, then it should indeed be there and be satisfactory. It's not been raised from the members to me that it's unsatisfactory. So a long way of saying I think the money is still there. Thank you.

Question 266-20(1): Burial Sites in Taltson River Area
Oral Questions

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Richard Edjericon

Richard Edjericon Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh

Yeah, thank you, Mr. Speaker. And she answered my third and fourth question. But, no, I am happy that there's a commitment here to continue to look at this project and -- because the burial sites in this area, you know, we need to come up with a plan as to how we're going to get it out of the water and move it to locations. So Mr. Speaker, I'm just happy that the Minister responded, and I don't have any further questions because she already answered my questions. Thank you.

Question 266-20(1): Burial Sites in Taltson River Area
Oral Questions

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The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh. Oral questions. Member from the Sahtu.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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Daniel McNeely

Daniel McNeely Sahtu

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question, following up on my Member's statement, is directed to the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment.

The Sahtu businesses have not only incurred additional expenses, extra transportation costs, loss of revenues, now let's explore the designing of a relief program.

My first question, Mr. Speaker, can the Minister initiate business funding grants that support Sahtu businesses to withstand all of these business pressures and disruptions for 2024-2025 fiscal year? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from the Sahtu. Minister of ITI.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
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Caitlin Cleveland

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I want to start off by acknowledging the difficult, difficult time that the low water levels are causing for many, many residents and businesses across the territory.

Mr. Speaker, we know that government supports won't replace work across the territory and in our communities, work that is vitally, vitally important. And we also know that these supports won't be all things to absolutely everyone in communities, but I want to assure the Member that we are heeding the urgency of this. I appreciate the Member making a Member's statement today on this, and that we are working on an all-of-government approach to respond to this situation. Thank you.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
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Daniel McNeely

Daniel McNeely Sahtu

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thanks to the Minister for that response. I'm glad to hear an all-of-government approach. We would need all hands-on deck here for this situation.

Can the Minister provide interest free loans to the Sahtu businesses to support cash flow to cover inventory and operating expenses for the Sahtu region? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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Caitlin Cleveland

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in regards to interest free loans through Prosper NWT, they do not have currently the authority to offer these to businesses. However, this is definitely something that, through this all-of-government approach to looking how we can respond to this situation, we are considering all tools that are available to us in our toolbox. Thank you.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
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Daniel McNeely

Daniel McNeely Sahtu

Mahsi cho to the reply of that. It's very encouraging to see that we are here to support our business community.

Mr. Speaker, my third question to the Minister, can the Minister immediately freeze loan payments owed to Prosper NWT from businesses in the Sahtu region without penalty for a period of time to weather this financial storm? Mahsi.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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Caitlin Cleveland

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, Prosper NWT, I can confirm for the Member, is currently working with ITI and reaching out to affected clients to discuss immediate needs, such as interest only payments or other accommodations to help clients as necessary. I can also confirm for the Member that Prosper NWT has already approved interest only payments for a client in the Sahtu with multiple loans resulting in significant monthly cash flow savings. Thank you.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Minister of ITI. Final supplementary. Member from Sahtu.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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Daniel McNeely

Daniel McNeely Sahtu

Final two, Mr. Speaker. Can the Minister work with the Education, Culture and Employment department to provide supports to Sahtu businesses to maintain their employees during this challenging time? Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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Caitlin Cleveland

Caitlin Cleveland Kam Lake

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I can confirm that I have reached out to the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, and although departments don't currently have a specific program like this at this time, ITI is working with ECE along with other departments to determine what supports are available, how they can use the tools in their toolbox to ensure that we are responding to the needs of businesses in the Sahtu region. Thank you.

Question 267-20(1): Barge Cancellations Impacts to Businesses
Oral Questions

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The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Minister of ITI. Oral questions. Member from Monfwi.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
Oral Questions

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Jane Weyallon Armstrong

Jane Weyallon Armstrong Monfwi

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we all know of someone in our communities who was in the child welfare system. Some parents and grandparents passed on without seeing the children. This is sad as many families long to see the children, maybe just to say I love you, hug them, or ask for forgiveness.

With that in mind, Mr. Speaker, I want to ask the Minister in reference to my Member's statement, can the Premier explain in as much detail as possible why the NWT was excluded from the final settlement agreement related to the compensation for those harmed by discriminatory underfunding of First Nation Child and Family Services? Thank you.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
Oral Questions

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The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Monfwi. Mr. Premier.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
Oral Questions

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R.J. Simpson

R.J. Simpson Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So this settlement stemmed from a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal by the Assembly of First Nations and an additional society, I can't recall the name right now. This process, that was in 2007, and it was finally in 2023 that the agreement was settled after the human rights tribunal ordered Canada to pay a certain amount, which they appealed. It was then confirmed.

From my understanding, because we are not a party to this lawsuit, it wasn't our -- we had no option to opt into this. But the program, the First Nations Child and Family Services Program, applied in all provinces and the Yukon except Ontario. In Ontario, there was a cost sharing agreement with the province for the provision of child and family services on First Nations reserves, and there was also a federal agreement with Alberta and BC to provide child and family services to certain First Nation reserves. And a similar agreement was in place in the Yukon as well. And so for whatever reason, it's those provinces and territories who fit that criteria that the claim was made on behalf of.

So I've dealt with this as a constituent issue myself because the thought that this is not fair to people in the Northwest Territories who have been through the system is one that is shared by many in the territory. And I think I agree with the Member that we should have been involved in this. We should have been part of this, as Nunavut as well. But the fact is that the tribunal -- the complaint to the tribunal did not include us. So it was a decision of those making the complaint to not include the Northwest Territories. Thank you.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
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Jane Weyallon Armstrong

Jane Weyallon Armstrong Monfwi

Yes, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the Premier for the answer. And it will be nice to know who was the Premier in 2007, and maybe Mr. Hawkins was part of -- was a Regular MLA as well. So somebody didn't do their job here.

So, Mr. Speaker, can the Premier explain whether there is anything within his powers as Premier that may be available to him to intervene in this final settlement agreement to include affected NWT residents within the recipients of the case? Thank you.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
Oral Questions

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R.J. Simpson

R.J. Simpson Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I stated, this was a decision by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, which I have no influence over. It ended up with an agreement, agreed to by the Government of Canada, and so I have no ability to open up that agreement, which was the result of, you know, 16 years essentially of litigation. So, no, unfortunately the answer is no, as far as I know. Thank you.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
Oral Questions

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Jane Weyallon Armstrong

Jane Weyallon Armstrong Monfwi

Mr. Speaker, if there's a will, there's a way, okay. So I know that they could do it. And Nunavut has a good president too, Nathan Denette -- sorry, I forgot his name but, you know, they can do it.

So, Mr. Speaker, will the Premier acknowledge that there were individuals within the NWT child welfare system between 1991 and 2022 who endured the pain, trauma, and hardship from the GNWT's child welfare system similar to what people endured under the federal system pertaining to this case.

So that's just more of a comment. So, Mr. Speaker, will the Premier commit to -- yes, I'm getting to it.

Mr. Speaker, will the Premier commit to reexamine this case and reconsider whether NWT residents in the child welfare system under the same timeframe deserve some level of compensations as individuals in other jurisdictions received under this settlement agreement. Thank you.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
Oral Questions

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R.J. Simpson

R.J. Simpson Hay River North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And the Member had a couple of questions in there. The earlier one, were there individuals in the system in the Northwest Territories who suffered hardship? Of course there were. I know them personally; I'm sure every Member of this House probably has stories about someone they know who was in the system. That being said, this is a settled agreement that I have no ability to influence. We would likely need changes to -- or potentially need changes to federal legislation, we would need the human rights tribunal to be on board, the Government of Canada I'm assuming. So where there's a will, there's a way, but there needs to be a will beyond just the will of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. There needs to be a will among all of the parties involved and it's much, much larger than just the Northwest Territories. Thank you.

Question 268-20(1): Indigenous Child Welfare Settlement
Oral Questions

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The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Oral questions. Member from Yellowknife North.

Question 269-20(1): Waste Resource Management Strategy
Oral Questions

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Shauna Morgan

Shauna Morgan Yellowknife North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are for the Minister of ECC. So the waste resource management strategy and implementation plan which was released in 2019 identifies three types of waste to focus on. As the Minister mentioned earlier, used oil, tires, and electronics. So why were these three types of waste chosen as the ones to focus on? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 269-20(1): Waste Resource Management Strategy
Oral Questions

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The Speaker

The Speaker Shane Thompson

Thank you, Member from Yellowknife North. Minister of ECC.

Question 269-20(1): Waste Resource Management Strategy
Oral Questions

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Jay MacDonald

Jay MacDonald Thebacha

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And thank you to the Member for the question. These three items were primarily chosen because they're already segregated in landfills across the NWT. Many of the electronics and electrical devices that are sold worldwide currently contain large amounts of plastic. Modern day tires contain synthetic rubber at a rate of about 24 percent, which is a plastic polymer. So that is why that was added to the list. And used oil is certainly an issue across Canada and as part of the environmental effort, finding ways to recycle that is certainly a high priority. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.